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Wishing for January 2020 babies!

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I thought I'd start this after suffering a chemical with our December baby, I hope everyone gets a BFP this month and we all have nice smooth pregnancies for 2020!

User image EBF 10 months!

105 Replies • 5 years ago



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So my peak opk was CD13, but based on my temps from CD14 & today (CD15) I don’t think I have ovulated yet. Maybe today is the day.

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girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

@JL fingers crossed for you!!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies cd24 and still no positive opk. My temp went up a bit this morning so hoping this is my temp going up after O. Last cycle it took two days for my temps to really go up. Just hoping this was it. We have bd very consistently with only missing a day here and there. Here is a pic of last cycle and this cycle’s temps. This cycle is purple and last is green. Definitely staying hopeful at this point. I hate having longer cycles.

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5 years ago

Here is a pic of bd and everything for this cycle. Staying hopeful!!

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5 years ago

CD 4 for me today. We decided to start using OPKs this month because I'm on the older side and want to get pregnant sooner rather than later. I just took one to get an idea how they work. I never used them before because I never had trouble getting pregnant! It was kinda fun to see a line on a test, even if it wasn't a pregnancy test

5 years ago

I got my first peak on an OPK. On a work trip and forgot my thermometer. Ugh. Made sure we BD last night since I'm not home tonight. CD 21 blood work and ultrasound is Friday.

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5 years ago

Well FF has given me dotted crosshairs but all blank OPKs so far so im waiting for that to shift again in a few days

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

FF says I ovulated April 12th based on temps. So now I am in the 2ww for a hopefully early January baby.

to everyone

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5 years ago

Fingers crossed for you Brit!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

Fingers crossed for everyone!

@beck I feel tour pain as I have yet to get a positive opk and my temps have been weird. Hoping you did actually O and just missed the peak on OPKs!

@bug it is so exciting to see a positive opk! I hope you are able to catch that egg!!!

AFM: this cycle is torture. After a perfect one last month and super long and irregular before that, I am just feeling so out of it. I was so hopeful my body would be back to normal and working on its own. Now I am just not sure. Cd25 and still no confirmed O or positive OPKs. Trying to stay hopeful and not read in to every temp change. It is hard though. My temp did a huge drop this morning. Hoping that shows O in a couple of days. It is similar to the temp from last cycle that showed O so I am hopeful! This is just the first month hubby has really been on board with trying and making sure we are doing everything we can. I would hate to disappoint him and have to tell him my body isn’t doing what it should. Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!!!

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5 years ago

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