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TTC January/February 2020 babies

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Hang in there ladies!!

295 Replies • 5 years ago



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@alex our situations are definitely similar! I think he'll do the SA because he knows it's important. He's just fussing so much and I have to keep reminding him to call and make the appt that it's getting annoying.

@shay ugh I'm so sorry you're cycles are still weird. It has to be frustrating to not know when you're going to O too.

5 years ago

Thanks guys for the responses to my pictures. I have taken a few more wondfo tests just because that's all I have right now. They all have very faint lines so I don't know what is going on. I ordered some better tests from Amazon so those should be her by Wednesday. I'll try not to obsess until then. I'm hoping this isn't another chemical pregnancy. The exact thing happened at the end of February and I'd rather not deal with that again. I guess we will take a wait and see approach and continue to "try" in case those are just faulty tests. This should be my fertile week anyway!

5 years ago

@alex our situations are definitely similar! I think he'll do the SA because he knows it's important. He's just fussing so much and I have to keep reminding him to call and make the appt that it's getting annoying.

@shay ugh I'm so sorry you're cycles are still weird. It has to be frustrating to not know when you're going to O too.

5 years ago

Kait I feel you girl! Sending hugs for patience to deal also with this!! Maybe you should bring to him my example and tell him that if SA finds that something needs boost you’ll have to wait more time til the supplements work. In fact if my hubby have done his SA when he was supposed to, maybe now I would hold a baby in my arms!
Hopefully he’ll do it this week!!!

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5 years ago

I'm going to jump on this board. After 2 cycles of ovulating on CD 12 I went and ovulated on cd 17 this month. The hubby is continuing his maca and I have still been taking the vitex. This ttc stuff is gut wrenching.


5 years ago

@millbarnet lovely to see you on the board. So I'm about 10DPO. Didn't test today. Temp was up from yesterday. Breasts still very painful. Can't stand this waiting xx

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5 years ago

@scubachick I tried to temp this cycle and it was a complete mess. I never really did get a clear temp shift so cant really confirm O. I think I need to get a new thermometer. I really thought that #2 would be a much easier process, but I guess not. Hoping you get a BFP. 10 dpo is still super early to get a BFP so there is still a very good chance for you! I'm roughly 5 dpo today. I have been cramping for days. Not sure what that is all about? I guess we shall see what this month brings. Really dont feel like we covered our bases with a bd the day before O and 2 days before that.


5 years ago

@lalou thank you for welcoming me! All the positive vibes for your exam retakes!!!
@alex thank you for the warm welcome! I know how you feel with all the little ones's so joyous and fun, but also a little prickly I was in Ottawa with all my nieces and nephews a few weeks ago for my 2 month old nephew's christening, and being around them all was refreshing but also anxiety-inducing because I wonder if I'll get to be a mother. One of my SILs also lives with us and she's 5 months pregnant. I'm so excited, but also longing. And I can't really say any of that to anyone, so I'm grateful for this space. I hope you find comfort and joy as you continue your journey, as well.

AFM, cycle day 10 and hopefully gearing up for O. No news to report. FF has me as possibly fertile right now, so i'm simply riding the wave We purchased a house in March and moving day is Wednesday, so my focus is on that and preparing for my trip to Seattle. I'll be following you all intently!

5 years ago

@alex you are absolutely right. I'm holding out hope though that because we got pregnant before, his sperm is okay. Doesn't mean we shouldn't check. I hope the supplements work for you and that your wait is finally over!

@lalou you have so much going on, I hope you find some time to relax. You deserve a break!

And as for me, surprise! My obgyn office called this morning and said they have an appt available to remove the polyp tomorrow, otherwise I'd have to wait til after AF. I'm only CD 9 so I decided to just do it tomorrow and get it over with. Hopefully everything goes well!

5 years ago

Millbarnett Good luck! You’re few days away :)

Scuba let’s hope your temps will stay up and you’ll get your bfp very very soon

Harmonyke I really wish you strength on your moving day since I know how hard it is as a procedure. It is so tiring and I really hope you’ll also be able to catch that egg! You’re about to multitask for real Good luck!!!!

Kait Good luck for tomorrow! I hope everything goes well

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5 years ago • Edited

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