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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Alex omg can you post a pic?? That's definitely a bit exciting! xx

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5 years ago

Scuba I really don’t think is an accurate line and I tried to take a pic but what I see I real life doesn’t show. I’ll post it but I’m not counting it as anything real. This is hours later...

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5 years ago

Ooo I do see something! I hope it is the start of something! xxx

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5 years ago

I’d love to believe that but I highly doubt it tbh. I don’t have any other tests left except for one digi which I’m not gonna use unless I’m too late and I’m pretty convinced I'm pregnant!

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5 years ago

Hey ladies!! Sorry for being mia the last couple of days. We got pretty busy.

@lalou I am certainly with you in the getting healthier department. I have been working out and trying to eat healthy as well. I really think it has made a big difference for me. You can do it girl!

@alex I am sorry but I really think that is an Evap. I don’t really see any color. I also just don’t trust FRER because I have gotten so many indents with them! Drives me crazy!

@russian I am doing the same thing. Told hubby that I am not going to get any OPKs and we are just going to bd every other day from when my period ends until it shows up again or doesn’t show lol I will be temping still to check to make sure I ovulate since that has been my struggle.

@scubba I am so certain this will be your month!!! Stay positive girl! We got this!!

@kait I am so hopeful for you as well! It is so great that your hubby finally went for SA!! Hopefully your news will be good news! My hubby keeps saying he is worried the problem is him, but I have to remind him that I have to ovulate for there to even be a chance.

AFM: I am patiently waiting for AF to end. I am on cd 4 and really think I am almost done. Once done we will bd every other day at the least so we can hit my fertile window regardless of when I O. The issue last month was late ovulation so we really didn’t time it right. Staying hopeful for this month. I am really trying not to focus on it though. The school year is getting ready to start, so I am focusing on prepping my classroom. I am a little apprehensive for this year since it will be a tough group of kiddos. Luckily I have a great staff that are all ready to support me and same with my family. I am also finishing up my masters, so that is taking a lot of my attention. I am hoping by just temping and bding every other day we will be able to hit my window and see that BFP at the end of it all.

5 years ago

@Shay sounds like a great plan! Best of luck!
@Alex I really don't trust FRER either. I feel like they are hardly ever completely blank but every BFP starts with a very faint line even on FRER so I am hopeful for you. I hope you enjoyed your short vacation.
@Kait so glad your husband scheduled the test. Hope the results are good
@scuba hope this is your month!
I have my first appointment and scan in exactly a week and the closer it gets so more stressed I am

5 years ago

Agatch and Shay Yes I heard that frers are giving many indent/evaps even though I never had one and I’ve use a lot in the past year. I guess my turn to experience that has come lol
Agatch I’m so exited to see your scan and hopefully after it you’ll feel less stressed!
Shay hopefully you’ll ovulate earlier this cycle and you gonna catch that egg! Since you don’t have a standard timing for O your plan for every other day sounds the best one! Fingers crossed!

I’m currently 12DPO and Af is expected either tomorrow or Sunday. I don’t really have signs of her as usual and after that questionable line I’m getting a bit paranoid here! My temps are also still pretty high not more than usual but never stayed this high at 12DPO. Of course I keep in mind that it’s summer and it’s the hottest month of the year here so... I don’t really know! Praying not to be hurt at the end of this. If I’m not pregnant which is most likely I would love if I take it easy... that’s all

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5 years ago

Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA, I've just got home from holiday. AF showed up about 3 days in to it, so I'm back to waiting for O now!

This is my last cycle before my hubby heads off on deployment, and that's providing that I ovulate before next Saturday when he leaves

Keeping everything crossed for everyone in the TWW, and sending baby dust to all!

5 years ago

Damn it! AF cramps are already here and as it seems tonight or tomorrow she’ll be here

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5 years ago

Aww I'm sorry xx

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5 years ago

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