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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Hi there! Dpo 14 here and had light spotting for a few days. All HPTs are BFN. So I'm also waiting AF to show up with her full force. Hopefully soon so I can move on with this TTC thing.

I was already waiting this new board to come up. I was so late in the game with the other one so I just kinda lurked there. Thank you @Anna for starting this new board for us.

5 years ago

Hi there, this is my first time posting to a forum like this, however I’ve been reading for a while. I’m on CD21 and average a 25 day cycle. I didn’t track ovulation this month. On CD8 I had a lipiodol hycosy to exclude tubal blockages and increase chance of falling pregnant before resorting to IVF. I have no fertility issues aside from low AMH and I am 39. My husband has low motility and morphology.

Fingers crossed for us all.

TTC #2

5 years ago

Hi ladies, jumping on this board too. I'm 9dpo and just got my Peak on Clear Blue. We BDd yesterday so going to try for all of this week and cross our fingers. I'm just not feeling positive right now. In fact when I saw the Peak my heart sank as it means we need to BD and I just think what's the point xx

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5 years ago

Hi! I just started TTC and Im currently 3dpo. Here’s the best of luck to us all

5 years ago

Hi ladies, just checking in on this post, not leaving you all yet xx

5 years ago

Hey ladies!! Well AF has officially shown up!! I am good with it though. We really didn’t time it right this last month. It’s all good though since we will hopefully be in our own new home by April/May anyways!!! Good luck to everyone!! This month I think we are going to try the every other day method while I track my temps to watch for ovulation. Nothing seems to be normal for my cycles so just playing it by ear now.
to every one!!!

5 years ago

Just posting this as it helped me mentally. I was getting really hung up on the ovulation testing and perfect timing. My fertility specialist said to put the tests down and try every other day from day 8 to day 17. I found it quite liberating to not test this cycle, I could just pee like a normal person

TTC #2

5 years ago

@russian I keep thinking about doing the same thing instead of using opks. However, I'm paranoid that the cycle I try it, I'll O late or something and miss it.

5 years ago

Wishing all of you the best for this cycle. Can’t wait to see lots of BFPs!
@Shay sorry AF showed up but glad you’re feeling ok. I have my fingers crossed for you this cycle

5 years ago

@kait if you’re someone like me who has a regular cycle, a normal period, and know you ovulate every month anyway, then giving yourself a break for opks won’t make a difference. I have a 25/26 day cycle and a three day period, so I’m basically doing it every other day from five days after my period, until 9/10 days before my next period is due. I saw a FS for the first time last month, so let’s see how I go. TWW is over on the 10th.

TTC #2

5 years ago

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