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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@ Alex oh no! I really hope AF stays away! I was thinking it is definitely possible that the FRER tests you get in Greece are different than the ones we have in the US. A lot of brands have products that look the same but are actually different depending on which country you buy them in.
@Lalou good luck for the beginning of the school year! You’ve got this!
@Burkette sorry AF showed up last month. I really hope you O soon. How long is your DH deploying for?
@Scuba how are you feeling ?

5 years ago

Hey ladies! Not much to report just yet. AF has come and gone now!! Baby dancing has begun lol just the wait to see what happens now. I will say I am still getting some pretty painful sharp twinges near the ovaries even though AF literally ended yesterday.....very odd to me but we will see what happens. I am only temping this month to confirm O. We agreed on bd every other day for sure but maybe every day if we feel like it too haha not going to limit ourselves if we are in the mood!

Good luck ladies!!
@Burkette I really hope you O before your hubby leaves!!! Fingers are crossed for you for sure!!!

@Alex I am praying AF stays away for you!! Hoping this was your month, but remember if not we are all here for you!! You will O from your good side and the supplements will work for your hubby!!!

5 years ago

@shay the same thing happened to me this month with those twinges. AF was barely 5 days when normally it's 7 days and then I had these stabbing twinges for days after. What's up with that? I hope you have a nice normal cycle this time!

@alex did AF show?

5 years ago

Lalou The beginning of the season is always so difficult but it will pass and hopefully you’ll be settling with everything!

Agatch we don’t have FRERs in Greece. I buy them on eBay among with my opks. We have something which looks identical to frer and it’s called “predictor” but I don’t buy hpts or opks here cuz they’re way too expensive. You can buy them only in pharmacies and the cheapest one (for 1 test) is like 13€ So I believe is the same frers as the ones in US but who knows

Shay I have this twinges after AF almost every cycle. I don’t know why but for me is kinda normal!
Thank you for your support. Me and hubby feeling really down though... Today is the last day he’s talking the supplements so basically from today and for the next 3 months his swimmers should be active! I don’t think I can convince him to check it again though so we just have to wait and see in the next few cycles...

Kait No, not yet but my cramps are really prominent and my temp got lower today so I believe in the next few hours she’ll be here!

Guys.. I don’t know what to do! Hubby was really down yesterday and I asked him if he want us to buy another box of supplements and we don’t know if it’s worth it. It’s kinda expensive and I don’t even know if it’s gonna work! We are not very optimistic and I know that we shouldn’t get disappointed just yet since the supplements should work from now on but I don’t know... I guess my AF hormones are speaking now so I’ll just shut up and wait to get back to normal

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5 years ago • Edited

I know a little bit of bloody discharge doesn’t necessarily mean miscarriage but I am freaking out! The night before I got a very faint positive I dreamt that I was pregnant. Last night I dreamt that I was miscarrying and it seems like I may be ????. Exactly 8 weeks just like last time (except it was a missed miscarriage last time).

5 years ago

Agatch babe I know you probably very stressed and you cannot control it but you should check it calmly. Have you called your doctor? Do you have any hospital near by so you can go and check? I’m praying is nothing and is just something normal pregnancy related keep us posted please

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5 years ago

Thanks Alex! I just talk to the doctor on call in the OB practice I go to. She said she was going to see if there was any way the hospital could do a sonogram today but it’s going to be hard on a Sunday. Otherwise i’ll Just go in tomorrow and they’ll to a blood test to get Beta levels and go from there. Nothing to do but wait for now. Still getting pink discharge but no red blood so far

5 years ago

Aw Agatch.. This must be so nerve racking for you! I really hope you can find something to keep you calm! Sending prayers that everything is gonna be ok!

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5 years ago

AF came yesterday as normal I had a barbecue night with hubby and I enjoyed some beers! Felt much better! Off to a new cycle and new hopes!

Agatch how are you? Could you manage to go to the hospital?

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5 years ago

Agatch, I hope everything is okay and that's it's just normal spotting!

Alex I'm sorry AF showed, but a BBQ and beer sounds amazing. Did you and hubby decide about buying more supplements?

5 years ago

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