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June 2014 babies, let's wait together

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Hello ladies,

This is my 4th cycle trying for baby #3 (previous husband for the first second babies, age 5 & 7 years) had a chemical pregnancy this month at 4 weeks 4 days after 1 week of positive hpt. We had been having unprotective sex since march 2013. I am 32 years old and do is 29 years old and is military.

Today I am cd 5, with avg cycle length of 26 days with ovulation around cd 12-13.

Taking: materna, baby aspirin (new this month), evening primrose oil (cd 1 until ovulation then switched to dha), vit b6 (100 mg) and b12 (1200 mcg due to anemia a few years ago).

Trying the clear blue fertility monitor this month instead of traditionally opk tests.

Any cycle buddies???

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85 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies, I am not quite on the same cycle as you guys. I am 15dpo, and all of my cycle buddies, have gone out for this cycle. With that being said, i am still in it.

Af was due the 27th, so i am officially late. I am on a 34 day cycle, and i am on day 35. Af usually starts evey 34 days like clock work. So i am overwhelmed with excitement right now. I tested at 12 dpo with a frer and BFN. So i going to wait as long as i can before i retest, I cant take seeing a bfn again.

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11 years ago

@taylor, welcome and it ain't over until the evil witch shows. I'm sending lots of baby dust to you and hope you get your bfp this cycle. You being late is definitely a good sign. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

11 years ago

Wishing u the best. Hang in there!

11 years ago

Cd 19 for me & 4dpo! Deed is done now cant wait for this tww to be done! Hoping this is it!!

11 years ago

Welcome to all. I don't have good advice but we are ttc #3. I over analyze every symptom. Like at 2 dpo I had constant nausea that just stuck with me. I know there is no way I could be pregnant yet though. I think knowing every symptom is part of my problem.

11 years ago

Well im out this cycle. The evil witch showed her ugly self today. I just wanna cry. I was so sure this time was gonna be it. Just tired of being disappointed.
best of luck and baby dust to all u ladies who r still in it this cycle!

11 years ago

Hoping: sorry to hear that the ugly witch showed her face. Don't give up. I'm sending lots of baby dust to you next cycle.

Taylor: any update???

11 years ago

So sorry hoping...

For those who are in the boat next month, let's start a thread or keep this one going for support.

Today marks 5dpo for me. I noticed breast tenderness but just barely. Looked back at the last two cycles and usually I have tenderness right away, like 1 dpo with ovulation. Kind of weird it just barely is starting now. Extremely tender breasts was always my pregnancy indicator with both my boys and with my preg in April before Mc. Now they hurt right after ovulation until af shows up. My body seems out of whack. Now I am worried my o day is wrong and we didn't bd enough. We are trying for a girl, so I only want to bd prior to o, and then wait. Now I am wondering if I should just try all the time and pray for a girl instead of all the medical and wives tale advice for a girl.

11 years ago

So sorry hoping...

For those who are in the boat next month, let's start a thread or keep this one going for support.

Today marks 5dpo for me. I noticed breast tenderness but just barely. Looked back at the last two cycles and usually I have tenderness right away, like 1 dpo with ovulation. Kind of weird it just barely is starting now. Extremely tender breasts was always my pregnancy indicator with both my boys and with my preg in April before Mc. Now they hurt right after ovulation until af shows up. My body seems out of whack. Now I am worried my o day is wrong and we didn't bd enough. We are trying for a girl, so I only want to bd prior to o, and then wait. Now I am wondering if I should just try all the time and pray for a girl instead of all the medical and wives tale advice for a girl.

11 years ago

Thanks for all the support ladies. So nice to have ppl to talk to. Much love & baby dust!!

11 years ago

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