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January 2016 Babies!

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I'm starting up the January board! ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

184 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi there, I'm new to these boards. My husband and I are on our second month of trying for our second child. I went off of nuvaring end of February. My first month off of bc I was spotting sporadically throughout the month and of course, no BFP. Our first time around, I got pregnant on the second month so I can't help but feel like it has to happen like that again. I used opk this month around when I figured I should be ovulating however I never got more than a faint line. I have since read that you shouldn't test first thing in the morning and if you drink a lot of water, you're less likely to get a dark line. So I feel like that was a waste of my money. I should have ovulated already as I am on Cd 17. We dtd a few times so if I did ovulate, hopefully we were able to conceive. I keep thinking every little thing is a super early sign that I am pregnant, yesterday I had the strangest headache I've ever had in my life, it got so bad I ended up nauseated from it. That has never happened to me before. And today I am noticing slightly cloudy urine. I'm sure that if I am pregnant, it's too early to possibly have any signs or symptoms but I can't help but freak myself out over it.
my daughter is 5 and I want to hurry up and have another one ASAP. Here's hoping 2nd month is the charm for us again. Due date will be January 6, 2016.
Good luck to everyone out there on getting a BFP this month.

9 years ago

CD1 for me today I don't think we are in with much of a shot for January unless my body decides to O earlier than it had been. But thought since I will no doubt be thinking about it anyway, I will lurk about in here :)

<a href=

9 years ago

Hi @Mistique,

I'm so sorry arrived.How long is your cycle normally? If less than 35 you would be due late January :)

Best of luck this cycle, I'm there with you
Will you be trying anything new this time?

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

We received very upsetting news today, DH has been diagnosed with a vericocele that requires surgery to repair. This commonly results in infertility. We won't know more until he has his surgery and has a sperm analysis done. I'm praying we'll still be able to have children once this is taken care of.

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Bookgirl - I've never heard of a vericocele, I have my fingers crossed that his surgery goes well and his fertility is not affected. Big hugs

ELGtrying- my fiancé works in mining so works away for 4 weeks then is home for one week. He's due home is 2 weeks, so We may miss O all together for a January baby :( I'm not trying anything new this month, just going to be hoping to O late! lol. What about yourself?

I'm off for my weekly PT session this morning, not sure I feel like working out with here.

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9 years ago

Hi all! New to this site and to TTC. I'm on CD 32 with no AF in sight and keep getting BFN's. This would be my second AF post-Mirena removal a month ago- if AF would ever come!!!

This is our first month but I have high hopes. Until then... I'm here :)

9 years ago

Hi, ladies, sorry I haven't posted much. It is also slow on here until we start getting close to O.

Bookgirl - Oh my goodness!! I am so sorry to hear this praying you conceive before this surgery and that fertility will not be affected!! How did you find out and when is the surgery?

mommaboo - Welcome and good luck!

Mistique - Sorry to see you over here :( I hope O waits until DH is home so you can get some good BD'ing in! I can't imagine my DH being gone so often, and in a job so scary as that!

Querdoodle - Welcome! Hoping you O'd and caught the egg! Good luck!

Bens10 - Good luck with your clomid. I do not put my legs up after BD, but I have heard it truly does help, so we may try it once we are closer to O ;) I am currently taking folic acid as well this month. Nothing else but O kits now.

kirbcat - Good luck this month! Any new stuff going on?

#3girlBella - Good luck with your appt! I hope they figure out what is going on!!

MrsGenuineSunshine - Welcome! Are you using anything to TTC? I'm 29 and DH is 35 and we are trying for our first, too! GL!

ELGtrying - Sorry arrived, but welcome over to January! If you are lucky, I sure hope you conceive this month so we do as well!!! Best of luck to you :)

Beachbaby83 - Did show? Sorry to see you move on if so, but welcome and good luck!!

mom2monkeys - Welcome! Good luck on your house hunt! Hope you find exactly what you want!

Okay, that's as far back as I can go!

AFM not too much going on here, just waiting to O. I normally O later in the month, and I'm guessing it will be the same this month. I'm CD 13 right now and I don't think I'm close. Maybe CD18 this month. That would be nice! I hate waiting :) Excited it's the weekend and time to get out and enjoy the weather. Hope you all have a nice weekend!

9 years ago

I should be about 10 days away from so i'll have to wait a minimum of another 5 days before I can find out for sure.
It's funny how time seems to go by so fast in life EXCEPT when we are waiting to find out if we have conceived.
The cloudy urine that I had the other day only lasted a half of a day, so that probably wasn't an early sign. I have been having slight lingerings of headaches throughout the last couple of days since my really bad a few days ago. I've seen some people in other forums mention the same thing and ended up with
I'm also wondering about some of these less expensive OPK's you can order online. They are really cheap which makes me wonder if they are useless? I bought Clear Blue 7 tests pack and it was really expensive. If I have to start again next month, I want to start testing earlier and twice a day which means I might look at trying some of these cheap OPK's from online. Thoughts??

9 years ago

Hi ladies how is every one doing so far any one near testing day yet I'm only on cd 10 iv started opk today negative so far but we are trying SMEP so we start bd anyway

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9 years ago

Hi girls!
Querdoodle I've used many opks, and now I get mine at the dollar choice is the brand I think. They are pretty good (and cheap- just $1!), so that may help.
Nharty09- best wishes this cycle for a !
Bookgirl I'm so sorry about your husband. Maybe you'll get a bfp this month before the surgery? When does he have his procedure?
Bens10- I did put my legs up this cycle....dh was laughing at me, but I'll do whatever it takes, lol. I noticed you are on clomid. Is this your first cycle on it? This is my first month on femara. Going in for an US on Monday to check and see if I ovulated.
Kirbcat is this your O day? GL!
Hope everyone else is going great! Have a nice weekend and enjoy your bd-ing. :)
and to all....

9 years ago

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