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April 2016 Babies

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I am going ahead and starting this board with hopes for a March baby.

y'all and lots and lots of &

Happy 4th of July !!!

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166 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hey ladies, I'm going to jump on the April bandwagon! This month was sort of odd all around. AF was 2-3 days later than anticipated last month. Then, as AF was wrapping up, DH noticed my Paraguard strings were much longer than usual. A little investigating seemed to show that it had shifted, however, while DH was trying to figure out what was happening with the IUD, it came out in his hand! So...that was unexpected. LOL. I hated the thing and wasn't sad to see it go. DH was thrilled and immediately wanted to start TTC again. I would say that this month we were pretty much NTNP. After AF showed late last month, I've been unsure as to my O date, but haven't gone as far as getting OPKs. Tons of watery CM on Sun and Mon. BD'd both days. Tues and Wed had much thicker, creamier CM. Never really had true EWCM, so I'm wondering if maybe this month was anovulatory. I mean, AF started on the 1st, so the 12th/13th seems a bit early. But, that's about when I O'd every other normal month, so IDK. I'm trying not to obsess over every little symptom, especially since I really don't know how many DPO I am. It's driving my crazy. I'm usually much more prepared for this, but this month was kind of impulsive. lol to all!!

Melissa, RN- labor and delivery Wife to David since 6.28.2008 Adoring Mommy to Emma Raen (3.10.09), Joey Michael (9.5.10), Noah Tyler (4.30.12), and Ellison Jane (6.29.14) Praying for blessing #5 User Image

9 years ago CTP ticker is telling me that tomorrow is O day, but my body is telling me that's passed or not gonna happen. I guess we'll see...

Melissa, RN- labor and delivery Wife to David since 6.28.2008 Adoring Mommy to Emma Raen (3.10.09), Joey Michael (9.5.10), Noah Tyler (4.30.12), and Ellison Jane (6.29.14) Praying for blessing #5 User Image

9 years ago

showed today with two days of spotting. Not for sure which one to count as my first day of my new cycle, but going with yesterday. I am trying temping this cycle. I took a temp this morning. I am hoping this helps me determine if I am ovulating. I think I am, but one more tool in the toolbox can't hurt.

How is everyone? Plans for this weekend to take your minds off of all this?

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9 years ago

Hi ladies can i join, I was hoping for a march baby but suffered another chemical so now hoping for an April (spring) baba. This is the 2nd time since ttc so im now on cycle 6 xx

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9 years ago

3girlBella: I'm so sorry to hear that :-( :-( I was really hoping this was your month!!

Still frustratingly getting high readings on my CBFM for me... now on CD22. I can't seem to find anyone else online who thinks they O'd earlier yet is still getting highs. I would stop testing except now I'm just too curious.

I haven't felt very well the past few days but otherwise no real symptoms. I have had a tight feeling down low... almost like when you hold your urine for too long and your bladder feels like it has to shrink back down haha. I wouldn't necessarily describe it as a cramp as much as a dull ache or consistent "awareness" of my uterus. It's strange.

Despite what my CBFM says, I think I'm somewhere around 5DPO. I read plenty of boards today that calmed my mind about women who still got a BFP and didn't get many symptoms! (It's amazing what works...)

Not knowing what DPO I am or even IF I O'd this month is sure helping me not symptom check every day!! I was slightly addicted to POAS last month and fingers crossed I can avoid that this cycle!

9 years ago

I am CD23 and 5dpo. I think it's too early for symptoms as implantation typically happens around 9dpo.

SheRiskers: 5dpo for both of us makes us cycle buddies.

MummyHillsdon: Welcome to the April forum! Let's hope this out lucky month!!!

Bjohnson2005: I tried temping and digital opk this month. What are you planning as the 2nd method to track your o day?

LaborNurseMommyx4: Good luck sweety! Sometime the unplanned impulsive months work best towards

Nothing much for me to report just plain boring TWW. I had the biggest fight with my hubby today. Shocking thing is that he asked me if I was taking birth control. Pissed me off! We had a small fight last night I may have bad mouthed that I did not want a baby as we can't even survive a day without fighting. I guess that was a retaliation for that comment. Hurts nonetheless!!!

for this month!

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9 years ago • Post starter

Fourth day of temping. Not bad. I need to look at someone's typical month to see what mine should look like as it progresses. I will be using CM to help track when I O and sometimes I use OPK's too.

dsinha1011- We all say things we do not mean. It is even harder to say I am sorry, but sometimes that is all it takes to start a conversation and rehash things rationally. I hope your day got better!

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9 years ago

Good morning ladies,

BJohnson - you can check out my temps if you'd like. I've been temping for a while now and my temps are fairly regular.

dsinha - I'm sorry you and your DH got into a fight. I hope you guys were able to work through it eventually. I hope your TWW goes by quickly.

SheRiskers - Sometimes not being able to tell makes everything go faster. FX that you get your BFP at the end of this.

MummyHillsdon - I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a chemical in April and it was a horrible experience. I hope you get your sticky BFP this month.

LaborNurseMommyx4 - Welcome! It feels good to be a bit impulsive TTC. I hope you didn't completely miss your O day.

#3girlBella - I'm sorry AF showed. it really sucks. I hope you start feeling better soon. I really hope it wasn't a cyst.

kscharf - I'm glad you don't find temping t be too difficult. I found it strange at first but now it's just part of my routine.

jbean123 - CM is only one sign of O. I think you should maybe start testing your OPKs on CD 9 if need be. most people don't normally O that early.

AFM - today is CD 5. The Clomid side effects kicked in last night and I had a restless sleep. I woke up several times drenched in sweat. I really don't like these side effects but if they get my my sticky BFP I'll take them.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Thank you Margie_m and dsinha1011 hope you both get ur BFP this month too april babies all around FX sending baby dust to all of you xx

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9 years ago

Hi everyone. Sadly I'm moving over from the march board. I got a negative HpT this morning so per the Re i have stopped the progesterone and am waiting for AF to rear her ugly head. Assuming AF starts in the next couple days (she's due today but gets delayed a few days due to the progesterone) EDD would be around my 10 year old daughters birthday which is April 22.

Hoping this is a super lucky board!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

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