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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi, Mommies.

Candie- I'm happy to hear your spotting has stopped. it stays that way. What are you doing to help with your nausea. My midwife gave me some tabs to help but before I got them I was living on lemons and ginger. Just the smell of ginger sometime helped.

Shelob- Congrats on the baby belly! I love my little bump. This is my fourth baby so it has definitely popped out sooner then my first. I'm living in maxi skirts and dresses. Don't say anything to your employer if you don't want to. Most people mistake a little baby bump for a recent food binge. And from my experience people are too afraid to ask out of fear they may offend you if you're not pregnant.

Ruth- It's good to know your spotting isn't anything too serious. Cervical swabs, yuck! I hate all those procedures. During my pap I sounded like a five year old, "Are we done yet, are we done yet?" On your healthy little heartbeat! Thats what we all wait for,

As for me, my first appointment went well. They almost drained me of blood for all tests they preform. I did get some not so good news, I have gestational diabetes. The average range is about 70-129 I got 225! I have an appointment with a nutritionist on Friday and will be on a diet and I'll have to check my blood sugar after all my meals. I did get to see my baby again and the little guy/gal was bouncing around so much, I loved it!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls,

Poor you Babymine, do you think the gestational diabetes will last the whole pregnancy? Are there many symptoms? I hope it doesn't effect you or the baby too much. That's lovely that you got to see the baby again. My scan just shows a blob with a heartbeat but nothing that resembled a baby really and it wasn't moving. How many weeks are you now?

Candie it sounds like you are suffering a lot with nausea. I hope you feel better soon. Congrats on the baby bump! How exciting.

Shelob, glad the funeral went well. Hope you are feeling better soon too as it sounds like you have been suffering.

I've been feeling very tired and nauseous, I've nearly thrown up a few times but not actually been sick so I can cope with it and actually find it reassuring as I know my hormones are high. I think I'm tired because we've got so much on at the moment. I work shifts and long hours and didn't finish till midnight last night and we've been up early to have the kitchen fitted. Its all good though so I just keep telling myself keep battling on as I've got so much to be grateful for now.

I don't have a bump though and don't remember getting one for a good few months with other pregnancies. Think I've put weight on though as jeans are a bit. tighter...eeek!

How many weeks is everyone now? I'm 9+1 according to scan but 9+4 according to date of last period. Still don't know which one to use.

Is everyone going to find out the sex of the baby? I don't think we are (if we can do it) we didn't know with our first and it was so exciting but couldn't resist with 2nd but I think I preferred not knowing.

Hope everyone's well.


10 years ago

Hi girls, how are you all doing?

I am feeling a lot better than I had been. Hunger is definitely continuing strong, but nausea is decreasing. I still have aversions though. We did some more telling of close family in the weekend. We have a scan tomorrow and after that will start telling friends (provided it all looks good on the scan!).

BabyMine that is not good news about the diabetes! Are you surprised or were there hints? I had a blood test for glucose levels today. They want to check for diabetes due to my PCOS. Hopefully I am fine! I also have to go to the doctor next week and get my heart checked out as I get irregular heartbbeats every now and then and with the extra pressure of baby on my system they just want to check that everything is all okay.

My tummy fluctuates. It looked huge to me two weeks ago, but hasn't grown since then! That makes not telling people at work a bit easier. In the evening I bloat up a lot more that during the day too. I have put on a kilogram since I got pregnant, which is huge for me! I haven't been this heavy in years! Pleased it is not more, this is right on target for the first trimester :)

I am 12 weeks 4 days today. Ruth1981 I would definitely use the scan date rather than LMP as it is far more accurate. You probably ovulated a few days later than you thought which would account for the difference. It won't matter at all in the grand scheme of things as baby could be 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late which are both perfectly normal!! And nope, we will not find out the sex until it is born :)

10 years ago

Hi all! How is everyone doing?

@babymine - I'm so sorry to hear about your gestational diabetes! Did you have it with any of your other pregnancies? With DD I got gestational hypertension (high blood pressure) in my 3rd trimester and went on leave from work 1.5 months early which sux with only getting a % of pay with short-term disability (they put it under) so I'm at a higher risk of getting it again this time. They also warn you when you get gestational anything you're also at a risk of getting it when you're older but I already knew that with my mom having HBP. Hang in there, mumma! So glad you got to see the bouncing babe again! How did the rest of your tests go? All normal? How's your nausea now with your tabs?

@shelob - Did you get your results for your glucose tests? I hope all is ok! Oh my that's scary about irregular heartbeats! I hope everything will be ok and it won't be more stressful on you with the baby! I bet you're in your glory being able to spread the good news of the pregnancy without fear to all your friends and family now! I'm the same as you, I bloat more in the evenings as well and my tummy isn't as bloated as it was a few weeks ago either! Don't worry about the weight too much - it's bound to happen and good for you and the babe (to a point, of course)! A kilogram isn't so bad! :)

@ruth - How are you doing now? Any more spotting? Sounds like you're under alot of stress with renovations and your work! I hope the kitchen renos go by smoothly and your nausea gets better! What aversions are you having?

AFM - I'm doing pretty good! My nausea is somewhat better - no where near as bad as before but still around and same with aversions. I bought some ginger snap cookies to munch on to help but I find now it's just trying to find what I want to eat and making sure I eat frequently that really helps. I still don't like the smell of meat cooking or coffee!! UGH! I also have no spotting for 1.5 weeks now!! YAY! I'm definately more hungry than before and my bbs are much more tender. Anyone else get where they feel kinda hungry and when you eat you're like starving and eat more than you would normally?! We opted to be surprised for this baby again like we did with DD so it's more exciting!

Have any of you ever or will be taken lamaze classes, prenatal yoga, etc? I never did with DD but thinking it would be nice to get our and de-stress this time around. Do you recommend anything?

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10 years ago

Oh and I forgot to mention yesterday I had a doc's appt today! Just a monthly prenatal checkup! I got to hear the heartbeat!!!!! Was soooo excited and it took him barely any time to hear it! He didn't want to check as he said it's rare to hear the heartbeat under 12 weeks but I asked him to do it anyway... shows what he knows! He was surprised to be able to feel my uterus already too! Whew, I thought I was showing so much already cuz of bloating and my pouch I didn't completely lose from DD!

All my bloodwork from last time came out perfect for everything, even iron as I know so many ladies who had low iron. My blood pressure was a little high when I first got there and the nurse checked but it always is... I asked the doc to check before I left and it was great! 130/76 while before it was 140/90! :( Hoping it stays good till 3rd trimester or the whole time!!

Still so excited about the heartbeat! Now it really feels like I got a real baby in there instead of just imagining it!! Just had to tell someone since my hubby is sleeping and my family are all on vacation...

Hope you're all well!

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10 years ago

That's great news! I bet it was lovely and reassuring hearing the heartbeat! I've got a heartbeat monitor which picked up the heartbeat of dd2 early on but I can't get this one yet. Is there any possibility you may be further on than you think with your tummy having popped out too? How exciting!

I'm the same as you with the nausea, it's still there slightly but not as bad but am still not fancying many things. Cant bare the thought of tea and coffee and don't really know what I fancy to eat most of the time. I'm really off sweet things too.

We just bought a new car today (with 7 seats) hope I'm not being too hasty but we needed a new one and to be fair with the 2 we have we could do with the extra space now anyway.

How is everyone else? How did your scan go Shelob? Hope everything is ok.


10 years ago

ruth1981 my scan was great! Baby mesured perfectly. All the bits they could look at (stomach, bladder, brain) were the right size and in the right places which was good. Now definitely into the second trimester (13 weeks 3 days!) so I am very happy about that!!!!

Candie I still haven't got my glucose test results, I didn't have a chance to ring up about them last week though as was too busy. So I will ring on Monday. I;m not worried about the heart thing, I doubt anything serious is wrong otherwise they would have been more concerned the first time I mentioned it.

We are gradually spreading the word, telling people when we can see them. Today is the last scheduled day for in-person announcements then we move onto the next tier of telling which means emails and messages.

Gosh my bloating has improved immensely! I have gone down in tummy size so much that my maternity jeans are now too big!!! But my usual jeans are too small to do up comfortably, so I am in that intermediate zone where a belly band has come in handy for the first time. It is weird because three weeks ago the maternity jeans fitted fine!!! That proves it was all bloating after all!

The nausea has decreased immensely, but I still need to be careful about eating regularly. I HATE the smell of perculator coffee. Always did, but now it is REALLY bad!!! And at work they are making it all the time. Ugh!

I am also thinking about taking some class but no idea what yet. I was waiting until I was out of the first trimester and could do some exercise (was ultra careful in first trimester) so now I have no excuse, I need to look into it!

10 years ago


That's great things are going so well for you Shelob! I'm sure the glucose test went well or they would've called you, right? Atleast that's how it is here - no news is good news but I still call, when I remember, to find out stuff! Kudos on the little bloating too and fitting in the almost normal clothes again! What classes were you thinking of taking?

I'm glad you're nausea is not too bad ruth and getting better! Funny how we all seem to not stand coffee either! Congrats on the new car too! Wish we could get one but it seems imminent it'll happen soon with my car being over 11 yrs old and my hubby's car having over 420k kms! How's the kitchen coming along?

I'm not sure if I'm further along than expected and probably won't know until my 20 week scan. They only do an ultrasound at 20 weeks here unless there are issues or high risks but I'll be able to hear the heartbeat at each prenatal visit now! :D My nausea was doing pretty good but the last 3+ days it's really coming back and I have an ultra sensitive gag reflex that's driving me crazy! I gag at the littlest things and dry heave at the same time (most times)! Especially bad when I smell stuff I hate (which is mainly our garbage) and even sensitive when I think of stuff I can't stand right now which is really bad with ketchup and baked stuff like french fries, etc. OMG, sickening. I'm pretty good with sweeter stuff and when I get hungry and know what I want I'm so happy to eat it! I'm also very gassy too and/or constantly trying to abate the nausea/gag with what seems like a hiccup/swallow thing? Hard to explain. Counting the days until I hope it gets better... I don't recall any of this with DD and they say your first is supposed to be the worst?!?!

Have you guys started polls on what sex you think your babes are? With the nausea I either think this is definitely another girl or twins!!! LOL

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10 years ago

The glucose test turned out perfectly fine, which is great! I also went to the doctor to check out my heart and that was fine too. Whew I didn't want any major medical things to happen while pregnant!!! Still, lots of water to go under the bridge yet.

I really don't know what kind of classes to take. I need to look into it, and just haven't yet. I have a close friend who laughed when I mentioned I might do something. She apparently said the same thing and only ever went to one class!

With the nausea and boy/girl thing I don't really think it is llinked. My identical twin friends are a goo case study for this. One had a boy and one had a girl. The one with the boy had lots of nausea and the one with a girl had only very mild nausea. I have also read stories from women who have had twins and a singleton. Some found that their nausea was actually less with the twins. My mother was terrible sick with four of her children (boy and three girls) and no sickness with the fifth (girl). Basically every women and every pregnancy is different, so there is no hard and fast rule for what you are having. A guess either way has 50% chance of being right.

14 weeks today! I am feeling better and better each day. I will be SO pleased when I start feeling movement as with the lessening symptoms I have less evidence of my pregnancy! I still have a couple of weeks until my net midwife appointment at which I should hear the heartbeat I hope.

10 years ago

Hi ladies!

Shelob - what great news!!! You must be so happy! Congrats! :) I agree with you with the nausea and sex of the child(s)! Each pregnancy is different so you can't depend on wives tales anymore. You should definitely be able to hear the baby's heartbeat when you go next being 14 weeks now! YAY! :D I hope DH will be with you!

I had a HUGE scare last night and a HUGE SHOCK!! I was about to get ready for bed at about midnight and was carrying a hamper full of clean laundry and felt "wet" down there once upstairs... thinking it was nothing I went about doing what I did and washed up and checked and it was blood! Bright red/pink and even after I wiped so I started to freak out... ultimately opted to go to the ER as I never had this happen before.

Ended up waiting 3hrs to see the doctor and he asked if I was still bleeding, any gushing, how many pads I went thru, cramps, etc. Nada for all, last I checked and they did an ultrasound. The doc said "Um.. interesting. Do you want the good news or interesting news"? Of course I said both and he said "THEY'RE" both fine..... yep, you heard it, I'm expecting TWINS!!!!! Omg, still in shock... I got to see both of them, moving, and got to see their heart chambers beating, the blessed little babes! The doc said being able to see them at 11w3d the chance of miscarrying now is very low but they want to know why I'm bleeding so I have a better ultrasound tomorrow morning. He said I'm not 100% out of the woods yet (but you never are till atleast 25 weeks) but as long as it doesn't get worse with very bad cramps it could be normal?! I'll find out more tomorrow.

Still scared but so elated I got to see them, healthy and living! I'm not bleeding much now, a little here and there (spotting) but it's dark red/brownish now. Pray for me tomorrow!!

This shock will wear down, eventually... :)

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10 years ago

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