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March 2016 IUI/IVF

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Here we go ladies! Baby dust to all and can't wait for positive news from EVERYONE this month regardless of what it is!! XOXO

63 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

31 - 40 of 63 Replies | Last Page

Hello old and new ladies! I have been silently following all of you.

Keth: so glad things are progressing nicely with your twins!

Baby: Good Luck!!

While: Congrats on the baby!

2moms2be: my eggs were always reluctant to respond and then would all of a sudden blossom! It'll happen!!

Bens: So jealous of your self control... I am a total POAS addict and started testing at 3dp6dt. Good luck and I hope this cycle brings your sticky BFP!! FX

For all the newbies and ladies beginning a cycle, good luck and I am sending nothing but fuzzy thoughts.

For those that do not remember, my first IVF in July/Aug ended in a chemical and IVF #2 in Oct/Nov was a BFN.... Last Wednesday we did our first FET with 3 beautiful Day 6 embryos. Dr said they were Day 6 because they were frozen on D5 and 2 of the 3 were hatching by the time of transfer. Well..... I got my BFP!!! Actually... A lot of them!! I got my first VVFBFP at 4dp6dt and they have continued to get darker and show up quicker and quicker. This morning my lines looked beautiful and I took a digital that said Pregant 1-2!!! First positive on a digital I have ever seen!! Beta is tomorrow morning, cannot wait to hear my numbers but I'm feeling very positive right now!! Never loose faith ladies!! It can and will happen!! I'll let you know what my numbers are tomorrow :) FX and Baby Dust to everyone!!

TTC 2+ years Me 29 DH 30 4 cycles of Clomid + Trigger BFN 3 cycles IUI with Follistim + trigger BFN IVF #1 Chemical Pregnancy :( IVF #2 BFN FET #1 BFP!!! Beta Numbers 4.1- 168

8 years ago

Jackie that's AWESOME! Congratulations girl!! I'm so happy for you!
Can't wait to hear your numbers!

8 years ago • Post starter

Jackie, I am so happy for your wonderful news!!!! Congratulations, I wish the best for this pregnancy! Keep being in touch!!!

moms2be, I will have my fingers crossed for you and the eggs do the best for a nice pregnancy! i hope on Saturday you have good news for eggs progression!

Yesterday I had the anatomy 2nd level scan and everything is good.

Good luck!

8 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Hope it is okay if I join in. We have done 3 rounds of IVF (1 fresh and 2 frozen) 2nd FET worked and we were expecting twins but we lost them last November at 22 weeks. We are just gearing up for another FET with possible Assisted Embryo Hatching around April 24

8 years ago

Jackie- congrats!
keth- thanks! Glad everything looks good on the scan!
Momto2angels- Of course you're welcome to join us! Sorry to hear about your loss. Keep us posted on this cycle and FX for you!

8 years ago

Welcome Momto2! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :(
We were pregnant with twins on our last transfer and lost one at around 8 weeks and the second at 17 weeks. My fingers are crossed for you and many prayers that your next cycle works wonders!

8 years ago • Post starter

@ BabyPath: Thank you. Our loss was due to contracting an infection during an emergency cerclage surgery. The infection ended up causing our son to pass in utero and they had to deliver our daughter. Unfortunately I was terribly ill and turning septic so it was my life or the twins. We just had their little headstone placed at the cemetery. We will only be transferring one blast for my next transfer. I have 2 5 days and 2 6 days left so fingers crossed that one of those sticks!

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Hugs to you!

8 years ago

Thanks for all the support ladies!!! Beta is 168 at 9dp6dt!! I go back Sunday to verify doubling :)

TTC 2+ years Me 29 DH 30 4 cycles of Clomid + Trigger BFN 3 cycles IUI with Follistim + trigger BFN IVF #1 Chemical Pregnancy :( IVF #2 BFN FET #1 BFP!!! Beta Numbers 4.1- 168

8 years ago

congrats Jackie - so VERY EXCITING!

Truthfully, I am afraid to POS. I have seen SO MANY negatives, that I am not sure I can take it. On the other hand, I could put myself out of misery now and know one way or another.

How many dpt do you ladies typically test?

All day today I felt like I was getting AF and I ran to the bathroom and nothing. I hate this process...

Mom - so so sorry for you loss. But ultimately, you had to get healthy - sepsis is no joke. The good news is that you were able to get pregnant. They will watch you like a hawk during your next pregnancy, which is ultimately a good thing. Fingers crossed for you darlin'!

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Just checking in.... I suspected I was close to O for the past couple days... which is super early as today is only CD10. Went for a blood test and they suspect O will be tomorrow so we scheduled our IUI! Clomid definitely bumped up my O date... I usually O around CD15-17 and only twice have I O'd on CD14 in my 18 months of charting!

Good Luck to everyone :)

8 years ago

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