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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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This waiting is absolutely driving me nuts!!! Hi, lhen! I don't know how you do it. I can't wait. I just want to know already! Well, I've been cramping all evening and my back hurts. Boobs still feel a bit heavy too. Thinking positive!

12 years ago • Post starter

Quick update, gang. My low back has really been hurting this evening, and I have been cramping pretty good. I just went to the bathroom and had a bit of spotting. 's not due till Saturday or so. I'm hoping it's IB!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Well, I'm 9DPO. Took a HPT and got a . I know, I know...still too early but I'm a POAS junkie. I'm still mildly crampy and my nips are a bit sensitive. They bothered me really bad last night. All good things! How is everyone else faring?

12 years ago • Post starter

I just feel out...but I am not sure if it is because my body feels "out" or because of all the BFN's I have been getting. I am 10dpo today and I know that it is still VERY early but AF is due on Saturday and I am soooo impatient.

I think that I am just so nervous and scared of that first red flow spot that I have convinced myself that she will show and that we will have to start again next month...just to save myself the disappointment that is sure to follow getting out that first tampon :(

I have absolutely NO symptoms today with the exception of the copious amounts of cm...and I feel really "thick" inside. Other than that...nothing!!!! I don't mean to be a negative nancy but I think that the feeling nothing is a bad sign.

I just want a BFP so bad and it is so disappointing to get all excited and then have AF rear her ugly head!!!

All of you sound so promising though!!! I really hope that all of these symptoms mean great news for you all!!!! I think that you all deserve amazing Christmas Miracles!!! :)

12 years ago

Hey, Lizzy. It's not over till shows. I know you don't want to get your hopes up. But when I was pregnant the first time around, I had absolutely no symptoms till the night before was due. And, I've had a ton of symptoms in the past, just to find out I wasn't preggo. You never know. Every woman is different, every pregnancy is different. If the 's are bothering you, I would suggest taking a break for a few days. Try to keep your chin up and remember as long as there's there's always hope.

12 years ago • Post starter

I think you are the best cycle buddy ever!!! It really helps to hear positive words. Thank you!! I think I will take a break from the POAS tests for a few days.

I just need to relax and let the universe work its magic :) I have been a bit crampy today...a bit wierd for this far out from AF. I wonder what that is all about. Symptom spotting drives me crazy but is good fun at the same time.

Isn't that the funny thing about this process??? The 2ww drives you NUTS but it is such a magical and fun process getting to that !!!!

to all!!! And thanks for your support~~ :)

12 years ago

Aww thanks, Lizzy! I'm glad you feel more at ease!

12 years ago • Post starter

hello lizzy & lily..

i'm with you with the going nuts thing.. this 2ww is really making me ..

still.. my christmas wish is for that ..

to all..

12 years ago

Hi, lhen! Boy, any day now you should know! I'm excited for you! I hear ya on the craziness. I don't think I was this ansy with my first! I'm so impatient. I feel like I'm not going to get an answer till right before Christmas...though I keep on a testin'. Ah well, we shall see. Keep us posted! And good luck!

12 years ago • Post starter

hi lily.. yup any day now.. i am really tempted to test.. but as long as i can hold i will wait.. i'm a bit apprehensive.. don't want to keep my hopes that high..

but i am keeping it crossed..

still praying for that ..

11dpo, cd28.. breast still sore.. still always feeling sleepy and tired.. mild headaches and nausea on and off..

to you..

12 years ago

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