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6dpo, want cycle buddies for support and who need support

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Hello all ladies

I am 6 dpo today, feeling rather blah today. As i know no-one who is going through what i am, i have turned to you. I am relatively new to this forum stuff but it is worth a shot.
I have been having cramps, pulling, twinging, left side, right side and middle pains, back is killing me today, bb's are rock hard and tired today. I hope it is all good signs, my husband and i have been trying to conceive for 4-5 years now and no luck, so i am hoping its all good.
*high 5*

31 Replies • 7 years ago



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Thanks for your support Ladies- I don't know what I'd do without it. I know what you mean about the emotional roller coaster and wanting to keep it to yourself bc work is stressful for DH. Honestly that stress kills the libido I think too. That's why it's good to come here & let it all out.

I gave in and tested today- it's too early I know but I woke up at 3am very nauseous and at 4 am I was throwing up. After DH left for work I slept until noon. I'm so tired and even though I've been nauseous and sick for several days now I am also hungry and can't get enough. Needless to say BFN, but I knew that was coming- I'm still 7 days from AF.

My bbs are sore and I have so many veins showing that doesn't ever happen or at least I never noticed & I am Scandinavian so I am very fair & mark easily. Even in my chest and shoulders down to the nipples with some very frighteningly pronounced - like mishaping my nips pronounced. My armpits hurt yesterday very badly too - as if I had been lifting heavy things or that area wanted to 'fall asleep ' like when your legs or something do. Still hurts but not as bad. DH said I looked like the Hulk. It's honestly like something drew all over me with neon green and blue. I wondered was I having a blood clot or something because it all just looked so strange and feels strange. He even commented it looked painful.

I have gotten nauseous as a PMS symptom but never been throwing up like this- this is like having a stomach flu or something but with increasing hunger I can't shake that something is going on. I also very rarely throw up because of a physiological condition with my esophagus- so when I do, it's always a shock. This morning when I was sick I felt like something was 'surging' like hormones- idk if any of you were on the pill before but I could always feel sick when I started a new pack like days 1-3. My mom had told me that someday when I was pregnant i would probably feel MS early if I was that sensitive to the pill starting (those starters are what convinces your body it's 'pregnant '). Idk if that's medically accurate or not but it made me think this morning.

7 years ago

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