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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey, Lizzy. I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You did say you had increased CM on many of those days. Technically, any CM can be fertile CM, it doesn't just have to be EWCM. And you don't even have to have EWCM, or any CM for that matter, to get pregnant. As for the multiple days of OPKs, I wouldn't worry about it. I have been known to have three or four days of them. My OB/GYN said it is normal to be able to detect the surge for days after. She said most women don't know that or see it because they usually stop testing once they get their first positive OPK. In fact on this last cycle, I had several days of dark OPKs and actually had my first BFP HPT a few days after my last BFP OPK. Anything is possible just relax, take some deep breaths, don't use any more OPKs, don't read too much into anything, and test when your period is due. Remember, you're never out until you're shoving a tampon in! You'll be fine.

12 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies,

Sorry I haven't been posting. I took myself out of the race because I had some cramps that felt like AF was coming and all of my symptoms except me being extremely tired.. But my fiance has been having an upset stomach for the past couple of days, my daughter has a sore throat and sinus infection which she hardly ever gets and my son who is 3 has been acting very weird lately. He's very whiny and constantly under me and he's been walking around saying he has a baby in his stomach and he hasn't been around me when I talk to my fiance about me being pregnant so I'm sure he doesn't know. I'm extremely gassy and the right side of my abdomen feels very heavy and full. I've gotten a few twinges I think or it could of been just gas. My boobs are huge still but becoming more sore to touch. I'm still cramping though and AF is due Thursday. It seems like everyone around us have been talking about babies now. And no one else is pregnant and there are no recent babies. It's so weird to us because we have not discussed anything about a baby to anybody in our families yet. Hoping its all good signs. We will probably test next Monday if AF doesn't show.

Hope everyone else is doing well! Wishing you beautiful ladies the best of luck and lots of baby dust!!!!

12 years ago

Hey friends!

Tanyae, I think you're pregnant! Symptoms sound all too familiar! When are you testing?

Lizzy, C'mon now....don't you lose hope so soon. I swore I had an anovulatory cycle and you know I ended up pregnant. Didn't end so well, but I DID get pregnant. Stay positive! Lily knows what she's talking about so I think her last post was right on the money!

Fluff, you're testing tomorrow, right? I'm trying to hold off until Wednesday when I'm 14 dpo. I'm taking greasy McDonald's to my 15 year old today for lunch and I'm swinging by Dollar Tree while I'm out to grab some "crack"'s what my husband calls hpt's now. He says my addiction is worse than a drug addicts. ha!

I've had the worst case of exhaustion the past few days. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday and then went to bed at 9 last night. I can't seem to shake it no matter how much sleep I get. I've had nausea off and on since Friday too. I usually don't get that way with my pregnancies until later on, but I really don't know what to expect anymore since my body went haywire. Hubby swears I'm pregnant...I hope so, but I hate seeing those dastardly bfn's!

Lhen, what's up girl? How are you feeling?

Lily, you are so helpful and encouraging! I'm so glad you've stuck around even though you are pregnant. You're a sweetie :)

Okay,'s to a great Monday! Stay encouraged and remember that God is for you! Just rest knowing that He knows your every thought, the cries of your heart, your fears and concerns, and even how many hairs are on your head! His love for us is extravagant...there's nothing we can do to make Him love us any more or any less.

12 years ago

You girls are all right of course!!! It is just that this month's cycle has been so STRANGE!!! I am so regular and everything happens exactly the same time and exactly the same way EVERY month for when I have a wierd cycle it gets me thinking something must be happening differently!!!

I am okay with whatever the outcome!!! I bought a few tests today but I think I won't test until next week!!! We will see what happens!!!

Love you girls!!

12 years ago

Lizzy, hang in here with us... you never know ;) ! Sometimes our bodies gives a wacky month every once in a blue moon ya know? Ive found that out during this whole TTC journey... I had a wacky cycle before too...

Tanyae, well things sound promising, but just hang in there and you will be able to test soon!

Bride, hehe going to get some crack :P I might test tomorrow I have a few cheap internet one's left I just might!
Hopefully you get good news soon!! ;)

12 years ago

ladies i missed all of you.. been reading all your post and definitely i've missed a lot..

bride your daughter is such a smart kid.. such a blessing.. and you have a promising symptoms too.. i just hope i am as zealous as you are in ttc and tww.. i have been a bit down when it comes to symptom watching and everything.. just waiting for things to happen.. to you..

lizzy don't count yourself out yet.. maybe you ovulated late this time.. we are still together on this tww.. to you..

lily how is the baby going.. how are you.. any updates? hope we all could join you soon..

fluff how are you? what dpo are you now? have you tested already? please keep us updated..

i am 12dpo today cd29 on a 32-34 days cycle.. not much for me now.. sore bbs only.. hope its a good sign..

tanyae welcome to the group.. hope to hear from you more.. your symptoms sound promising too.. hope doesn't show up for both of us this time..

to us all..

12 years ago

Tanya, Bride, all have great symptoms! I'm hoping this is the end of the TTC road for you guys and that you all get a soon! Can't wait to hear some good news!

Lizzy, Fluff...don't give up! I'm pulling for you guys! Cramping is a good sign, Fluff.

Bride, you are too sweet! Thank you ladies for having me and allowing me to stick around! I'll be here until the last of my girls is preggers! Then we'll all reunite at Countdown my Pregnancy!!

As for me, I'm 10 weeks today. Nausea is pretty much a memory as long as I don't go too long without eating. I have a prenatal appointment a week from Wednesday. I'll probably have another ultrasound then. I feel like I may have the beginnings of a UTI or somthing. Pray that clears up and is a non-issue. I don't want to have to do meds if I can avoid it until I'm in the second trimester. Other than that, I'm doing good!

Praying for all of you!!

12 years ago • Post starter

lhen, how are you doing?

Lily, I think its sweet you have stuck around with us, we are happy for you and love hearing about your pregnancy journey... hopefully we will all join you this year!

Well I am 13DPO and on CD26 and woke up felt like my was here but still has yet to show up.. but that is kinda how its been for the last few cycles.. but thankfully so far this month's cramps are alot better... my temp dropped this morning but its like sitting on the coverline lol I took at cheap test this morning with my FMU and it was Negative... I already knew that this month was an out from the beginning but you always kinda cling to that little bit of hope anyways... Some months are harder well when you know is here or pratically here etc... but I am handling the "Negative" result better this month I guess b/c I knew it wasn't going to happen to begin with and well everything that went on with hubby... and yesterday I even had found out a friend of mine is pregnant... which isnt always easy to hear when your close to starting ya know... but I am thrilled for her! She has had 3 misscarriages and well now she is 11weeks!!

But I do always appericate the prayers and support from you ladies!
(very much, its just so comforting to know people are praying for you!)

12 years ago

Bummer, Fluff! I'm still hopeful for 'ya though! I'm testing this evening when my husband gets home. Kinda scared!
I'll report back when I know something.

Love to all of you and lots of baby dust !

12 years ago

BFN :(

12 years ago

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