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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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@ Dragonfly23 - My temp dropped this morning to 97.4. It's still above my coverline but it's starting to look more like last month now. I don't have high hopes but I will certainly test again on Friday morning if AF doesn't show up.

I would talk to an OBGYN and see what they thought of the progesterone cream. Maybe they have more info on stopping it after you get pregnant. Did you see my comment in the October group about the baby asprin and it helping to thicken the endometrial lining?

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. Yes I did see the comment. I bought some a couple months ago but I don't know enough about it and searching online for answers doesn't help as it is also people asking the same question.

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6 years ago

@ Dragonfly23 - There are a lot of articles out there too, not just people asking about it. I'd read some of those and see what you think. It looks like it boosts conception, especially for women who have problems with inflammation. It's another thing you could talk to an OBGYN about too.

AFM - I don't feel like AF will arrive today so I'm betting on tomorrow. My last cycle AF came on 14DPO and that will be tomorrow!

6 years ago

@flamingogirl: sorry to hear about the test . i hope you get a positive on friday. i guess i should join the October group. i mean i don't mind having an October baby as my husband and I are both October
babies.( my mom and his mom too :D)

Ddragonfly: since i started TTCing , i'm experiencing spotting before AF too. my cycle was 32-34 days and i would start bleeding all at once even though the first day was so light. but know i start spotting at around CD27 . and i don't know if i need to count that as my first CD or the day that i get the light continuous bleeding.

AFM: I have cramps and back ache, some times when i wipe i get watery pinkish CM same as last cycle so i'm sure i'll get the AF by end of the week. i didn't even bother testing today.

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6 years ago

Hey ladies, I was lurking around and sorry I didn’t manage to post anything in the past few days.
@Penny, flamingo, there is still hope.. crossing my fingers!
My IVF process has started. Egg retrieval due on Friday morning. V anxious about it. I could be in the October / November camp depending on when they transfer the embryo.
Wish you all the best!
PS: is there an IVF group as well - just couldn’t find any and I really need some cycle buddies to get me through!

6 years ago

Hi ladies sorry haven't checked in as much been fighting a horrible cold! I've been having symptoms since ovulation not sure if possible. Me and the OH had some *time together* this morning after i wiped i had light tinged brown on the paper also OH said i was making noises in my sleep as if i was in pain i did have AT type pains last night actually the whole day yesterday.. he thinks im pregnant he said I feel different inside so time will tell xxx

6 years ago

Morning everyone! Still no AF for me but I'm expecting it today. If not then I will test tomorrow morning.

@Gem1981 - I have not seen an IVF TTC group. Did you try searching for one? There might be one already and it's just not active right now. If you can't find one then you should start one yourself to find others doing IVF. Good luck tomorrow!

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery. That sounds promising, let's hope AF stays away. Hope you feel better soon.

@FlamingoGirl13. I was looking at the Emertia Pro Gest cream and there are two of them. One I think is the original and the other has lavender in it. Does it matter which one I can get? I started the Baby Asprin as it does help aid with implantation and helps with other things as well (releasing more eggs, etc.) and some said that they took it even when they were pregnant and some stopped after the first trimester. Today, I will start using OPKs as the box says to start on CD5. I hope AF doesn't show up on you today. Keep us posted.

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6 years ago

@Dragonfly23 - I don't have any experience with the creams but I would go with the original one and not the lavender. I'm not a fan of to much scent. If AF shows up then I'm going to try using the baby aspirin this cycle as well!

@MidnightMystery - I hope your DH is right and you are pregnant!

@twwtoolong - Are you still around hun? I thought we were in the same place in our cycle. Did you get your period or are you still waiting?

AFM - I tried to check my cervix and I cannot reach it... I've always been able to reach it but I usually only check my cm leading up to ovulation so I'm not sure what to expect right before AF. My cm is white and creamy no real change this past week in that. Just waiting... no real sign that AF is coming except for my tender breasts.

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. Your cervix being high sounds promising. Do you check it the same time everyday? I find that it changes throughout the day and it confuses me. I don't mind the lavender smell. Good luck hun, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

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6 years ago

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