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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi All! I got my period early yesterday morning so on to waiting for Ovulation and then hoping to catch that egg this cycle. I've decided not to use OPKs this cycle and just track my BBT so I know when I ovulate. I'm fairly regular so that should work out for me. We will BD as often as we can during my fertile week and hope for the best.

@DiviniumLiv - I'm going to go check out your pics! I hope this one is a sticky one!

@Luckducky90 - Keep us updated on what happens for you this week. When is AF due?

6 years ago • Post starter

@flamingo sorry to hear about AF! Sounds like a good plan. BBT can be full on and stressful and it sounds like you don’t necessarily need to. Hope it brings you some relaxation to the baby making process!

AF is here for me today so if this is both our month, we’d be due within a few days! Of each other. 2 weeks back +/- a day I don’t remember any fertile CM or anything. The only thing that’s consistent with that being the correct time is my resting heart rate. Only really tracking that and cm. May use OPk’s.

Good luck to us for this round!

6 years ago

@ flamingo girl , i'm really sorry AF got you this cycle as well . hopefully this cycle will be your cycle. have you considered doing the sperm count and AMH test ?

AFM : we found out on Saturday (gender reveal party ) that we are having a baby girl. we've got the results through NITP (harmony test ). now we are really stuck with choosing a name and so far i didn't fall in love with any baby girl's name. any suggestions?

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6 years ago

@Luckducky90 - We are definitely cycle buddies right now! Crossing our fingers for us! Going to take the summer at a much more relaxed trying for baby pace. No more OPKs for a while. I think I have when I ovulate under control.

@Penny1366 - What is the AMH test? And do you mean an at home sperm count test? I've thought of that but not brought it up with DH. Once we hit one year ttc I will make an appointment to be seen and get things checked out and also have DH do the same with his doctor.

Congratulations on your little girl!! I would love to suggest names if you want some. Do you like new age names or old fashioned names? Are there any names that you sort of liked? Do you like nature theme names?

6 years ago • Post starter

@Penny1366. Congrats on the gender reveal. I thought about getting the harmony test but I didn't want to pay for it and I only have 18 more days left till my next ultrasound so I will just be patient until then. So far, I got people saying both genders but I need to go with my cravings. What are your cravings this pregnancy?

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6 years ago

hey girls
@flamingo girl : AHM test i think counts your reserved eggs, to see if you have sufficient eggs ( or follicles ) based on your age. and if things are not right on your blood test , then they take a vaginal ultrasound on 3rd day of your cycle and they literally count the eggs you have left.
and sperm test i mean the sperm test at clinic because i don't think the home tests will tell you if the sperms are faulty or not.

auuh I would love some name suggestions , I like unique names such as Lake or Forrest but hubby doesn't at all . then we are back to simple names such as Aria , Ella , Luna , but again hubby vetoed all of them , all of them are good but don't now why they are not the right names. i watched so many youtube videos but nothing has stuck so far.

@dragonfly: i don't have any. but never felt like sweet things, i just love fresh food, for dinner i mix cucumber and tomato and lots of lime juice and salt and i love it. simple fresh foods. and can' stand chicken , thinking about it makes me sick

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6 years ago

Penny1366: Congrats on a girl! Not much help with names, since english is my second language.

11 dpo today and not much progression on the tests. So either it takes a bit longer for it to double, or it's not gonna stick.. Have som dull ache and tender boobs, but not much more.

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6 years ago

@Penny1366 - You should get a giant name book from a library or thrift store and just start going through it with your husband. It sounds like he is the picky one! Here are a few I've thought of for you. I tried to stay simple but feminine:

Brook (This one is pretty and has that nature feel like a bubbling brook if you spell it without the e. It's unique too)
Violet (nature feel and unique! Plus it's a beautiful color!)

I'll try and think of more! Has he come up with any names? Sounds like he should make a list and have you choose from it since he's the one that's having trouble. lol! Let us know how it goes!

@DiviniumLiv - I think I see more of a faint line on this one then the one from yesterday. Crossing my fingers for you girl!!!

6 years ago • Post starter

12 dpo. My boobs are so sore they're starting to hurt. Barely a line on today's test, so I'm not hopeful at all.

6 years ago

13 dpo and still nothing clear, only a faint line. Doesn't feel that hopeful, even though I hope i'm wrong and that it's only a really slow rise. Still sore boobs and pelvic ache. We'll se if the spottings show up today, which they usually do at 13 dpo.

How's everyone else doing?

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6 years ago

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