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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Photomama - Omg, that's amazing! Congrats on TWO bundles of joy.

@scuba - Unfortunately, it's completely normal for me to have my temps still high before af arrives. It doesn't drop until the day af shows or the day after. I still have a day or two to go. I uploaded pics of the tests (took 2 different ones) in my gallery, but can upload one here too.

@Anna - Got my IUD removed early Januari 2017, so we've been TTC for over 2 years now.

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5 years ago

@pandorica I'm sorry babe that sucks i feel for you

5 years ago • Post starter

@Anna - The weird part is that I don't feel as sad as I used to, when it ends this way. I guess in a sad way I'm getting used to this and are expecting it, rather then expecting it to be a happy ending.

5 years ago

@Photo I’m so happy for you.
@Anna I think you should look into a second opinion at this time. You deserve to know exactly what is going on in case there is some things you need to adjust. But I know it’s easier said than done but try to relax and take it one day at a time. I believe Photo is going to send some of that Babydust our way.


5 years ago

Thank you so much ladies. Seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist really helped. I wanted this process to be natural but after years off trying, I no longer care if it’s an iui baby/babies.. @Anna are you still planning to see a doctor? I remember you mentioned it ?
I didn’t even know that my progesterone was low, maybe the meds helped. Still have to take them the whole first trimester just to be careful. My insurance paid for a lot of the process, they don’t cover Ivf, but they covered iui. Prayers for healthy growing babies and BFP for you this upcoming cycle.

5 years ago • Edited

So I feel slightly better... These were my tests with my miscarriage... The one was taken on the day of and one the day after my period was due... I still have 3 days to go so I dont think I will get positives yet...

@photo yeah if my negatives dont go positive this month I'm going to see a doctor about an hour away and she might do a laparoscope

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Photomama--So glad for you!

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5 years ago

@Photo huge congrats!! Twinnies are such a wonderful blessing. Hope everythin continues to go will for you! My twins were mo-di, so identical! Enjoy all those extra, long ultrasounds!!

Hoping to grow our family!

5 years ago

Just an update... AF is due any day from today... Had another jumpy moment last night where it felt like a needle pricked into my cervix... I hope it was implantation... Didnt eat last night because i didnt have an appetite, I was hungry but got sick every time food got into my mouth (I did have a fight with SO so it could have been because of that)... So far so good ladies nothing else to report not even sore boobs

5 years ago • Post starter

Okay so I know I said I was going to wait till Friday to test if no AF but I think if no AF today then I'm gonna go and buy some tests and maybe test tomorrow morning... I just have to be pregnant this month I have to... I noticed my skin cleared up and usually it gets really bad before AF and I have that damn left boob tenderness again which seems to be an AF symptom but we'll see... My cervix is also hard and closed but it was soft and open yesterday so I dont know where I'm standing with that

5 years ago • Post starter

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