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November IVF buddies

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I'm doing my first IVF this November. I don't normally post on here but if there was ever a time to reach out it is now.

Anybody else?

Mrs. Fridley

952 Replies • 10 years ago



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SSURRA: how are you feeling?

Anyone else have updates?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi, Mrs. Fridley -- Feeling completely normal, as expected. Nothing to report!

10 years ago

Checking in on everyone....

10 years ago • Post starter

Started bcp yesterday...other than that just waiting for my follow up appt and stocking up on alcohol because I plan on getting trashed and sleeping through mother's day.

10 years ago

Bruised bum from progesterone shots, but they don't really hurt much, fortunately. 2 days til beta.

Gotta be honest, not thinking this will be a positive.

10 years ago

Stay positive.

I ***thought*** I was pregnant so many times only to POAS and find out differently. And once I actually was pregnant, it felt like I wasn't at all.

You just never know.

Big hugs and positive thoughts!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

When I first started trying two years ago, I was the same way. Always imagining symptoms. I finally knocked that off some time ago, but I don't feel a lick different, and I didn't my last two IVF rounds, either, with the exception of moodiness and sore breasts, but HELLO progesterone.

People who don't have trouble getting pregnant often say they can just tell when they are, so maybe I'm expecting that kind of inner knowledge, but right now I don't feel remotely different, and I sort of *know* I'm not.

I'm not trying to be negative, but over-positivity has hurt just as badly, so I'm just trying to stay real.

10 years ago

ssurra - You never know!!! I am definitely rooting for you on this one. It might just hit you when you least expect it. Pregnancy is sneaky like that. :) Keep us posted on how you're feeling.

mnor - How was this weekend? Was thinking about you!! I am excited for what is to come with this next FET for you!!

10 years ago

SSURRA: is your beta tomorrow?

10 years ago • Post starter

Yes it is. I'll go in before 8 a.m. probably.

10 years ago

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