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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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401 - 410 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Cronins, sucks about the neg test. Don't blame you about being excited to start over. Especially since you will be with a RE this go round. Putting a little change up in the ttc is always good.
Idk about this mornings test. Some cruel person voted positive. Lol. Could be picking up indent line though.

8 years ago • Post starter

Cronins, I will probably end up doing the retrieval anywhere from Thursday to Saturday. I might have to stim a couple days longer than expected but will be able to tell Monday. Next Saturday is my birthday so I hope to get the eggs out before they turn a year older lol
Hopefully this next go around with the RE will be all you need to get that BFP!

8 years ago

Good morning ladies!!

So far so good nothing too crazy my nosr is starting to kick in. Lol and my bbs are getting bigger. Oh joy! I am am not lacking in thay department as it is. Lol.

Dandy - I definitely see something!!

Lucky- I hope you hear some good stuff on monday!.

Cronins- I sure hope.AF cancels her trip to see you until next year. But way to stay positive if she shows anyway.

I hope you ladies have a beautiful day !!!

Praying for baby number 3!

8 years ago

Good morning everyone. Cronins, did af show?
Lucky, Happy Early Birthday. Any Birthday plans?
Miam, hehe at bigger boobies.
Afm, 7dpo. test this morning looked the same. Maybe a liitle more pronounced but still need to tweek to see it. So idk. My imaginary symptons ( lol) include... Bloating, irritability, extreamly high cervix and lots of thick white cm. Oh n dh keeps telling me, i feel warm and snugly. My uturus feels sore? I cant seem to phantom up sore boobs yet. Lol

8 years ago • Post starter

No AF yet. I still have to test this morning just in case, lol. I forgot to first thing in the am. We had so much going on this weekend, lol. It's crazy!

Dandy : that is sounding so positive sweetie. Did you post your test?

Lucky : have a great birthday.

Miam : glad to hear that you are doing well and for the good pregnancy symptoms.

8 years ago

No Cronins, I didn't post it. Looks pretty much the same as yesterday and couldn't really get a good pic. So i will wait to see what tmrw brings. Let us know when you test today. Yay for no af!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies! How're you all doing? Sorry I've not been in touch for a bit - I've had a bit of a weird month since the miscarriage. I hope you dont mind me blabbing on a bit but it would be good to talk about it n see what you think? After the bleed I had last month on the 14th of august I thought that was it, however, when I was two days late this month I woke up to blood everywhere (tmi! Sorry) it gave me such a fright. I phoned nhs 24 n they advised that I go to my gp straight away. At this point I was thinking I was just experiencing a heavy period but the Dr was saying that with my symptoms (I've been sick quite a lot, reactive to smells, and lost my apetite) she believed I might be pregnant again!! Did a pregnancy test at the Dr's n it was "inconclusive" a blood test was taken. The next day I woke up feeling sick, so dizzy and the bleeding had stopped pretty much. I was advised to phone the early pregnancy unit if anything changed so I did and they told me to go to the hospital for a check up...At this point I just felt like I was making a mountain out of a molehill!! But I felt so out of sorts. On seeing the Dr at the hospital, she checked my urine n said it had an infection of some sort. She did a pregnancy test n it was negative but she believed it might be too early if that was implantation the day before?? I am so confused by this point! She checked the results of the urine that had been sent off and hcg was less than 3...I would've thought that pregnancy was a write off but she wasn't sure if it was just beginning! Is this possible? I left the hospital last night in a bit of a state and have felt pretty rotten today too. Looking for advice or experiences. If you've read this far, thank you soooo much!! I really appreciate it! Really hope you're all doing well xxx

8 years ago

Katie, so sorry you are having these problems! Of course i read it all the way through. Anything is possible. Pregnancy does wierd things to the body. Its so hard to say what is going on. You may have an issue with implantation and substaning a pregnancy. Thats originaly what my ob thought with me. Have you have your progesterone levels checked at all? I wish i had something to say that would make you feel better. The unknown is so heartbreaking

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello Katie,

Do you think that this is a missed miscarriage from August? It could be that you didn't expelled all the remainder of your last baby from August? The doctor mentioned an infection, that can happen in cases such as these. Did they check a CBC etc specifically designed to detect an infection. If it is, it can cause the symptoms you are experiencing. It could also be implantation bleeding as well. However, from your description of how much blood there was when you woke up, I would think more on the lines of an infection or missed miscarriage. Hugs sweetie. I am so sorry that you are experiencing this situation. I wish that there was something that I could say that would be useful for you.


8 years ago

Katie I'm sorry your going through this and not feeling well. I don't have any advice but I hope you find answers soon and start feeling better..

8 years ago

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