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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Here is the latest Frer. Not fmu.

7 years ago

Cronins I see the shadow on the blue dye test. Maybe it will turn into that BFP :-) I can't wait to see it!

7 years ago

Wow. I can see the line on the blue test! Hope this isnt the start of more confusion for you Cronins. Fingers crossed for an obvious line on an frer! Have you done a first signal?
Afm. Feeling ok today. Tired, but had a long, but fun day at the game. Plus up with lo last night. He had a belly ache but is fine today. I have a feeling daddy let him eat a lot of junk while mommy was gone. Lol now to fight through the fatigue to get this house cleaned up for company this evening.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning all. Lucky, just a couple more days and you het to see your precious babies : ) Have you started buying stuff or are you waiting for the genders?
Cronins have you tested this morning? I am anxious to see them!
Afm, hoping to have an easy relaxing day. House is still clean and no errands to run. So lo n I have some fun activities planned today.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

Dandy I've been buying neutral sleepers and things bc I'm not sure I want to find out what I'm having yet. My plan is to get it in an envelope and then if I decide I want to know I'll have it lol. I go back and forth.

7 years ago

Lol Lucky. I know what you mean. Since this will be our last we discussed not finding out untill birth. That would be such an awesome surprise but I decided if its a girl I want to know in advance to buy a lot of pink : ) I actually have not bought anything at all yet. I am just now thinking of starting to buy some clothes and little stuff since there is so much of the little stuff needed. But heck we will find out next week. Lol. May as well wait.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

Sorry I have been Mia today. We took the family to the White Mountains to an amusement park for the day. We had a blast!

As far as testing, I tested this morning and the tests are relatively the same. I have a feeling AF is going to be around the corner again. Sigh.

It's definitely getting exciting that you will both possibly know the genders of your little ones and that you can start baby shopping. How fun!!! When the time comes for me, I will be rearing to go lol. Have a great night ladies!

7 years ago

Good morning ladies. Cronins, so glad you had fun. Im sure you needed that! How many dpo are you now? What about your tests this morning, anything?
Lucky, you have a us tmre right? : ) What is the baseball team you have season tickets for? Just curious.
Afm, just opened my peepers. All I know at the moment is this gas that builds up all night kills me every morning uhg. Sorry tmi. lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

Dandy: I am 9-10 dpo. Fertility friend has me at 10 dpo and count down to pregnancy at 9. Nothing that I can see on my Frer or other tests this morning. Sigh. I don't have any pregnancy symptoms either. My temp is still high though.

Sorry that you are experiencing gas pains. That stinks. Hopefully it passes really quickly for you.

7 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Cronins I hope that BFP is right around the corner. Sounds like you do a lot with your family:-) I can't wait for those days.

Dandy I have tickets to the Indianapolis Indians but they are a triple A team and then season tickets to the Indianapolis Colts as well (which right now they are a joke lol). I really enjoy sports and can't wait for my babies to get involved. I played sports through college myself.

AFM, US tomorrow to see how these little babies are doing. I've been feeling pretty good lately so glad for that. I'll be 13 weeks Thursday so will be into my second trimester:-)

7 years ago

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