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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@LS I hope your DH surgery goes well.

Thanks skyline.

I'm keeping a close eye and will visit my gyno if I keep feeling something is off.
Our bodies can be so crazy and complicating! I even took another test last week because my period was just a little off. But it was bfn. I knew it would be but I just had to get it out of my head once and for all. Now I'm a little worried about what it is. Just hoping nothing comes of it and my body is just doing normal body stuff haha.

When I had my endo surgery I also had a procedure on my bladder. When I was a teen I kept having like a constant uti all the time (it's not actually a uti, but that's basically what it was like). I have had so many problems in those areas I just get freaked when any little thing goes on down there. Thankfully my bladder problems improved tremendously as I got older and now I hardly ever get the uti symptoms. The full feeling isn't there all the time but the dull cramping is. But anyways sorry this is so long. I haven't talked to anyone else about this because I already feel crazy enough without getting that look of "it's all in her head"

10 years ago

@LSchrader - So glad DH can get the surgery so soon! Very happy for you guys. :) I really need to get that book, as soon as I get some extra spending money I will get it.

Okay, so I'm on CD16. I think I O somewhere around CD18. I'm frustrated because out of the 6 days I've been temping, only one has been at the right time without accidentally moving around too much or some nonsense like that. lol Here is how it's been.

CD11 - 97.05 @ 8am (This is the only one that's been done right so far!) - Neg. OPK but there was a very visible line.

CD12 - 97.15 @ 6am - Neg. OPK with another visible line.

CD13 - Forgot Everything.

CD14 - 96.98 @ 7am (Taken after I tossed a turned a bit.) - Neg. OPK line getting fainter.

CD15 - 97.23 @ 6:30am (Taken AFTER I had to strong arm my cat.) - Neg. OPK line about the same as CD14.

CD16 - 97.17 @ 4am 97.33 @ 8am - Neg. OPK... the line was barely visible.

Here is my BBT Chart using the temp adjuster:

I'm just feeling like I can't trust this chart. *sigh*

I've been wet the past few days, but I don't think I have had any EWCM and it SEEMS like I'm drying up. I'm just getting a little worried about what is going on.

@Lyrah - Do you have Interstitial Cystitis!?

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10 years ago

To the ladies temping the trick I did because you are supposed to take to exact time daily was I set my alarm for 4am everyday kept my thermometer in pillow case took temp fell back to sleep and it worked for me!

Afm I'm 32weeks and feeling good with pregnancy but right now suffering toothache went to dentist today with no dental insurance to send me back home with antibiotics and choice to spend 2300 on root canal or go to surgeon for extraction and with that plan I can't be seen til next Thursday so now crying in pain from this damn tooth! I'd rather take labor over this toothache! Hurts so bad I'm hungry can't chew barely slept and just miserable! I don't wish this on my worst enemy! Does anyone have any remedies to help?? Anything at this point I'll try!! Pregnancy and tooth pain do not mix! :'(

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10 years ago

@jsxitzbom - Thanks, I think I'm going to have to do that, I just hope I don't wake DH and make him upset.

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10 years ago

@jsxitzbom you poor thing! I have always heard that chewing a clove of garlic (raw) helps toothaches. That will be super intense, but might be worth it for you!

10 years ago

@skyline yes I do. I hate it! But like I said its gotten much better as I've gotten older but when I was a teen it was so bad :(

10 years ago

Skyline you can get a watch alarm that vibrates. I've seen them on amazon to keep from waking your hubby.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Thanks lschrader I may just have to try that anything to help because this numbing gel isn't working.

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10 years ago

@ miracle so sorry to hear what you going through hopefully you will make the best decision for you.. hugsss

AFM more bad news so I had the AFP test last apt docs called me back with results today the test is for risk factor for twins having down syndrome my trimester risk # is 1 in 209 which is high my age factor is 1 in 17 so because of that instead of having the amnio on dec 19th its now moved up to dec 5th at 815 am .... Eli is doing much better now the meningitis seems to be going away...yay for that good news

hope every one else is doing well

glad to hear from you pisces

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10 years ago

@jxst ~ I'm sorry your in tooth pain.. I know all too well how painful it can be. Can feel like someone is jamming an ice pick into your jaw, gums and nerve area. The thing that has helped me take the edge off immensely is pure clove oil from the health food store. Rub a bunch all over the gum line and tooth area that's hurting and it will naturally numb the area and taste decent if you like the taste of cloves. Oral gel never worked for me. I had to have 3 root canals last year and still need some more dental work. Trust me I know how much it sucks. Hope you get relief and feel better soon.

@Lolee ~ Thank you for the support. I'm taking it one day at a time. I guess I'm not totally ready to make a clean break. I am on the fence with it all. I really do love him. Just so dang frustrating sometimes. I'm so happy to hear Eli is doing much better now. :) I am holding you and the twins in my prayers and going to pray that everything is OK during your amnio testing early Dec.

@Skyline ~ Thank you for the love and support. I know how frustrating the temping can be and that's why I don't do it but then I never truly know if I O'd or not. I only speculate and go by bodily signs.. Hope you find a schedule or pattern that works well for you.

@Lyrah ~ I'm sorry you are having some strange uncomfortableness going on in the nether regions.. AKA Bladder area. I hope that you get some answers soon.

@Lschrader ~ Thank you for the long post. I appreciate your kind and thoughtful support. I'm taking it one day at a time. Like pisces said my guy does usually come through for me right at the nick of time which is good at least. I'm so happy to hear your dh has a surgery date and soon at that ... hooray, that's wonderful news.

@Athena ~ I hope you ovulate soon.. or maybe you already have and the opk's are just not working for you. I have heard that if you have pcos then opk's don't consistently work for you. I wonder if that's the case with you regardless of taking clomid? I hope so. Hang in there hon.

@Pisces ~ Thank you for your post, made me get all teary eyed. You are right.. my guy does come through for me even if it's at the last moment which is good. We were doing good for a few months and then shit hit the fan this last week. Hopefully we are smooth sailing for a while now. Deep down I don't want things to end at all.. but I get so tired of it all sometimes. I am becoming a stronger and wiser woman because of it .. or an idiot. lol not sure which one these days. How are you? You approaching O yet? Get er done.

AFM ~ The storm has passed with my partner and I which is good. I'm hoping for a happy harmonious Thanksgiving. I don't think I have O'd yet. I'm on cd 15 today and I still have a ton of ewcm and no sore nipples or breasts yet.. hope it's not an anovulatory cycle. Have to trust. My priorities this cycle to is to remain loving in the midst of battle.. easier said than done, but I'm trying.

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10 years ago • Post starter

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