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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Yay for trigger Cronins! Tww here you come : )
Lucky glad you are feeling better.
Afm dr app fri. Just a 16 week check up ( one day before 17 weeks) then catoet shopping after for nursery: )

6 years ago • Post starter

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Hey ladies, how are you doing?

I am testing out the hcg trigger and look at this bizarre test. It’s a blue dye test with a red test line lol. Last month when using the tests I was looking for two blue lines lol. How strange these tests are.

Good luck at your ob appointment tomorrow dandy.

6 years ago

Wow Cronins that’s different. I was excited when I saw this lol then I read it’s the trigger lol. How are you doing?

Dandy how are you? Good luck at your appt.

6 years ago

Lucky I am doing really good. I have come to the conclusion that ttc a baby may be near impossible for me. I will continue to try, but am a peace if it doesn’t work. I’ll just keep moving forward.

How are you feeling today?

6 years ago

I feel pretty good so far today. I think when I feel bad in the evenings it’s bc of the iron pill. I’m not going to take it every night lol I hate feeling miserable. I’m going to do some more baby shopping tomorrow, can’t wait.

6 years ago

I’ll be with you in spirit as you go baby shopping lol. I so can’t wait to do that again lol. Have lots of fun.

6 years ago

Cronins that test is so weird! Lol. I have never seen one with two different dyes. I got excited like lucky did when I first seen it. Lol. Hoping that line doesn't totally disappear!
Lucky baby shopping is so much fun. Ive already created a registry to keep track of what I still need but I have a great start. Hehe. It must be hard not knowing genders yet. The 18th is so close!
Afm dr appointment went great. Told my dr we knew the gender lol. Took lo with me since he didnt have school. She loves seeing him. My 20 week ultrasound is scheduled. 17 weeks today. Almost half way girls, feeling pronounced kicks : )

6 years ago • Post starter

Good afternoon ladies,

Dandy it is a weird test lol. My hpts are still pretty positive. I got my temperature rise yesterday and again today. I am most likely 1-2 dpo today. It’s good that I triggered on Wednesday at 12:43 pm because dh went on a men’s weekend. I am so hoping that I will get a bfp this cycle. We’ll see though.

Any plans for this weekend? I am amazed at how much time flies. It just seems like yesterday you were trying to conceive lol. So exciting....

Lucky, how are you doing today?

6 years ago

Hi ladies!

Just finished work now ready to relax lol. I’ve got to start walking though. I’m feeling pretty good right now. I took my prenatal and folate which I haven’t been able to the last 2 nights so making progress, oh the little things. I can’t wait to feel these little ones move. I toss and turn all night and feel like I smash them but I’m sure they are tucked in deep.

Cronins I continue to pray for that BFP :-) it’s got to be coming.

Dandy I’m glad everything is going well and hope it continues. I can’t wait to find out genders. Officially I will the 30th but I’m nervous about the extensive ultrasound. I’m going to see I I can tell on the 18th.

6 years ago

Cronins bet it feels good to test out a trigger again. I have to admit I miss poas. Lol. I just know after lo is born that I will be doing it more so out of habit : ) Did you trigger 5000 or 10? We tried for our son for almost 3 years and then for our daughter for over three years so I dont think I know how not to ttc lol
My dh is out tonight for a guys night too! Him n our son have plans tmrw for some son and daddy time so I guess I get to grocery shop n clean without distractions.... or I could take a nice long nap. Lol. Thats my only plans hehe. Anyone else have plans?
Lucky, glad your feeling well this evening! Hope it continues n hope those little ones cooperate on the 18th. They should be able to tell by then.
Afm, not feeling well this evening. I still tire easily and get an upset belly if I eat to much or dont eat fast enough and let myself get hungry. Its a fine line. Hoping I can lo to bed early so I can too.

6 years ago • Post starter

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