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Hello girls. Hope my cycle buddies find the new post

457 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hello ladies.
Lucky, I too love those rainy days. How has work been?
Cronins, bet everyone at home was so happy to see you. How do your hpts look?
Afm, so glad colic is gone but now she is going through a growth spurt I think. She is suddenly cluster feeding and sleeping all the time. Soooo groutchy if I try to encourage her to stay a wake longer than 20 min. Still struggling with getting her to fall asleep on her own. She is growing so fast and is wearing 3-6 month clothes, snug I may add. Lol.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!
Just finished feeding the babes and put them back to bed so thought I would check in.
Dandy she is growing fast. Mine can still fit in newborn except pants bc of the length. I’m transitioning to 0-3&3 months now. How is everything else going?
Cronins how are you doing? Did you have a nice trip?
AFM, I’ve pretty much finished buying for the boys for Xmas. I’ve never started this early, now not to forget where I put things lol.. the only reason I started was bc toys r us is closing lol. Work isn’t too bad, day goes by pretty quick.

6 years ago

Hello ladies,

Lucky: that’s awesome that you finished shopping for Christmas for your boys! I am thinking about starting soon too. I hate being behind the eight ball at Christmas.

Dandy: sounds like lo’s colic is doing really good. Woohoo for small miracles.

As for me, I am officially late for AF. My hpts have been negative though. I am getting ready to retest in a few. All in all I think that AF is on her way. Been very cranky the last couple of days lol! As far as the trip goes, it was a blast. We went to the beach, Ruby’s on the Pier, wineries, the movies etc. it was so much fun to catch up with my girlfriend. Lots of fun!!!

I think that this cycle I am going to use clomid 100 mg and trigger with a positive opk. Here we go again!

6 years ago

Lucky, im jealous that you got your Christmas done for the twins. Lol. Good for you! I plan on stopping in at babys r us when we go to my sons Birthday at chucky cheese( about an hour away). There is one in the same plaza.
Cronins don't count yourself out yet. Its not over till the witch sings. Lol. Let us know how thw hpt turns out.
Afm. Just planning that Birthday Party. So far it will be on the 15th of July. He will be 4. Dd still sleeping and eating a lot. Dh n I are doing well. Hes been staying home and we are getting along well. Still back n forth on wanting another baby. I would love another boy but I almost feel so tied down with these two. I know that sounds horrible but I literally cant do anything without them. Dh works so much and we have no one to watch them. They are worth it and I love them with all my heart. Im just patiently waiting on my time for me.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Dandy: I definitely can relate to your baby making dilemma. I, too, go back and forth on wanting one more and calling it quits. Glad your lo’s are doing well. Woohoo on your sons upcoming birthday!!!

Lucky: how are you doing? How are your boys doing?

As for me, I think that I see a very faint shadow of a line on my wondfo got this morning. Thoughts???

I just dipped a first signal Walmart cheapie to see if it picks anything up lol. Could not resist another test. I’ll post that test in a few minutes. Wish me well!!!

6 years ago


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6 years ago

Good afternoon ladies!
How is everyone?
Cronins I think I see a shadow line on there. Fingers crossed :-)
Dandy how are you doing?
AFM, we are doing well. Boys continue to grow, go for 4 month check up on the 25th. Can’t wait to see their height and weight.

6 years ago

Hello ladies,

Sorry that I have been mia lately. It’s been super busy lately!!! I am CD 6 today. I don’t plan on doing a medicated cycle this time around. I am sitting this one out as far as medication goes. Hopefully my body just needs some relaxation time lol.

How are you all doing???

6 years ago

Hi gals. Looks like weve all been mia this week. Lol. Just seems like the entire week has flown by. Where did it go? But wanted to make sure I at least popped in this morning, as its dhs pay day so its my "hell day". Lol. Its the day I run around all over the place paying local bills, grocery shopping and restocking on random things with these two kiddos. Bla.
Cronins sounds like a good plan. Giving your body a rest certainly isnt going to hurt.
Lucky, how is everything on your end?
MrsSilver, anything new with you?

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Lol dandy!!! I also have those crazy days during a pay week with running around with my head cut off paying bills! As for me, I am cd 10 and I am on the fence about whether or not to ttc this month. I just started the foster care process and it’s been so time consuming so far. I will most likely take this cycle off completely unless I have an opps lol! My daughters baby shower was yesterday and we had so much fun! She got some beautiful things! I so can’t wait to meet my little granddaughter really soon! Three more weeks and counting! Woohoo!!!!

Lucky: how are you and your boys doing?

Dandy: are you going to be starting your next cycle soon? How are your lo’s doing?

Mrs silver: anything new with you?

6 years ago

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