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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Greetings All! I'm 1DPO today! Temping did not go great this cycle so I'm hoping to have a steady rise the beginning of this week to confirm but I trust my OPKs. We bd day before, day of and day after O, also 4 days before. I O'd on CD16 and this is the last cycle I will use OPKs or track my BBT. I'll just assume that ovulation will occur on CD15 and 16 and bd accordingly if we didn't conceive this time. I plan on testing on 15DPO if I make it that far so two weeks to go!

6 years ago • Post starter

Flamingogirl- I didn’t use OPKs like I usually do this cycle either only the day I felt ovulation which is my usual day cd 17 and O on cd 18. Had a great weekend though relaxed but still the TWW was on my mind as my uncle and wife who are pregnant came too. So I was talking to her all day about symptoms lol, can’t believe she is due may 29th already

6 years ago

Wow! That came up fast! I'm glad you got some relaxing in. I'm hoping to have good weather this coming weekend to do the same. 13 days until I can test seems so far. I'm going to hold true and not test until I'm at least a day late this time. As for using OPKs, it was nice and exciting when I first started using them and I do like to know when I ovulated. They just seem to create another thing to wait for and stress over so I'm going to eliminate them or use them more sparingly like you. Your wait is almost over. I'll be crossing my fingers for you hun!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey Ladies sorry I've been MIA for afew weeks but I'm well 15weeks now got my cerclage placed & now another 4 weeks b4 another ultrasound...Hope all u Ladies are doing well. Sending Lots of Baby Dust Y'all's Way...

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6 years ago

@Kimberke - I'm glad you got the cerclage placed and are doing well!

@DivniumLiv - Are you around ovulation for this cycle? Did you get an appointment made at a private clinic?

@photomama - Any good news or updates? How are you doing?

@Dragonfly23 - How is that little one doing? When do you find out the gender?

@Beaut1ful38 - I hope you are doing well!

AFM - I'm 10 dpo today and starting to feel like the weekend is so far away! I planned to wait for 15 dpo to test, which would mean I missed my typical start for af. We have a potluck on Saturday (13dpo) that I know will involve alcohol and if I'm not pregnant I'd love to have a drink or two with friends. Do you ladies think I should test on Saturday morning just to make sure I'm not pregnant. So far I've just had weird pinching feelings yesterday and my boobs are getting tender. My boobs always get tender around now and just increase in tenderness until I get my period so I don't count that as a real symptom anymore. Since I almost always get my period on 14dpo shouldn't a test be positive by 13dpo? What do you all think?

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. Little one is doing well. I have my ultrasound on May 28 and I hope to find out the gender then. Monday is my doctor's appointment so I hope to hear the heartbeat this time around. Feeling some flutters here and there so I think the little one is just trying to get comphy in its new home. Still have some slight cramping but I think it's just the stretching still taking place and feeling really tired. I had my first bout of dizzyness today which was very weird. Tomorrow, I will be 17 weeks and think I will finally announce on Facebook and came out with a clever way to announce it. My friend did this once on twins (was very upset when she did that as it turned out it was fake) but I took the post and tweaked it to be my own. So, I am hoping that other people will not think it is fake and be happy for us. Here's the post:

It looks like 2018 is gonna be an exciting year for us as a family. I wanted to tell everyone personally. However, this bundle of joy is due in October and can't wait to see the happiness he/she brings.

Family is like a puzzle; it's not complete until you add the final piece. My husband and I are pleased to announce that we are expecting another bundle of joy to our loving family. Currently, I'm 17 weeks (tomorrow) and we couldn't be much happier.

We don't need a fake ultrasound picture to announce my pregnancy. This picture is REAL. So please don't copy and paste this to freak everyone out.

Think I finally got it all done, so let me know what you think. I think that if you test Saturday and it turns out to be a BFN, I hope you won't get discouraged as some have gotten BFPs long passed 14dpo. Do the boobs hurt at the front or on the side? I noticed they started hurting on the side and that was tell tale sign for me plus the heartburn that I never got before. I stopped drinking when I started testing at 8dpo as I didn't want to take the chance.

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6 years ago • Edited

FlamingoGirl13: Yeah, I got my peak two days ago, so I just ovulated (based on bbt I'm 3 dpo though). I haven't got än appointment with the private clinic yet, they didn't have any until the end of the month. I'm gonna check the calender on their website again to see when they have an appointment that fits me.

6 years ago

Hi everyone. Looking for a board where I can get to know some lovely moms and mom to be’s.
I haven’t been on this site in a long time!

I’m a mom to two gorgeous babes already and a third would be amazing.

I’m currently somewhere between 12 and 15dpo. Cycles have been whacky lately. This recent one it’s like I had a back to back period, 5-6 days of AF, two days break and then 7-8days AF... I never got a true positive OPK (lack of tests and cycle confusion) so I’m going off O pain and CM at this stage. I’ve had some dud tests which showed convincing Evaps on all tests but I’ve confirmed them as negative with my trusted strips that arrived today (they really are a tell all or nothing!).

I am eagerly awaiting AF and keen to get on and hope my next cycle is more normal.
I had EWCM today which was odd so part of my is wondering if I was anovulatory earlier? Who knows.
CP is quite high and open but firm, has been for a good 4-5 days now but I can’t trust it to tell me much in a LP since I’ve had 2 kids already.

I love the community aspect of story sharing and advice so I hope you will give me a chance to get to know everyone. Sorry in advance if I ask or comment things that have already been mentioned, might take a while to catch up.


6 years ago

@dragonfly23 - That announcement sounds perfect! Are you posting it today at 17 weeks? I don't think anyone will think it's a fake. That's so exciting that you can start to feel the little flutters of baby moving around. Keep us updated on your next ultrasound. I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. I'm routing for a boy for you as I know you already have a little girl.

My boobs are sore on the side but that's where they are always sore at this point in my cycle. I think if my nipples get sensitive that would be a big sign because it would be different from normal. I've been feeling a few odd twinges and pulls since 9dpo but I try not to read much into those as I think I'm more aware of my body at this point in my cycle. I think I will test on 13 dpo and if I do get a bfn I will try not to get discouraged. Thanks for your input!

@DiviniumLiv - Yay for ovulation! I'm really hoping you'll get a sticky BFP this time and if not the clinic can fit you in.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I am so nervous and anxious to post it today and hubby says to go ahead and he was cracking up little jokes saying, that he would go on FB (he doesn’t have an account and never will) and tell people it’s a tumor lol. I know he was joking. I found that my nipples were erect a lot of the times and when I would have a bath, they would ache so that was another tell-tale sign. I really hope that this is your month and the pulls and twinges are good signs. Thank you about my ultrasound, I will keep you posted on the outcome. I just have to get passed the doctor’s appointment and hope we hear the heartbeat as I was telling hubby that this pregnancy has got me so worked up and I think it has to do with the fact that I haven’t heard the heartbeat but only saw it on the ultrasound. Keep us posted on your test. Praying for you.

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6 years ago

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