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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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411 - 419 of 419 Replies

@MidnightMystery. That's good to hear. Let's hope AF stays away for you and hope you get your BFP. Are you having any symptoms? When is AF supposed to arrive?

So, I was wondering if anyone has taken Maca and what they thought of it. I started taking one capsule a day; didn't want to dsal with powdered stuff. I have noticed that my temp in the morning has been high. Normally my temps (prs-o are 97.4-97.6), now it's like 98.3 and never been that high. Do you guys (ladies) think its from taking Maca?

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6 years ago

@dragonfly I've heard good things about Maca it could defo be that when is your AF due?

AFM I think I got the start of my bfp!!! Saw a vvvf line in person I had to edit the picture for camera to pick up!! I will post it in the pregnancy vote section.

How is everyone else doing sticky vibes ladies xxxx

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery. Oh that's aweaome, let's hope the lines get darker. You will have to let us know when you have the test posted so we can vote on it. I got my period just over a week ago, so I should be on CD9. Temp dropped to 97.6 so I am hoping it will even out soon.

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6 years ago

Congratulations! How many DPO are you? X

6 years ago

Hey ladies it won't allow me to post a pic saying the file is too big !!

Dragonfly oh I hope the Maca is doing what it does best and your temps level Out!

I'm roughly 9 or 11 dpo my cycles have been irregular xxx

6 years ago

@MidnightMystsery. There is a option where you can make the file smaller. Give that a try.

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies - Flamingo - thanks for thinking of me! No Christmas miracle for us this year. We didn't do much differently other than trying pre-seed.

We both agreed that this is the year though. We are giving it another month or two and then we are going to try an IUI or two. If they don't work, I think we will just wait it out until we hear about IVF coverage (1 retrieval and all single transfers from it, are covered with public healthcare in my province, but there is a wait list that's about a year long, we were put on it last Oct by our RE as a back up).

I have been keeping an eye. Congrats Pearl! Dragonfly, Flamingo, so sorry this wasn't your month either. I guess I'll move on to Oct!

6 years ago

Hi ladies it's MidnightMystery here am I in the right place :/ xxx

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery. Hey girl. How did you make out. Did your period show up or did you get a positive pregnancy test? I am anxious to hear.

AFM. Got my "Yes" on CD14 and managed to BD on CD 13 and CD15 so hoping me any my hubby caught the egg and things go smoothly. My temps are still all over the place and it is making this cycle go wonky and again, I think it is from taking Maca so I stopped taking it today in the hopes the temps would even out. I got my progesterone cream and the panflet says to take it on CD8 but that doesn't help me when I am TTC. Does anyone know when to start taking it? I am leary because of my temps are wonky and I am sure that I ovulated but don't want to start taking it if I haven't yet. Any suggestions?

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6 years ago

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