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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Thank you so much dandy!!! Here is my current test for 15 minutes ago. User Image


6 years ago

Well I suspect that my beta will come back negative. My hpts are negative this morning. At least I don’t have to worry about it being ectopic. Sigh.. Feeling empty!

6 years ago

Beta came back less than 1. It was most likely an early chemical. I will most likely start bleeding in a few days time.

6 years ago

Uhg Cronins. That totally stinks! Deep breaths honey. Your still in my prayers. Ive been suspecting chemicals for you lately with all these strange positives you have been getting. If I were you I would try n see my RE to see if there tests they can run on your lining? Maybe its just not getting thick enough? I dont know Im just trying to throw some ideas out there : (

6 years ago • Post starter

Awe Cronins I’m sorry :-( My bet is that the trigger was still in your system bc your first Beta was pretty early. I wish dh would agree to IUI for you. I know how it feels to want something so bad and not be able to have it. I’m praying for you!!

6 years ago

Thanks ladies!

Lucky: that did cross my mind too. However, it doesn’t explain why my hcg levels went from 6, to 2, and then to 2.5 and then to less than one. Crazy how it went up and down like that.

Dandy: I do think that my lining my be thin as well as my eggs being aged. Not too sure that I want to keep doing this? It’s totally frustrating to say the least. I might just take the tamoxifen 20 mg this cycle as it does not affect the lining of a women’s uterus like clomid. At least I know that I ovulated multiple times this past cycle as I did have 4 cysts. Just waiting for the bleeding to start now. It should happen in the next few days.

6 years ago

thecronins722: So sorry about that :( beta numbers can fluctuate and if your did less then a point- that was most likely your trigger... My Dr told me over 5 was considered positive.

Go easy on yourself. did the cyst release eggs or did they just form. I have PCOS and used to have cyst every cycle. Unfortunately, they don't all produce eggs :(

Just take time to grieve fr yourself.

6 years ago

x's 3

6 years ago


6 years ago

Thank you turtles! It’s more frustrating than anything. According to the ultrasound they did release. I go for a repeat ultrasound oin two months to make sure that they resolved. Next cycle I plan on waiting to use hpts until 12 dpt. That’s when it tested negative on beta hcg testing. Hopefully it won’t happen again.

6 years ago

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