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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Got into my app half hour early : ). She is measuring a day ahead so she definitely isnt going to be small like my son was. Placenta on top so I have the option to push. I just have to weigh out the risks of pushing with a previous c section. So we are not decided yet. Everything looks great. She keeps opening her mouth. We could see her little tongue wiggling haha

6 years ago • Post starter

That is totally cool dandy!!!!! That's great that you have the option to have a vbac whatever you decide on will be perfect. That's so cute that she was sticking out her tongue lol. She already has a great personality.

6 years ago

Cronins yay for almost being done with meds. You’ll be in the tww in no time. I hope this message does the trick for you.

Dandy- sounds like your appt went well. The US are amazing with how much they show.. One of mine was chewing on his hand. I have one placenta that is close to the cervix that they are going to watch and the other is higher. Don’t really know what that means though lol.

Today I have felt amazing! I haven’t had to chew any gum or keep anything in my mouth. Also slept without waking up nauseous and having to snack. I really hope this is the new trend. If so, the rest of the way is going to be amazing :-) I did go buy more sleepers today :-)

6 years ago

Lucky, woohoo for feeling back to normal!!!!!! Hopefully it's the new trend for you. May the rest of your pregnancy be queasy free.

6 years ago

Cronins I really hope so. Did you have nausea with any of yours? I know they say some women don’t. If it is my new normal not being nauseous does it usually last the rest of pregnancy? I really hope so! I just don’t like feeling ill lol.

6 years ago

Lucky. Yay for feeling better lately. Thats always a good thing. They are probably going to watch the lower placenta bc if it covers your cervix you will have to have a c section. They tend to move around a bit. Time seems to be going fast but slow at the same time. Does that make sense? Lol. Glad the holidays are around the corner. Something else to focus my mind on ; )

6 years ago • Post starter

Dandy that makes plenty of sense, I feel the same way. Usually once Nov gets here the rest of the year flies by. I’m going to work on getting the nursery done by the end of the year and the clothes bought and washed so I can chill until they get here. They won’t let me go past 37 weeks so I’ll probably go early March.

6 years ago

Lucky we will be so close in our deliveries. I still need carpet in my nursery before I can continue much else. Had a couple set backs financially. So we had to wait but we plan on getting it soon. I too would like to get everything washed and put up n ready before or around Christmas.

6 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

Lucky: I had morning, noon and night sickness with all my pregnancies excepte 1. It usually lasted until I was between 5 1/2 and 6 1/12 months. Then it went away for the rest of the pregnancy.

As for me, I got a clear temperature drop this morning that was significant. I triggered with 10,000 iu hcg. So I should ovulate in a day or two. Yay for the dreaded tww. I will continue to bd until 3 or 4 dpo. I want to make sure that I am going to catch the egg or eggs.

6 years ago

Cronins, trigger day : ) happy bding. Lol.

6 years ago • Post starter

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