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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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421 - 430 of 583 Replies | Last Page

Aw Therose, gastro is the worst yes I know. If you can get your hands on some coconut water (not milk) it's very good to replace lost electrolytes.

Hopefully, next month! Lots of babydust to stock up for next month!

Bashworth, I had only one opk the month I conceived and I guess I just timed it really good by watching my cm and got the positive spot
Good luck!

Mommy1st, sup? Lol... Hope it's all good!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well I've had all my blood tests and swabs done and hubby has took his sample in this morning so we just gotta wait for the results but can't get in to see our doc till 2 weeks so it's gonna be a long wait, I've now got a sore throat and it's killin me xx

11 years ago

2 weeks seems like forever huh! I still have 2 more weeks for my first ultrasound and it seems like ages away! sorry u r feeling yucky! Seems to b going around a lot lately! Hope u feel better soon.

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11 years ago

Oh yea it sure is going around. I got it too. Couldn't go to work a couple days last week cuz I was so sick. Still have an annoying cough leftover.

11 years ago • Post starter

Today I was hit with HORRIBLE nausea, back ache, headache and ovary cramping. I knew it is right around O time so I took my last OPK... POSITIVE!! Time to BD!!!

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11 years ago


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11 years ago

How are you feeling Therose?! Close to testing?

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11 years ago

Ye I've been testing still will have to see again next month and I'm back at doctors in two weeks for my results and hubbies and see what the next step the doctor advises use to do xx

11 years ago

How are you getting on Hun? Xx

11 years ago

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! I am 6 dpo today. Trying to remain calm haha. Headed to the Dr today. Think I either have bronchitis or pneumonia

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11 years ago

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