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Ttc in 2016

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Welcome to anyone trying to conceive in 2016. Let's hope this will be the year full of
Blizzards of baby dust to everyone xx

2177 Replies • 8 years ago



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Welcome Charm - sending your way and wishing you a successful short journey to your .

Pink- Awww Pink. It can still happen..45/46 is not a grandma. I know people that had unexpected pregnancies at that age but I understand what you are saying.

Ani- Thank you and sorry to hear about that

Kerzie - how are you coming along?

Today my boobs are like two small itchy footballs. I'm constantly tired and feel a pull in my abdominal area. No other early pregnancy symptoms. Trying to decide whether I delay Dr's appt until I'm 6 weeks to do an ultrasound and blood work. Any thoughts? Should I go in next week to check hcg levels or wait another week to do both?

Hope everyone else is doing fine!!!!

8 years ago

Hello ladies,

MICO!!! OMG I am so ecstatic for you! Praise God for your BFP!
I knew someone would get that BFP for spring.

Kerzie you are next. ????

Mrs D glad to hear all is well and you and baby are healthy.

Pink hang in there girl. What God has for you is for you.

Welcome Charming! Wishing you all the best on your journey.

AF started right on schedule for me. CD 4. I have been off most supplements for a month. Not really into all of the preparations anymore. I think I am at peace with life. So if it happens great! I am going to focus on getting toned and back to my yoga practice now that we finally got the keys to our place today. Hallelujah!

to Mico & Mrs D.
Showers of to the rest of us.

8 years ago

Thanks pinky, kerzie. We are in agreement with AF, she visits only for three days. So she should be gone today.
The only issue I'm experiencing now is aching abdomen even now. Which is not my usual cup of tea. Might be that my hormones went really wonky. Wish anyone wanted to do amything about it.
Pinky, don't worry about those thoughts, been having similar ones, few times myself. It's a coping mechanism I think.
Kerzie, any news on baby making front? How are you doing?
Booked an appointment with another doctor, I hope I will find a reasonable one, eventually.
I am also having a small issue with my oh if you don't mind me asking about your opinion.
While he is amazingly tender and caring towards me and is amazing with other kids in his family, I feel like he is a bit cold with my daughter. Tried to talk about it but ha can't see it.

8 years ago

Hello ladies,
Pink. It's not silly, you have done the right thing by allowing yourself to FEEL, that way it is felt with and you are not holding on to negative emotions. Now you sound stronger and trying again will be easier emotionally. Ideally I would love a summer baby but like you would be over the moon at anytime. We will win this race

Mico. Thought about your question and have an idea. Make apt to do both together as from what I've heard it makes financial sense in America. For your own peace of mind do another digital test, as long as it doesn't go back in conception or come up negative you have the reassurance that.everything is moving in the right direction. Just an idea xx

39. Wish I could be as chilled as you about it all, sounds really healthy. A lot of women fall when they stop trying so hard xx

Ani. In a past relationship I was in your oh place. I loved my partners kids to death and would have done anything for them but is hard as there is a line you can never cross. You always have a subconscious fear of offending 'the parents' or overstepping your boundaries. Once you both have your baby it will get easier, he will be connected to your daughter in an unbreakable way. Time and security will create a bond no one can break. Have you told him what you would like to see him do or how to act? Try some very gentle pointers

8 years ago • Post starter

Kerzie, I am talking with him every day, he is open to sugestions, thank you for your insight. It is very new situation for me, as I come from very religious family and background where divorce, and a second relationships are very frowned upon so I have no one to ask really.

On another note, two days ago my manager told me he needs to talk with me. My paranoia was telling me all the nasty things, but it was a very good news.

Not yet disclosing the details because I am in a bit of a loss at what to do and I have nothing on paper yet.

8 years ago

Ani. I know you don't want to jinx it with your job but I'm keeping everything crossed for you. You deserve some good luck which will hopefully give you a much needed confidence boost
I know you are a natural worrier but how does your dd feel about your oh? Does she feel like he is holding back his emotions?
We are all here to support each other so feel free to talk about stuff. It gets the stress out and that is good for ttc
Looking forward to hearing your news xx

8 years ago • Post starter

Kerzie, she likes him, but keeps saying he is not her dad.
Her real dad loves her to bits but can also ne pretty cold, but they see each other very rarely (he stayed in my home country) so he seems way better for short periods of time.
My daughter treats my oh like an uncle more than anything and keeps saying he is important but he is not family in a blood-family way.
Apparently when I'm not around they get together way better, and the moment I'm in sight my dd starts behaving like a spoiled brat ;p
Thank you for your support, you are amazing

8 years ago

Ania, I was brought up by 2 diff step-dads, I do agree with your daughter, I always felt they were not my dad and couldn't act like it but however, they still deserved the respect and treatment like another adult/member of the family and as i got older I respected them more for what they did for me and my mum, now I am in a position that my 3 girls have my OH as a step dad and I have his daughter so a step mum, luckily I get on well with his daughter, well when we did see her, I always kept a certain distance as her mum can get jealous and nasty and a drinker so I just try to be friend to her and a responsible adult,(well most of the time) when she is around, my girls respect my oh, he is pretty relaxed with them and although does alot for them he doesnt try to be their dad, they speak to their dad regulary, its tough and tricky at times but you can only take it a day at a time, its good I think if you let them get on with it abit if you know what I mean, hope this helps and I haven't sent you to sleep zzzzzzz, hope your having a good weekend ladies, to all -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Ah Pinky, why would you put me to sleep. That is a very interesting insight.

We were pretty clear that my OH is not and never will be my DD dad. but as you said he deserves respect as an adult carer.
I mostly let them settle the relationship themselves (as long as I am not arround to interfere):P

It's difficult to create a new family, there seems to be a lot of patching things up and winging it. I do think I'm doing the best I can, I'm quite happy with my choices.

In two days it's going to be a year since I moved to UK to my OH, after two years of long distance relationship.

8 years ago

Have you considered family counselling? Your poor dd probably has a turmoil of emotions. It's natural for her to miss her dad (and only see the good), plus she may feel guilty for liking your oh. She also might be a bit jealous of anyone getting attention from you, you are the only connection to everything she knew.
You are a good mum to notice the little things and I have no doubt you will help her come to terms with everything. The love you and your oh have for her will help secure her in the new family. From what you have said you are communicating with both them and that's the biggest thing.
When things get tough, we are here. Shout, scream and stamp your feet in frustration (not sure how you do that online?), We will help any way we can.

8 years ago • Post starter

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