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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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I am 12 days past hcg trigger and 10 dpo. Looking promising, but tomorrow’s should really reveal whether or not I am pregnant. It still could be the trigger. Now I have to hurry up and wait lol.

6 years ago

The dreaded waiting game. Yeah that test could go either way! Are you done testing for today? I think i would be tempted to do another this evening but thats just me n my poas addiction lol

6 years ago • Post starter

You know me too well dandy lol. I am in the midst of doing a urine hold. I have no more frer tests until tomorrow’s mail arrives. It usually arrives between 9-10 am, so I plan on saving my fmu until I can use a frer test. In the meantime, I will just have to satisfy the urge to poas with a Walmart first signal.

6 years ago

How dod that first signal turn out?

6 years ago • Post starter

Dandy: it looks about the same as the second morning urine test. I am definitely going to test again tomorrow morning with a first signal and a frer. I have two wondfo tests left so I will most likely use one tomorrow morning too. I ordered more wondfo tests but they are not scheduled to arrive until next Monday or Tuesday. This waiting is so torturous lol. I wish it was morning already lol

6 years ago

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Fmu is still looking very light. I am 13 days past hcg trigger and 11 dpo today. Not sure what to think of this test. I will definitely be testing with the frer very soon. I also have some clear blue easy ones coming in today’s mail. Hopefully they’ll be more conclusive results.

6 years ago

Yeah dag nabit. It looks about the same. Im anxious to see that frer.

6 years ago • Post starter

Cronins that looks very promising. Trigger should def be out by now. How is everyone today? I’m feeling ok today. I can’t believe how hard it is getting to do my everyday tasks lol. Putting shoes on and tying them is so hard, I feel for my geriatric patients I work with, and breathing is getting harder with the weight gain. But I wouldn’t trade any of this experience. Can’t wait to meet my little guys.

6 years ago

Lucky, I know what you mean! ( to an extent of course) you carrying two makes a difference, Im sure. Lol. I have to squat to bend down, I cant bend. It hurts my belly. This is probably tmi but with this pregnancy my urine just tinkles forever after Im done. I wipe two or three times and this morning after I was done I almost had a panic attack bc my pants were wet! So to the shower I went when I realized it was pee. Gross. Lol. My sil said wait till you sneeze and pee your pants, hope that doesn't happen!! In my daily reader of my stage of pregnancy it said I should be finding myself full of energy and feeling better.... ( buzzer sound) threw my guts up and I still tire so easy. Cant wait for the next few months to fly by!

6 years ago • Post starter

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