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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Good morning ladies,

Dandy: so glad lo is feeling better. Praise God that you didn’t get sick. You’re right not to fret over the carpet. It will definitely happen and you’ll be on your way to a complete nursery.

Lucky: glad the crib is underway. I would think that you could just get the bolts from Home Depot or Lowe’s. If not call the crib manufacturer and they should be able to get it for you. As far as Christmas gifts, the kids want the whole Toys rUs toy store lol. I told them they can list things they want and we’ll be getting 4-5 gifts each. I want them to keep in mind what it’s really about- Jesus. I think that they know it but are just really excited. I plan on finishing my Christmas shopping and tree decorating on Wednesday. My son Matthew is turning 8 on Saturday so I also have to birthday shop for him.

As for me, I am 9 dpo and 10 days past trigger. My tests are not getting any lighter the past day or two. They remain about the same lol. I thought today’s looks a tad bit darker, but it could be wishful thinking on my part lol. Will keep testing away until AF or a bfp.

6 years ago

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Just for records: top one from this morning and the bottom test is from yesterday.

6 years ago

Good Morning,

Cronins I do see the line. Hopefully it darkens for you now. You have a birthday and Xmas right together, that’s got to be busy. I’ve almost finished my shopping, just a couple more things. I’m going to look and see if Lowe’s has the bolts for the crib but they are Allen bolts and not sure if stores carry them.

Dandy how are you today?

Were you ladies able to sleep when pregnant? I’m still trying to figure out how lol.

6 years ago

Thanks lucky. Yeah my sons due date originally was Christmas Day, but he came a week earlier when my water broke lol. It’s always a crazy time of year for us, but I would not change it for the world.

Sleeping was always difficult for me. I usually ended up only sleeping 4-5 hours a nigh. With my 7 and 9 year olds pregnancies I barely slept. I think that it’s pretty normal, especially for a twin pregnancy. Just rest as much as you can during the day.

6 years ago

Good afternoon ladies,

How are you two doing today?

Lucky: were you able to get those bolts for lo’s crib?

Dandy: anything new to report? How have your contractions been? Are you still on the medication?

As for me, my hpts was essentially negative this morning, but I am in the process of dipping one as we speak. I think that I see a shadow of a line on the wondfo. I just have to wait the 5 minuets for it to finish. Hoping that it darkens in the next day or two. I am 10 dpo and 11 days past hcg trigger. I’ll post this mornings test and this test side by side for comparison in just a few minutes. Wish me well.

6 years ago

Good luck Cronins! I hope it darkens as well :-)

I haven’t got the bolts yet, probably will one day this week. I’m not feeling too bad right now. Usually mornings and evenings are my worst. Tomorrow I have an appointment so will see how things are going.

6 years ago

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Yesterday fmu was negative. Yesterday afternoon I saw a shadow of a line, and this morning the shadow line is there again. Am I crazy or can you see a shadow of a line too? I am 11 dpo and 12 days past hcg trigger. I hope and pray that it darkens so I don’t get line eyes anymore lol. Let the poas marathon continue lol.

How are you two doing today?

6 years ago

Cronins I can still see that shadow. Fingers crossed over here gor a darker line this afternoon or tmrw!! I too am trying to teach lo that Christmas is about Jesus. He knows that he ( children) get presents like baby Jesus did and that why we celebrate, for his birth.
Lucky, yes I have to pee in a cup every time for my reg on visits. They are just checking for infections and they have to have a drug screen on file. Thats how they found blood in my urine when I was have contractions. Sleeping isnt easy. I can only sleep on my sides and have to put a pillow under my belly for support. Switching sides kind of hurts my belly.
Afm, I still have contractions and still try to time my meds around when Im not having to drive or do much. If im not having any I skip my afternoon dose. I still have a few more gifts to buy and haven't wrapped a single one. Bla. Thats my goal for later this week. Lol

6 years ago • Post starter

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Hey dandy,

I just did this hpt and again I think I see a shadow of a line. Praying that it darkens really soon.

Glad to hear that your contractions are under control. Thank goodness for that.

6 years ago

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