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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Hello girls. Thank you for the encouragement. I dont mind the money situation as much as dh. I think it just becomes a lot on his shoulders sometimes and stresses him out. Its not like we really need anything. Bills are pd and we are healthy.
Boo for af Cronins! At least she is being easy on you. Congratulations on being a grandma : ). Do you have any ideas yet on how you are going to do the reveal? That's going to be so much fun!
Lucky, your mom being there when the babies come will be so much help! I can understand why you dont like taking money from her. But Im sure it makes her feel good. My dad would get so upset if I would refuse money from him when I would do his errands. I think ot makes/ made them feel like they are helping you as much as you are helping them.
Afm, had a field trip with lo this morning to the movie theater. Riding the bus was a doozy on my contractions lol. Then had a few spur of the moment errands to do. Now we are finally home. Im so exhausted. Im not even going to attempt a nap. I need to start super soon so its ready when dh gets home. Is it bed time yet? Lol

6 years ago • Post starter

Dandy not sure what to do with the gender reveal party yet, but I will be doing my Google research lol! I just heard from my ob gyn office and my dr gave me the ok to use medication this cycle and that the cyst is probably left over from last cycle. So I took clomid 100 mg and 40 mg of tamoxifen lol. I do not plan to trigger this cycle as I ran out of triggers and need to order more. Woohoo here I go again lol.

6 years ago

Cronins check out Pinterest for your gender reveal. There are a lot of cute ideas. I love Pinterest lol.

Dandy I just woke up from a nap lol. I don’t sleep good at night so most days after work I nap. Now I should make dinner lol.

6 years ago

Good morning ladies. How is everyone today?
Afm, i seem to be feeling ok today. Energy level seems to be at a decent level. I just need a little motivation lol. I have a lot of little things to get done before the Christmas weekend as we will have family staying with us Sat night. I also have a ride on tractor to put together with working parts. So wish me luck and send some energy vibes my way : )

6 years ago • Post starter

Dandy- sending energy vibes your way lol. I still don’t have any energy but I’m hoping that my third trimester will be full of energy and nausea will be gone :-)
I still haven’t finished putting the cribs together and I need to get a few more shelves to put up.

Cronins how are you doing? Christmas shopping done and ready to go?

6 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Glad to hear that you two are doing well.

Lucky: praying that your energy and nausea improves in the third trimester.

Dandy: that’s so exciting that you’ll have family over for Christmas. Have a wonderful time. Well wishes for your project to go smoothly for you.

As for me, AF has vacated and cd 5 is on the books. I am on day 4 of clomid 100 mg and tamoxifen 40 mg. Tomorrow is my last day of medication. So excited! As far as Christmas goes, I am completely done Christmas shopping and wrapping. I had a marathon wrapping session yesterday lol. I just need to pick up a few things for Christmas dinner and I will be all set.

How are Christmas preparations coming along for you two? Anything new with your pregnancies? Have a very blessed day ladies!!!

6 years ago

Lucky, hope your feeling ok today!
Cronins I will be doing some marathon wrapping today or tmrw. Lol. Glad af is gone for ya ; )
Afm, had to reschedule my glucose and ob appointment today. Lo is sick again!! It just came on all of a sudden last night. My appointment was for a half hour ago. I wasnt going to wake him up and drag him in there with me. Hes normally up b4 7. So with him sleeping till 9:30 tells me a lot! Still have a lot to donor at least it feels that way. Lol

6 years ago • Post starter

Merry Christmas eve to all you ladies : ) Hope everyone is enjoying time with family and friends!! <3

6 years ago • Post starter

Merry Christmas dandy and lucky! May God continue to bless each of you on this Earthly journey. Have fun with your family and friends.

6 years ago

Good morning ladies,

I hope that you both have had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family and friends. It was so relaxing.

How are you two doing today? Anything new pregnancy wise?

As for me, I am CD 10 and got a positive opk this morning, so I should be ovulating in the next day or two. Been bding in the meantime lol. Can’t wait to be in the tww again. Hopefully I will get my bfp this cycle as I ring in the New Year!

6 years ago

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