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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Omg dandy, that is hysterical lol!!! Kids definitely say the funniest things.

As for me, my tests look about the same. I am 7 dpo today and my temperature remains steady. I will most definitely be testing later today lol.

How are you two doing today?

6 years ago

Good morning. Cant wait to see your hpt later Cronins!
Afm contractions are bad this morning. Seems the worse my contractions, the worse the side affects are from the medication to stop it. I was starting to get stuff done around here but now Im forced to sit n put my feet up. Im kind of scared to come off my meds at 36 weeks. Lol. Dr want to take me off and see if I go into labor on my own before 39 weeks. The way I feel today , Im convinced I will!

6 years ago • Post starter

Oh dandy, definitely rest and get those feet up. I had prodromal labor from 24 weeks until I was 38 weeks when I finally had my last one. I dilated to 5 cm and then they decided to break my water and get labor really started. It was the best labor I had with all 7 labors. Perhaps when you come off the medication you’ll end up going quickly? Fingers crossed that you don’t go into labor too soon!!!! Hugs sweetie!!!

6 years ago

Thank you Cronins. I swear if I hadnt just been checked I would be in the ER! They are so bad that I get a sharp pain in my vagina and it radiates down the inside of my legs. It feels like I could squat down n push my water will break! My preturm labor with lo wasnt near this bad. Omg. If its not better by tmrw, I will call mr dr. I just down loaded a contraction counter so when they ask I can be accurate. Trying to hold out at least 5 n a half weeks when im 36.

6 years ago • Post starter

Dandy, that sounds very painful. Definitely keep track of those contractions and notify your ob if they don’t improve. Are you at all dilated when they checked you this morning? Hopefully lo stays put for a little while longer. Keep us updated!

6 years ago

Dandy hopefully those contractions subside for you. I’ve been having some but they are not painful just feel a tightening. I’m not dilated but I am thinning. These babies still need to cook lol.

Cronins how’s your hpt this evening?

6 years ago

The intensity has definitely calmed down. Whew! But they are still there and pesky. I was checked for dialation Monday at us and at my ob app tues. I havnt dilated at all. My cervix had thinned a smidge compared to a few weeks ago but im not considered to be affaced at all.

6 years ago • Post starter

Good evening ladies. Cronins how do your test look today? Lucky how are you feeling today?
Afm, I am feeling so much better today : )

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Dandy glad your feeling better, that makes things so much easier.

Cronins how are you doing? Tests getting darker?

AFM, I felt ok today. Baby B is living in my rib some days and wow that hurts. Still nauseous but deal with it lol. Told my mom I don’t want to be sick when giving birth so I hope they will give me something.

6 years ago

Hello ladies,

Sorry I have been mia today. Picked up my mom from the nursing home today and then my passenger rear tire broke completely off from my Chrysler Town and Country while I was driving it. Scared the crap out of me. Thank goodness that I was just approaching an intersection so I was only going about 10 miles per hour. Between picking up my mom, getting towed, getting the kids from school, picking my husband up from work, and then dropping my mom back off, I didn’t end up testing today. I plan on testing with fmu using a frer and a Walmart first signal as well as a wondfo lol. Definitely want to catch up lol. I just got home about a half hour ago. Phew, what a day. I am exhausted lol!

Glad to hear that both of you are doing okay. Pregnancy is awesome but can be very challenging too. I’ll update tomorrow morning after I test. Have a great evening ladies.

6 years ago

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