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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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Flamingogirl- Now here is what my chart looks like. So if this is right then I’m 6dpo today and a longer cycle. Guess I will see what temp does tomorrow. Since this morning I have been cramping so I hope AF isn’t coming days early. Last time I was a 28cycle was a year ago.

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6 years ago

I hope AF doesn't show up for you either. That could just be a dip from increases estrogen. I've heard that estrogen can cause a dip in the 5-6 dpo range. I'll be crossing my fingers for you! FF and CTP are both in agreement that I ovulated on Monday so I'm not far behind you at 4dpo.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!
Sorry I haven’t pooped my head in for a while. Hope to touch base more often soon.

Another weird cycle here with a “prolonged/double AF?”. I still tested in the latter part of my second bleed since it’s not typical AF style if that makes sense.
About 3 days ago the OPKs started getting darker and yesterday they were ALMOST positive. Sure enough I ran out of my brand that seemed to be closer to the control line colour that morning so I wonder if it would have been pos in the afternoon.
My OPK this morning was dark but again, not positive. Will insert photos, top yesterday, bottom today. Can see how the blue strip probably would have shown + had I done it in the same sample that I did the green one today.
Anyway. My CM completely dried up by midday. So I’m really confused. Either I’m on O day with a short surge or I’ll O in another 5-6 days (last cycle was long for me- 35 days). I’m normally one to O on day 15-16.

The in limbo is annoying.
Here’s to waiting on whether it’s O time or still coming

May your TWW’s go fast ladies!

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6 years ago

So my temp went up not by much 98.01 I thought I would take a test with SMU and it came back negative. I thought I be 11dpo but I have a feeling I am 7dpo as FF says and CTP. Will test next week.

6 years ago • Edited

Still waiting to ovulate. My monitor is still on Low, but I have had EWCM since cd 10. However, I still don't feel any ovulation pain, which I always do by now. So have no idea what's up right now.

6 years ago

Flamingogirl- FYI my DH uncle (50) and aunt(46) if you remember had the BABY today!! I was there as she was born how I can’t wait to hold my own! What a Memorial Day Celebration!!

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - I do remember you talking about your uncle and aunt! Congratulations to them on their new baby girl! I hope you got to hold and cuddle that newborn. Newborns are so sweet. Are you waiting to to test until this weekend?

@LuckyDuck90 - Did you're OPKs after those get darker? From what I've heard people say around here the test line should be as dark as the control line for a positive OPK. Keep us updated!

@DiviniumLiv- Did you get your Peak on your monitor? Maybe you didn't feel ovulation this cycle? Sometimes I don't feel it. I swear I feel it on my right side but I never feel it on my left. lol!

AFM - I'm 8 or 9 dpo and felt some cramping like af this morning. I don't want to get my hopes up but is that what implantation feels like? Or maybe I was just cramping? Unless I have some more definitive symptoms I'm going to do my best to hold off testing until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

to all!

6 years ago • Post starter

Flamingogirl- yes I held her and she opened her eyes are started at me. My DH was there and he just smiled at me. Felt a lil pressure Lol. The last time I got pregnant I had Af type cramps lasted 15 mins and felt wetness when went to restroom ewcm like goo that’s was at 7dpo. That’s is what my implantation felt like. I heard women have different feelings about it.

AFM, I’m 11dpo if I ovulated like CTP and FF says CD 21. But I have a feeling I’m 14 dpo and ovulated CD 17. Only saying that bc since this week mild cramps and yesterday I had (TMI) but pink creamy cm for about 2 hrs then stopped. Still mild cramps and felt like tummy was sore. No sore boobs anymore either. Today mild cramps like af again but went away and this morning loads of white creamy cm then about 10am loads of EWcM with a red dot smeared in it. Nothing after that. Now it’s creamy watery. I have not tested bc I don’t know where I am at 11dpo or 14dpo. Just waiting till tomorrow to see if AF comes or not. Temp is 98.0 today

6 years ago

Beaut1ful38 - Holding her sounds wonderful! I'm still getting used to your new avatar. I was so accustom to your old one. lol! I like the new one!

I hope it was implantation. Everyone seems to describe it differently. I didn't get for cm but maybe I should today. I hope AF stays tomorrow so you get to test! 98 is still above your coverline. I've been temping further this cycle too. The scientist part of me likes to see the chart full of data points.

6 years ago • Post starter

Flamingogirl- yes I keep saying no temp but then I can’t help it. When I take temp tomorrow will find out if af or not. Just ready to know!! How are you feeling.

Sorry I want to see the new avatar and I liked it as I changed my Hair color lol

6 years ago • Edited

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