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3DPO - Need a TWW buddy...

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Hi, I'm 3DPO ttc my first. This is my first cycle of clomid also. I'd love to have someone to share the dreaded/anticipated tww with!

583 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thanks so much Therose! That means a lot!!

Think I might pass out! What do you think?!

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11 years ago

That's a positive! If I were u I would b running to the store for a frer to use with fmu! Those show the clearest!

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10 years ago

I just went and bought a 2-pack!!! Super nervous!!!

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10 years ago

Don't b denying that was a positive...praying for a sticky bean for u!

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10 years ago

Thank you!! Afraid of another miscarriage, afraid of a chemical preg, so many things I am afraid of. Will hope and pray!!

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10 years ago

I feel u, I'm still scared at 9 weeks and will b for a while. The first little bit was the scariest and I loved watching those lines get darker. Will ur ob see u early? Maybe check ur levels including progesterone to see if u need supplements?

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10 years ago

He wrote me out a prescription for progesterone and told me to start taking them when I find out I am pregnant. My pharmacy is closed for the weekend. As long as the FRER is BFP tomorrow then I will get it filled on Monday. He said I can come in whenever. Just had prenatal labs done in April so he isn't too worried. I will probably request an ultrasound around 8-9 weeks for check for a heartbeat.

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10 years ago

That sure looks like a to me Hun, , xx

10 years ago

Sounds like a good what's the am verdict?

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10 years ago

Now that only leaves me, I feel like the odd ball now xx

10 years ago

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