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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

441 - 450 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Cronins thank you! I appreciate all the prayers I can get..its been a rough year and I'm ready for something good to come out of it :-)

8 years ago

i just my results. Progesterone was 25. Yay! But the hcg was an " inconclusive negative" im at a 1. She said they are labeling it that because if implanation took place yesterday then it wont even double till a 2 till tmrw then a 4 sunday and so forth. Af is due Sunday. So there really isnt any point in testing untill( if) she is late. I am happy that my progestone is up. I am feeling AFish still so I guess only time will tell. Hurry up Sunday!

8 years ago • Post starter

Dandy : to register a number for hcg is really good. Most of the time they come back <1. That means you have the potential to increase that number if implantation happened yesterday. I am so excited that you may get your bfp very soon. That progesterone number is phenomenal too. Woohoo nail biting ride over the next several days. I will continue to pray for you as well. This is so exciting! !!

8 years ago

Dandy 25 is great! Hopefully you will get that BFP :-)

8 years ago

Thank you guys. Just gotta wait it out now. Just checked Barbie( my cervix hehe) and she is still the same, high and swollen. Hard to tell but it seems closed still. I would think she would be making her way down soon if AF is coming.

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies,

How are you all doing this morning?

Dandy: how is the testing going? Are you opting to wait to test?

Lucky: You go for an ultrasound today, right? Praying for some awesome growth.

Miam: Hey sweetie, hoping those pregnancy symptoms are settling down for you.

Katie: How are your tests looking? Hopefully getting very dark.

As for me, second day of meds and just awaiting my lab results. Will let you all know as soon as they come in.

8 years ago

Good morning everyone! grrr I tried to post a few times this morning but the site kept crashing before i could post.
Cronins, are you expecting you results today?
Lucky, getting so darn close!
Katie and Miam, how are you to pregos?
Afm, pretty sure Barbie is positioning herself for af now. Thats ok, im ready to start over. I'm excited to do this hsg test. Clean out the ol tube lol. If no blockages it should only be a matter of time since the letrozole is working wonderfully! Looks like I wont be far behind you on this cycle Cronins

8 years ago • Post starter

dandy: That stinks about barbie. The cervix will come down a bit if you are pregnant too. Lets hope it's not the witch and if so, then you are right smack behind me in cycles.

I am waiting for the nurse to give me a call back. She called to tell me that she was sending a note for the doctor to review the results and will call back shortly. Hoping that is good news and not bad news, lol.

8 years ago

FSH level came back at 7.6 which is great. It needs to be less than 9. Waiting for the AM level now. It takes a few days for that test. Feeling very relieved, lol. My ovarian reserve is normal thus far.

8 years ago

Thats great Cronins! Breath easy lol.
Is today over yet? Its been such a long day and its only 1:30! Today marks 5 years ago that my father passed away. It just makes for an emotional day.

8 years ago • Post starter

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