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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Mnj & Texas - welcome!

Gracey - the length of your lh surge will determine whether it affect your testing. I would suggest testing when you get home instead of in the morning. Your body stops producing lh at night, so fmu is pretty much pointless. You MIGHT get a + in the morning if you have a longer surge, though. GL!

11 years ago

idk y she is so tricky!!!! :(

but she hasnt come today either... only that day and spotting the next... i know im not Preg. cuz im breaking out on my face which i always do when AF is here and pms-ing. so i think this is just a weird AF.

11 years ago

Thank's Phat that is really helpful! you probably just saved me from weeks of wondering why I didn't ovulate! lol the stupid packet says to test whenever you like!

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11 years ago

@gracey- i always get my positives opks in the late afternoon. But dont worry that it's not getting darker. Mine will look the same for days then BOOM positive...that's why it's called a surge lol!

@enbutler- could be pinched nerve

@mandie- thongs that make you go hmmm... May just be weird Af. Hope not! Lol.

@ texasbaby- hi hun! Glad you enjoyed reading! Lol. It's possible you OV later than you thought. Your OV date can change with age. The spottong may have been OV or implantation bleeding. Hoping you get your bfp soon!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies! Sorry I haven't been on much since getting back from vacation. Cancun was great. Had a fabulous time, but DH and I both came back with some kind of bug. We have been sleeping all weekend and I took yesterday off from work. It was our anniversary too, so it sucked being sick. We did get a chance to get our BDing several times over the last few days. I'm glad because this morning I got my positive OPK. I even took like 4 tests to confirm. I posted 3 of them! My Clearblue Easy digital monitor and digital advanced are the most reliable. Guess we will be BDing a few days more! Hope DH doesn't get worn out!

@Waiting - My jamberry's were okay. They only lasted about 4 days, but looked bad after one. I think I need more practice putting them on. Or the ones I ordered online could have been a different quality. They did not look as shiny as what I see on the youtube videos. I will give it another try though.

@Texasbaby - I'm 42, so I sure hope we can still have babies after 40! Welcome to the nuthouse. If you want a baby, I hope you get your BFP. In terms of telling the father, let's wait to see what happens first before we contemplate that. It is stressful enough waiting to find out if you are pregnant - so I would address one stressor at a time. Since you were injured, that could have messed with your cycle and delayed O, so you never now. I would give it a few days to see what happens or just take a cheapie test. The Walmart $.88 ones are fabulous!

@Mandie - fingers crossed AF doesn't show and you get a BFP!

@enbutler - I may have missed this, but can't you take an hpt to see? I would be chomping at the bit to POAS right about now! Best of luck to you.

My apologies for not responding to everyone. I have some work to do, but will troll the forum today and respond when I can. Can't wait for DH to get home, so I can pounce on him and try to catch that the way...I still have my softcup in from last night. It's been in for 10 hours, so it will be coming out soon. Last time when I got my BFP, Softcups were in my protocol.

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11 years ago

@holly- i'm sorry you got a bug! Stomach? Glad you got baby dancing in! I'm sorry the jamberries were giving you fits. Usually if you have issues it was the application method. Being your first time, it can be a lil difficult but it gets easier. There are different methods you can apply them that work well. Check out youtube! There is the stretch method for better seal. Also, you have to make sure that all oils are cleaned off your nails otherwise they'll pull up. Plus, buffing them a little can help the wrap seal better. Which wrap did you apply?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I'm a wreck! Everything just came flooding on me at once! I found out last week that my childhood friend is pregnant. I'm very happy for her but...i just saw the video of her telling her mom she was pregnant. I saw her mom open a box that had baby balloons fly out. That was my plan for all 3 of my pregnancies of how to tell my mom. I dont care that she did it cause many's just really hard to see cause i never got to do it! And now I cant do it in the future cause my mom will suspect it.

I miss my babies !!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Waiting- sorry hun.

I know it is hard. Many of us share the same issues especially when we have experienced losses and have not held any of our babies. Our time will come. You have great chances because you are young. Hang in there. God will bless you with children in his time.

In terms of how to tell your mom...don't sweat the small stuff! When you are pregnant with a sticky bean, will it matter? We will cross that bridge when you get to it. I'm sure all of your crazy house sisters here will be willing to help you think of a cute way to do it!

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11 years ago

Sorry. Slow internet double-post.

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11 years ago

@waiting. I'm sorry.
AFM: could be a pinched nerve. i'm finally back to regular on the digestive side of things. on another note, i took a test this morning and i think i may have gotten an evap line but i'm not sure or maybe it's my eyes playing with me because i swear i seen an extremely faint positive. it was after the allotted amount of time though when i went back and looked so idk if it was there before or doesn't look like a shadow of a line it looks like an actual line so idk..but i'll wait til friday to test again to see.

right about now i'm still having some twinges happening in my uterus area, feel like twitches or little bubbles and on my right side i feel a cramp but not like an AF cramp, it's different. Also having some headache issues (maybe from being on the computer for 9 hours a day for

Definitely constant twitches and small pulls in my lower abdomen throughout the day though..not sure what that is. fatigue is set in for the past 9 days, constantly sleepy for no reason, a little more moody and urinating often but i am drinking like 4-5 bottles of water a day too so i can't really tell if it's more often than usual

11 years ago

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