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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Dragonfly, i accidently sent before i got to you. Lol. It doesnt matter about the constipation and room. I asked my dr last pregnancy and he said our digestive track slows diwn and a lot of the nutrients is absorbed in the body and not made into waste. He said some ladies carry multiples and they have plenty of room so a little constipation wont harm him. I was worried about straining too hard. I am sorry you are cramping. Could the cramps be from constipation? They can be brutal. I really hope you feel better, girl! I love my doppler. I pd 40$ for it. I keep in mind about may not being able to hear it so if i dont pick it up, i try later in the day/next morning and find it.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kwlliria. Thank you so much for your comment. I believe the cramps are from the constipation. I put my hand on my stomach and I'm pretty sure I felt some movement. Will look into dopplers but some sites want $90.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, this is mine. It was 40 but that was 3 yrs ago. I got it directly from sonoline.

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6 years ago • Post starter

Hope your feeling better today Dragonfly23. In my opinion if I were as far along as you, I wouldn't bother to get one, you're so so close to having jabs and kicks round the clock. I personally put them away once the proper movement starts as I think that's a much better way of knowing how baby is doing than using a doppler, I think they're most useful early on, before you can feel baby, but obviously only you can decide and weigh up how much it's worth getting that reassurance for yourself :)

So glad to hear your ultrasound went well calvingirl :)

Midnightrose3 i usually walk around 15-20 miles per week, so I am trying to continue that for as long as I can. i have also experienced cramps, nothing too major just more annoying and there, I guess it's everything growing xxx

6 years ago

@Lakrmw. Thank you for that I will see what the ultrasound brings on May 28. I'm still feeling a bit sore this morning and didn't walk to work as walking to the bus stop I was getting a little cramp in the front and I was walking slower this time.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly – I have the same Doppler as Kelliria! My best friend gave it to me and she used it with all 3 of her boys and she said after she turned 10 weeks she heard heartbeat just about daily. I’m going to try to hold out til 10 weeks til I start to try to find the baby’s heartbeat because I don’t want to freak myself out if I can’t find it – I have a bit of anxiety too and I’m not sure when they’ll schedule my next ultrasound? I have my first appt w/new dr next Wednesday and it can't come fast enough!! This in between waiting is the pits! lol

6 years ago

I too have always found the heartbeat really easily from 10 weeks :) mine is a Hi-Bebe one. It's brill and shows the bpm on the display too xx

6 years ago

@BB2018 a TAC is a transabdominal cerclage put in via a c section method at the very top of the cervix to keep in shut thru out the pregnancy. Not fun, but worth it if you have a diagnosed incompetent cervix. Stays in for recurrent pregnancies and it means all births will be c-sections.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

How are you feeling now Neomasie?xx

6 years ago

Hi ladies. I'm having mixed reviews on Senokot. Some say it is safe and some say not to take it. I have gotten metamucil to take. What are your thoughts on Senokot during pregnancy?

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6 years ago

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