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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@LSchrader - So glad you are feeling better. I like what you said, "No one shares their story once they get pregnant, and I will make sure we do. I think it's important." That is the case with SO many things, not just TTC, it really does help others to share our stories and struggles and the things that we have learned. It's amazing how many people you find out are going through something similar and can be helped or encouraged. As for me, I'm feeling fine so far, other than the nausea last night. I'm midway through week 5 (crazy that I'm only 18DPO and considered 4 1/2 weeks along!) so I'm just a few days away from the 6 week mark and bracing myself for the sickness. It will be nice in a way, I will know things are happening in there.

@Jessica - Sounds like you had a good talk with your gyno, I hope you are able to cut down on the stressors, good luck, hope you are able to catch the bean this time!

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10 years ago

@Rebecca- Hope you're in a better mood! Sometimes I think men say things without thinking that they don't really mean. I'm sorry he said that to you, though. Definitely heartbreaking to hear. Don't give up, though! Have some spontaneous fun at your MIL, and see what happens ;) *hugs*

@LSchrader- That's great that you guys were able to get him in before the end of the year! Procedures can get so pricey; plus, you won't have to wait as long to get back on the TTC bandwagon! I hope the surgery goes well for him and it corrects everything!

@Jessica- Glad your gyno was able to give you some answers and that your AF came back. Get a massage, go shopping, rent some movies and spend time with your DH to de-stress! Baby dust for next cycle :)

@Skyline- Unfortunately, we didn't get to DTD yesterday, but we did early this morning (about 36 hours from the time I got the first positive OPK). That means I DTD 12 hours before, and 36 hours after the first positive OPK. Hopefully that's enough :) I'm kinda BD'ed out with it being EOD for the past nearly two weeks, though! I may convince hubby to get another BD session in Saturday to continue with the EOD thing, but since that's more than 48 hours after the positive OPK, I'm not sure how necessary it is.

Hi @Miracle, @Pisces, and @Athena!! Hope you ladies are doing well!!! :)

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10 years ago

Lschrader he said he didn't see one visually but there could be a small one, but the main reason I think it was those pesky compression briefs is because the friend who I was telling y'all about that told me to suck it up, her husband is also a football coach his count was very close to my dh's and he switched to boxers and it more than doubled and he was within the normal range again. My dh was afraid there was an issue because he was born very prenaturely at 27 weeks. His lungs weren't fully developed and he was in the nicu for a month. The pictures of him are scary. If his next count is up he won't need to go to a urologist again, so we will see.

Skyline he wanted to wait til he got his fertilaid and had been taking it for a while before he got it tested again.

Something I've noticed, my temps are getting higher which could be a good sign that my hormones are improving. They used to be in the low 96 range now they are in the mid 96 range.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@football - It can't hurt to get one more in! ;) Sounds like you got it covered pretty good. Fingers crossed you caught it! *sticky vibes*

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10 years ago

@Skyline- thanks for your support, encouragement, and advice. I'm very grateful!

@Athena- I hope his count's back to normal so you guys don't have to go back to the urologist. Keeping my fingers crossed for y'all!

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10 years ago

@athena - They should be required to print a warning on restrictive underwear. lol So how long is he thinking he wants to be taking it before getting the analysis? I hope by that time everything has improved a lot!

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10 years ago

So after a trip to the OB triage last night with a fever body aches and contractions and the fact I can barely swollow I was sent home to rest after being pumped with fluids ad monitored I was def contacting but they said it was cuz my white blood cells were elevated and my body was in stress that caused contractions they said it wasn't labor but def won't be too much longer til Hailey makes her arrival! I go back for my 36week check up and GBS testing on Monday, and my appts are every week from now on! I will try and post new belly pic this week!

TIFF you look great and can def tell you dropped! Not too much longer to go and we can finally have a beer!

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10 years ago

@football-Yeah i agree, might as well get one more in if you can. Sure can't hurt!!

@skyline-I think the whole thing is crazy!!! Take care of that little poppy seed!

@athena-Ohhhh yes, sorry, i totally forgot to comment about the briefs DH wears. Yeah that could totally be a part of it. One thing with the V (this is what we call it at home since we always butcher the name) is it heats up their boys....making it a bad place for sperm to live! Hopefully his next SA shows good results. When are you doing that??

@miracle, @picses @topo you ladies out there?!

10 years ago

Idk he didn't say. Our friend though I don't think he knew how seriously we were trying. He and I had a whole conversation about it at the party. He didn't know how long and what all we had gone through. I figured dh had told him more, but I guess guys don't talk like we do. I actually had a conversation with him about his whole situation we were playing with my friends 3 yr old daughter. He was in a 7 yr relationship where everyone but him knew his fiancé was a hoe. She lived 5-6 hours from him for 3 years. When they finally ended up in the same city they were fine for that year, but then they moved back home and she decided she wanted to get married sooner rather than later and he didn't and her hoeish ways came to light at my dh's birthday party last year. She was all over two of our friends she had never met, then had the nerve to try it with my husband. We were playing flip cup, a drinking game, I was across from dh and she was next to him and starts trying to grind on him, he looks terrified and I slammed my hand on the table and was like that will be enough of that. She looks at me and is like what and I said you heard me. I really wanted to grab her by her hair and throw her in the pool but I didn't want to ruin the party, so they went their separate ways after that night and within a month sh was dating a guy who lived in another state. How convenient for her. Anyways so now he's dating a new girl that we like, but he bought a house and they are moving in together. They say they never want to get married or have kids, but I think it's more what she wants. He was buying a house and she just assumed it was for them. So while we were playing with the girl I asked him if he really didn't want kids and he said I don't think so, but it sounded very indecisive.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

@jsx- hope u start feeling better soon, it sucks bad to be preg and sick! Hope u feel better soon! Yes I can not wait to have a beer!! The urge is getting strong, glad I only have a couple weeks to go

10 years ago

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