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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies! Hope you remember me, lol. I've been MIA but I realized I wasn't following this topic :-( I must've clicked something by accident.

Did anyone get their BFP?? I think there is too much to catch up on, especially since I've been trying to catch up on other boards/sites.

I'm excited because AF finally left yesterday so we can start trying again. I REALLY want another September baby!! ;-)

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

How are y'all doing?? Thank goodness it's Friday. I'm so looking forward to next week with the holidays and my husband being off work. My semester ended last week, so I'm hanging out until next semester starts in about two weeks!

Are you ladies doing anything fun for the holidays?

On a much different note, my CM has started to turn cloudy. It's still wet in the sense that when I check, my finger comes out wet, but what's on my finger is whitish....not chunky, and not solid white, just milky looking. Does this mean ovulation has happened since I'm guessing the fertile CM is gone? Based on my positive OPK from the evening of 12/17, I'm guessing I'm either 2 or 3 DPO. The OPK was negative 24 hours after the first positive.

What does your CM look like in the days following O?

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10 years ago

Football - my CM after O usually disappears, although if I check CP, I find it's mostly creamy and lotion-like. There's just not that much of it. Sometimes it will turn sticky and tacky, but more often than not right before AF it will return to creamy. Hope that helps.

DeLa - nice to see you back!

Lschrader - how are you today? Hope the witch didn't show.

Afm - AF is here full force, which means she's pretty darn heavy and I have no energy. But it's not as bad as a few months ago where I would stand up and feel like I would pass out, so that's good. I'm trying to get back on steady feet emotionally and block or break down all my negative thoughts. I've known people who never seem to get knocked down, or who always appear to confront adversity with cheerfulness and a positive attitude....I wish I could be like that. Instead of being gloom and doom Eeyore! I don't have the first clue how to change to be that way. I used to be a more positive person. I guess the bad things that have happened have just pushed me off balance, maybe.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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10 years ago

@Rebecca- That totally helps! Thanks! I'm glad AF is treating you somewhat better, although she should just stay away. :( It's hard not to be a pessimist when you want something so badly yet it's not happening. You have every right to feel upset! I hope 2014 is a better year for you!

@LSchrader- AF is due tomorrow, right? I hope she stays away!! Have you tested or do you plan on testing soon? Fingers crossed for you! We need some BFPs!

@Athena- What CD are you? Are you Oing soon?

@Miracle and @Pisces- Where are you ladies?! Hope all is well and you guys are safe and happy. Check in when you can!

@Skyline- How far along are you now? When's you EDD?

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10 years ago

@ lschader I'm here babe always reading along let's get that bFP just been busy wit fam n my lil one wit Christmas n her bday also the god son keeps me busy but I'm here for u

@mirical hope all is well love u

@ piecesgirl hey love bug miss u lots like tator tots lol let's go ladies let's get those bfp

merryChristmas to all and a happy new yr

10 years ago

@LSchrader - Ha! I have these short dreams about mundane life details that are SO hard to distinguish from real life sometimes. You said you felt like AF would come full force today, did that happen? SNOW! So fun. I hope we get snow, today was so humid and muggy. :-P

@DeLa - Of course I remember you. :) I hope you get your September baby. *baby dust* I think I got my BFP while you were away.

@football - Just family get togethers and such. DH and I do "our" Christmas on Christmas Eve and then we get up early Christmas morning and do Christmas morning with his family and then go to my family for the afternoon. I can't help you on CM thing, I was dry. I am 20DPO today and tomorrow is the start of week 6! :) EDD August 24th (exactly 6 months after my birthday.)

@rebecca - Everyone thinks my MIL law is such a sweet, Godly amazing super mom/wife and she manages to keep up that appearance, but let me tell you, she loses it on her kids a LOT and sounds like a terror to live with. I always see her sweet side (and I'm okay with that! lol) so don't get caught up believing that these other people never go through rough times and always weather life's storms valiantly. I hope you start to feel stronger soon, life changes us all, it's just the way things go.

Hope everyone checks in soon!

AFM - MIL Family Christmas party was today and she and one of her sisters were being SO obnoxious during the White Elephant game. I went and hid of with some of the cousins for the rest of the party. Can't wait to see my family on Christmas!

DH just got traumatized, he found "intimate" maternity and birthing pictures of his mom (when she was pregnant with him) in one of his boxes of baseball cards. :-0 I have no idea how they got in there!

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10 years ago

@skyline, you crack me up!!! Poor dh, hope he recovers from being so traumatized!!

Well so far I just have this gross, super dark brown molasses like spotting. I am sure she will be here in full force tomorrow. I got most of my Xmas present ya wrapped today and I feel relieved about that! We are hosting Xmas Eve for my whole family....aunts, uncles, cousins and all! Should be fun! Of course I was wishing for a bfp this Christmas but I might need a glass of wine so I guess it all works out ;)

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

I'm here. It just took me 30 minutes of reading all the posts in here to catch up. I have been good.. super busy and super tired. I received over a TON of orders in the past few weeks and have been working until 1 am or later for 2 weeks straight. It's been fun though. My fertile window is coming up. I'm on cd 10 so I should be O'ing anytime between cd 12 to cd 17. Must get busy bedding, wrapping christmas presents and getting ready for my family get together on Christmas day.

I'm too tired to comment on everyone's post but know that I'm thinking of you all and sending happy thoughts your way.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Awww yay Sky. How are you feeling? I can't recall, but will this be your first?

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

Football it's cd 9 I don't know when I'll be ovulating. I haven't ovulated on my own since we started ttc except maybe twice. So idk if I will and I don't have Clomid right now so it's kind of a wait and see kind of situation.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

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