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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!

Have fun Stillfuntryin!!! A week out of town sounds like a great idea. Hope your bloods are good and they give you the go ahead!

Northernbabydream: wow that is really early to have already ovulated. Is that pretty normal for you? Either way I hope this is you month we need another BFP on this forum!

Afm: I did it! I bought an ovacue. Lol! My Dh told me no but I found a 10% off coupon today and it saved me $30 and I couldn't resist. I figure he goes on multiple fishing and hunting trips throughout the year and spend lots of money and I never say no to him. I never buy anything for myself and I feel I deserve it. Lol! Plus if I was going to use it this month I needed to buy it now. It should be here on Monday and I'm super excited about it. I also told DH we needed to sit and talk again I told him I realized his fishing trip was going to keep us from moving forward in January and we need to make a plan now because I'm not skipping my January cycle. I told his dad that I was trying to convince Dh to use his brother in Montana. His dad thinks we should tell his brother in Montana that the one here is getting a vasectomy reversal and we want to mix the two. Then he will think that there's a chance the baby won't be his. (He doesn't have kids and so everyone's worried that might cause problems down the road) my Dh thought that was a good idea but I think going into it as a lie isn't right but at least my Dh became a little more open to it lol! I wonder if mixing his brothers with his friend that offered would be a good idea? Lol!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

HI Mel, Finally an update LOL I have been checking for ages and nothing....
Im sure we talked about mixing sperm somewhere along the line once before and someone bourght up that the sperm would compete, but i know nothing about sperm so im def not the one to ask, maybe a Donor sperm forum?
Yes its funny some people to relax get out of town yet Northernbabydream and myself are going to town to relax LOL, Feel crampy today i did an opk and nothing and my HPTs are still a V faint pos, i was pretty bummed i thourght for sure that a level of 33 wouldnt take more than a week to go down considering thats all it took to drop from 11 000, i hope there isnt any retained product and i have to do a D&C again, BBOOO for that Maybe if there is it will come out in my AF but i dunno, my cervix are starting to get more firn so thats a good sign, but they were firm my whole pregnancy and they were low, i have read all this stuff about your cervix get super soft and super high but mine stayed low and firm, it must just happen sooner for some women....
Anyways i will write after my bloods from my phone and fill you guys in.

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Stillfuntryin: your right I think we did talk about that before on this forum. I think I need to go back and reread some of the forum. lol! I did look up some things on competing sperm and it said that it will compete leaving less sperm but you should still have swimmers make it to the egg. From what it said was there are what's called "sperm wars" even using one mans sperm And that some sperm are designed to make it straight for the egg where as others are meant to fight and hold back the competition, lol. It called some kamikaze type sperm lol! Maybe if I did one donor one insem and then the next insem did the other donor maybe that would keep most of them from fighting and give a better chance. After all it did still say the more the better chance for success. Anyways I def. would've thought that everything would be gone by now too. Is it really possible some was left behind? That's kind of scary. I really hope that you don't have to go through that again. I don't know much about checking your cervix I tried but never really understand what I was looking for lol! But I'm sure your right and its different for everyone. Good luck with the b/w!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

bloods are normal WOOT... thex wanted to go straight onto the medicly stim cycle but i wanna try on my own for a few cycles, Im a little over the stress from the fertility stuff and i would love to use the next few months of isolation for ken and i to really give it a good shot, there is no reason why it wont work a second time and oh i forgot my OPK is pos typical ken is away

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Mel - a sperm from each could fertilize two different eggs and you could have twins from different dad's! There are several (true!) stories like that out there.

Stillfun - glad your bloods are normal - are you getting neg hpt's now?

AFM - Aunt Flo came right on time Saturday. Sigh. I really thought this was our month, too, seeing as my boobs hurt for weeks. My boobs never hurt, ever, except for during my pregnancy.

I was going to start using the Instead Cups this month, but I think am going to relax with the ttc for now. I think I need to reevaluate my priorities a bit. We should be enjoying the fact that we are without a baby. I am going to put more effort into that for now. Enjoy our freedom. Maybe travel a bit. At least for a couple of months - or a week when I ovulate - biology will probably kick in by then and I'll be at CVS buying those cups. Lol

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11 years ago

Stillfuntryin: yeah! I'm glad everything came back clear! I think trying some more on your own is a great idea! You know it can happen now and there's no need to stress yourself and spend a ton of money on fertility treatment if you don't need to. Sorry your Dh was gone but now you can enjoy the Christmas holiday and not have to worry about anything. I can't wait to start again but I'm loving being able to have some adult drinks and not have to stress over a possible BFN! Lol!

Supersue: wow that would be really weird lol. What a story that would be haha! Sorry about AF! I totally know how you feel right now. I def. get into moods where I want to stop for a bit and focus energy elsewhere and spend money on other things besides baby stuff but then as O approaches I start getting anxious and feeling the need to make something happen. Well if you choose to continue I hope it brings your BFP and if you decide to travel I hope it gives you the break you need to get your BFP.

Afm: my monitor arrived today!!! Woohoo! Of course I was at work and Dh had to sign for it and I hadn't told him yet that I ordered it lol! I called as soon as I got the email it had arrived and told him I couldn't help myself lol! He actually didnt say anything he seemed perfectly fine. I expected a lecture at the least lol! So I start tomorrow ill let you girls know how it ends up working. I know it goes off of progesterone after O I'm hoping that it doesn't end up showing a luteal phase defect every month. Fingers crossed my progesterone has good months. I hate to think I will 100% need that if I do get pregnant. Anyways have a good night girls!

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Hi girls,
I got my results from the clinic about why i miscairried and it was a XY trisomy 16, its a fatal extra chromisone that is not compatable with life so the effects are unknown of what would be if i didnt miscarry, I am sorta glad that this was the problem and it wasnt cause of somthing i did, Both DH and I have normal chromisones so a repeat isnt likely, My doc said that it would be more likely for it to occour again if one of us has abnormal chromisones but thankfully we were tested when we started at the clinic and we are fine.... The extra chromisone is from the male side and as i said was number 16, best outcome for the situation

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Stillfuntryin: wow what a relief. So happy that this isn't something that should pop up again. It's crazy how random extra chromosomes can pop up like that. Dd you decided on a fertility monitors or are you sticking with OPKs?

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

11 years ago

Hi Mel,

I dont think i will get a monitor right away just incase this fertile period after the D&C actually works!!!
I did a little more research on trisomy 16 and it is a growth thing so when the heart statrt to beat it is not strong enough to sustain the fetus and unfortunitly it dies so hopefully better luck next time hey!!!

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

11 years ago

Hey Ladies!!

Hope all is well..Just wanted to pop in and say hi..I have completely lost all urge to talk about pregnancy anymore :( This is first time here in 2 wks I think..Good luck with the monitor Mel..I really hope it helps out! Glad yours bloods are normal again Stillfun and you got some answers..Fingers crossed for a healthy pregnancy soon.. We had a good trip visiting family and I got an awesome new tattoo :) Ill post on FB after it heals,,Have a good day yall!!

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11 years ago

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