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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi all!

I just want to say thank's for all your lovely support when I tested at 11dpo with a massive neg. I felt so crappy and it was so nice to have you gals! How is everyone doing?
Update, have not tested again but am 18dpo today and no sign of AF, no spotting either this time! I am trying not to get my hopes up again though. I usually have disturbingly regular 28 day cycles so if this isn't a sticky bean I don't know what my problem is. :(

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11 years ago

So I drink coffe all the time.. I cut back a lot but I love the taste.. this morning my taste buds weren't having it. I'm 8dpo. Would this be happening already if Iam preggers

11 years ago

@ Gracey nice to see you again ! I'm right with you took a test at 14 dpo then again at 28 dpo and both were BFN's so blah. So to you.

So called the Dr's office for a appointment so I can get something for this horrible cold been sick a week now and to see if they did a beta HCG and the lady was like what is that?? Like really lol so I told her and she was o we don't do those here we just do the urine test but we will it's all up to the Dr. , I told her I've already done the home test and they were neg. and she said well once they come out neg we won't do the blood umm are you serious?? So now I'm like what now??

11 years ago

@mnj- you can rarely get general practioners to do a bloodtest. You have to call your OBGYN. Tell them you're really late and your symptoms and you'd like a bloodtest to figure out what's going on.

@gracey- I say test! But I know how scary it is. Those stupid bfn's. What dpo did you get AF last time? If anything, wait til then to test.

@praying- it's possible. Twix tastes like soap to Holly. And milk tasted weird to my mom.

Update- my sister is NOT pregnant! Huge sigh of relief! 10dpo and 2nd temp spike to 98.6. Good sign but will have to wait and see. Dont know if I'm just ignoring any symptoms or if I really dont have any lol. Think I'll test thursday so I'm not surprised by AF on friday.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Mnj I have pcos also and normally if I have an annovulatory cycle I don't have a period. This last cycle was over 40 days and I had to finally take provera to start it. How are you tracking ovulation?

Gracey have you been to the dr? You may wanna go to the obgyn to see about some testing.

Tara I can't wait for ou to test.

Afm just waiting for the witch to go away.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hello ladies, been a few days.

Boy oh boy, my hormones are playing with me. AF still hasn't showed up and i'm already 4 weeks late. now i'm starting to get small cramps as if AF might finally show up. I just don't know anymore, my hormones being out of whack are driving me nuts.

On another note i'm up to drinking about 6-8 bottles of water a day now. Whoo takes a lot. Anywho, let me know how things are going

Nicky, glad you're doing okay. Don't stress yourself about you and your fiancee, it'll make you crazier, it'll work itself out

11 years ago

aww i'm scared to test! I don't think I can handle any more negs :( I'm thinking of just waiting it out... maybe I should see a dr.. don't know!

Also Athena, last time I had blood work done I got it the evening I had it taken!

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11 years ago

Gracey where I live they have to send bloodwork off and it takes up to a week if not more. It is crazy. But anyways, you should test. Test, test, test. ;) if its neg though you may want to go to the obgyn and have some hormone testing done.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

oh man that sux! That is forever, well i live in Canberra city so I guess that's why its so fast. I think a lot of the capital pathology clinics here test blood themselves which is great. Kinda scared me when I got the results so early last time though! I hope yours come back quick!

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11 years ago

Also, I guess I'll test tomorrow morning just so I know for sure. Since I will be cd34 tomorrow if it's neg I will definitely arrange an appointment with my doc to see if we need to do some tests..

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11 years ago

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