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October/November Babies 2019*

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Hi ladies

I'm back in for another month as most of you know... My due date would be end October i think so I'm combining the two months again.

Good luck girls !!

568 Replies • 5 years ago



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Ok Sam you need to decide which day you got your peak so the strongest positive ovulation test, where the test line is either as dark as or darker than the control line then you can count how many days past ovulation you are and test from days 12 days past ovulation

5 years ago

Sam here’s a pic of a couple of days of mine, mine have been like this for a week now and I’m still waiting for my peak

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5 years ago

One on the right was last night, then the left isoghter again, doing my head in haha

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5 years ago

Thanks emma !!

5 years ago

I got my positive yesterday and it looked like this xx

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5 years ago

@Jillyhop thanks for the congrats! I'm praying for you!

5 years ago

Morning ladies just an update from me... So this cycle seems to be a lot less painful and more on the medium side than usual... I dont know if that's a good thing but I havent bled through once yet which I feel is positive... SO has been super cute and religiously taking his sperm I prove super proud of him... I'm hopefully getting my inofolic today and some cd digi ovulation tests as I'll be trying them this month... I wanted to start temping again but I decided to get a new thermometer first... Hopefully this month will be good to us

5 years ago • Post starter

Anna All the best to you this cycle!!


5 years ago

@Anna sounds like a great plan for this cycle. I feel completely dejected. I think we missed the window. We couldn't BD on Thursday night as my daughter had a bad night. Hubby was tired Friday, so we only managed Saturday I'm in such a grumpy mood xx

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5 years ago

Right CTP has put my ovulation as yesterday so maybe we did get it right once! We'll just have to see now. 1DPO!
I have my gynae appointment tomorrow lunchtime so will see how that goes too. xx

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5 years ago

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