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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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I agree that this forum has a lot of happiness and excitement and it's just wonderful. I wish I could have been with you ladies sooner!

DH knows and my EDD is September 17. I was born the 16th and DD the 9th and my grandma the 2nd so I'm praying for the best! It's so cool!!

ME (27) + DH (28) = DD (2)

10 years ago

Well holy baby!!!!! Congrats @miracle & @dalali!!!!

So my 1st prenatal appt was today. First things alot earlier than they predicted based off my lmp. I clearly ovulated late because we are now only exactly 6 weeks today and NOT 8wk4days! See...look at my lil heartbeat baby :)

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We are due Sept 4th........5 days before my sons 9th birthday!! pregnancy is high risk due to my intracranial hypertension so I will also be seeing a perinatologist along with my ob and my neurologist.

But we will be fine because I believe in prayer and god will take good care of baby and I!!

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10 years ago

@delaluv and @makeupmommy I must have missed your exciting news! I apologize and congratulations to both you ladies!!! **hugs**

@lsch I am trying to catch up but sorry for not asking about DH's surgery. Did he have it? If so how is he doing?

Where is @athena and @rebecca?

@jsx almost time! It was good to see you drop in!

Anyone have news on @tiff?

10 years ago

@miracle- results back?!? The anticipation is killing me!!!!

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10 years ago


I am proud to say i am glade i have made it with you and piecesgirl through this journey i got tears to my eyes i am so happy for you words can not explain how happy i am for you i told my dh and we send out prayers to you this is truley a mirical and i can agree with @piecesgirl we have been here with eachother for a min and i am happy i get to spend this wonderful news with you may god continue to bless you may your heart be at peace as you injoy this wonderful road to motherhood i love you hun and i never stopped praying. YES YOU DID IT MY LOVE FINALLY TEARS OF JOY

@piecesgirl you always know how to find me love congrats on ur marriage hun your next babe postive thoughts. i miss you lots you always have a place in my heart, dnt lose faith babe lets get that bfp your such a blessing a great friend your blessing is around the corner babe.

@ all my pregant mommas congrats blessings @tiffers
@ lolee @jsxitzbom hugs loves

@skyline hey hun how are you whats new hope all is well with you. if i am not wrong i owe u a congrats as well right babe did u get ur bfp if so congrats hun may god bless you and be with you

@LSchrader hey hun how are you hope you and the husband are doing good pray for fast healing for your husband yes there is hope hun god didnt bring you this far.

10 years ago

@miracle - wow. this is the best news and so deserved.

@DeLaLiLuV - congrats to you too. What a great way to start the new year.

@tiff - congrats - can't wait to see a photo.

@jsx - good luck, not long!

@pisces - congrats on becoming @mrspisces

All good here, super tired and starting to get organised. Still so much to do!

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10 years ago

@miracle - wow. this is the best news and so deserved.

@DeLaLiLuV - congrats to you too. What a great way to start the new year.

@tiff - congrats - can't wait to see a photo.

@jsx - good luck, not long!

@pisces - congrats on becoming @mrspisces

All good here, super tired and starting to get organised. Still so much to do!

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10 years ago

@LShrader - Glad your DH is healing up. So strange the doctor thought he could work so soon.

@LadySickler - If you check back in, let us know how long you've been TTC. All those symptoms could go either way; they are real, but whether they mean BFP or AF, only time will tell. Fingers crossed!

@miracle - That new bed set sounds fabulous! We need new bedding as well, it's been on my mind a lot since the BFP. Wanting to have fresh new bedding and a good mattress seem high priority to me now more than ever. You got a jump on that one! :D Oh! I'm just so happy for you, still sending you some major sticky vibes, that little bean had better stay put!!!!!

@Bean - I waited from 12-5 today, the plumber never showed! They finally got here around 6:45 and it took them about an hour. We have water back, yay! Our deductible is $1000. :( So that much has to come out of pocket. Insurance will cover the rest of the repair expenses. It nighttime here in Georgia now, it's cold outside and we are snuggled on the couch watching a movie.

@DeLa - I'm feeling pretty good. Working out and eating healthy really seem to be kicking morning sicknesses butt! How are YOU feeling!? ;)

@pisces - I hope the witch stay away completely (wouldn't that be the best wedding gift?!) but if she is on her way, I hope she waits until after the photo shoot! I hope you get awesome pictures!!!! @athena is here, I think you missed her post a couple of pages back.

@makeup - So glad you saw the heartbeat! I hope everything goes smoothly with no complications!

@Topo - You are right! I am 7 weeks 4 days. First Dr. appointment will be on Tuesday! Thank you! Good to hear from you! :)

What a great day on the forum.

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10 years ago

First off I too see that test as a positive, Miraclemomma, Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!!! You've waited so long for this!!

Also, congratulations to the other ladies who are pregnant!! It seems to be baby season, I have 4 high school friends who are pregnant, no wait 5. 3 with their first, 2 with their 3rd. Here's hoping for healthy pregnancies and healthy babies, for all of you!!

Afm, last time I was posting, I was so sure I was pregnant. I had so many symptoms, but the more BFN HPT I got the more I thought it was all in my head because I wanted it so bad. I even just felt like I could sense that I was. When even the blood test came back negative I was shocked to say the least. Felt like I was crazy. So I'm trying not to think too much into anything now this time around. But there's another thing I can't explain that I just noticed the other night. I have a bag of cheddar pretzel twists I've been snacking on for a while now. All of a sudden the other night when I popped one in my mouth I tasted NOTHING but garlic and onion and was immediately grossed out. Tried another one tonight, same thing. It's the same bag I had been eating out of before, so why would they suddenly taste different if not pregnancy? So I decided to try a Mediterranean Herb pita chip (wanted something salty and crunchy) and same thing. Was overpowered by the flavor of garlic and onion and was grossed out. Plus, I had minor nausea again today, but it lasted longer than 10 minutes (but was even more mild than the other day when I posted).

With how bad I want this, and how horrible I felt after that negative last time when I was 99% sure I was, I am terrified to take a test and see another BFN. Like Pisces had said before, I feel so sad. I keep telling my husband I feel an emptiness inside me. I go to family gatherings and I love watching my 1 year old cousin play with my 3 year old nephew. I just sit there and take it all in, but at the same time feel sad that I don't have a child adding to these memories. Twice now I've been asked by family members "what's wrong?" They can sense something is off with me. I want to wait and be absolutely sure I'm either not or I am before I take a test, but the wait is killing me at the same time. UGH!!! I feel that craziness again. Trying not to think about it is as much work as it is obsessing over it. I'm contemplating testing this weekend but if I see another BFN I'm gonna be heartbroken all over again. I've always thought of myself as a strong independent woman, but I don't know how some of you ladies have gone through this for years.

10 years ago

Pieces it seems as it's been forever since we seen you in here!! Congrats on becoming the MRS!!! Post pics so we can see you in your dress? As of tiff she did have baby boy just the other day haven't heard anything from her since I'm sure she is just busy!! Afm it's any day any time now my dr says if not over the weekend then I will be induced tue after my appt so I'm excited! Really hoping for this weekend for one going naturally on my own and also I love the my dr and she is on call all weekend!! I really rather her to deliver! I miss you pieces I'm really praying for you and Topo to get your bfps ASAP ESP before hubby leaves! I know it will happen soon for you have faith! Take a little break from actually trying and it will happen girl!! Keep using those instead soft cups!!! Lol

Was also nice to hear from Topo on here been way too long for you girls!! Hope all is well and that your holidays went well also!!

It's so nice to be seeing the bfps coming nj and the new babies coming to join us in the forum!! It is so far a Happy New Year for us!! Hope the great luck keeps rolling in for the rest of you ladies!! Can't believe how big out forum group is getting! I remember when it was just us original few of us now tons! The love we have for each other in here is wonderful!

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10 years ago

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