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Wishing for January 2020 babies!

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I thought I'd start this after suffering a chemical with our December baby, I hope everyone gets a BFP this month and we all have nice smooth pregnancies for 2020!

User image EBF 10 months!

105 Replies • 5 years ago



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sorry for our loss. I also suffered a chemical on 31 March at 5 weeks hoping to have a January baby too no on CD 24 6 more days to go

5 years ago

Hey ladies!! How is everyone doing? Hope everyone had a good holiday over the weekend!

Update: I still have not confirmed O but hopefully will soon. Did not like the OPKs I got this cycle and will be getting the ones from the previous cycle again next time. I had some light brown spotting today which I know can be a sign of O. I am just not sure if it comes before or after O? We will just make sure to bd and cover our bases. We skipped yesterday since it was my first day back in my classroom after spring break. Hopefully we still catch that egg and are able to see some positives soon!! I have been getting my normal cramping for O today too, so I am really hopeful!! Good luck to everyone and I hope we see a bunch of positives in the next few days!!!

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5 years ago

@Shay good luck!!
AFM, got a peak OPK yesterday and a temp drop, also got a small 0.2 dip today but negative OPK so FF is calling today O day based on the OPK, hopefully in 3 days I can get my crosshairs and the waiting begins! Our timing has been spot on this month, just like last month, but lets hope this one has a happier ending!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

@Shay and beck hoping you see a rise and have a winner this cycle.

AFM, had s positive Opk 2 days ago. Temp did not rise till this morning.but still not above the rest but it was a .4 rise. We BD every other day and so hoping with EPO being taken this cycle we have a winner.

Todays my Pawpaws funeral and tomorrow is my CD21 blood work. Yesterday, at the viewing, I got to meet my cousins 1 month old and while my baby brother was holder her, he said, "your next," I sure hope hes right.

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5 years ago

@bug `I'm sorry about your grandpa :( hopefully you will get a rainbow at the end of this storm!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

I had a CP last cycle as well. Now 7 DPO and feeling awful. Headache, exhaustion, and tingly boobs. I can't resist the urge to early test although I know it's silly.
Trying to hold off for the weekend. This will be baby #5 for our family but #1 for my husband and I. Didn't even know we wanted a baby right now until we had the early loss last month. Baby dust to all!!!

5 years ago

@melon best of luck, do try and hold off on testing! I definitely learnt to not test early after last months miscarriage!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

Sorry for your loss. I’m currently in the 2ww - CD 22. I definitely ovulated around 04/17 (ultrasound at cd14 and progesterone test cd21). Sending & to all!

5 years ago

@bug I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that positive opk turns into a positive in a week or so!!! You definitely deserve it!!

AFM: I am not holding out much hope this cycle. I still have not gotten a positive opk and have officially run out. My temp is staying neutral and I am just sure this will be an anovulatory cycle. Definitely hard to accept but I am getting there. Good luck ladies!! I can’t wait to see everyone’s positives soon!!!

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5 years ago

Currently 7dpt/6dpiui. This tww is torture! This is my first iui and if not pregnant, my fiance says we are taking a break from fertility treatment.. He says for a month or 2! I'm going to try to talk him into letting me still use fertility meds to help with stronger ovulation.

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5 years ago

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