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Wishing for January 2020 babies!

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I thought I'd start this after suffering a chemical with our December baby, I hope everyone gets a BFP this month and we all have nice smooth pregnancies for 2020!

User image EBF 10 months!

105 Replies • 5 years ago



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Currently 7dpt/6dpiui. This tww is torture! This is my first iui and if not pregnant, my fiance says we are taking a break from fertility treatment.. He says for a month or 2! I'm going to try to talk him into letting me still use fertility meds to help with stronger ovulation.

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5 years ago

I'm on CD 7 today and just waiting to ovulate. I'm thinking it will be day 11 or 12 but I'll try to get in some BDing before, during, and after those days.

I'm not doing great mentally today. I keep thinking of my chemical pregnancy from March and feel upset we even have to be trying. I mean I'm glad my SO even wants to try. He will be an amazing dad because he already is to my 3. I don't know, I guess I just miss my baby. Or the baby I thought was coming anyway.

5 years ago

@Nicole best of luck, hopefully the IUI will take and there'll be no need to wait!
@Jessica I feel your pain, I had an early miscarriage last cycle and feel annoyed that I let myself get excited about it, so cautiously waiting to test this cycle! Best of luck to you

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

@nicole how you doing?

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5 years ago

Thanks Beck! I'm sorry for your loss. I hope this month brings good news!

I feel better. Mostly because We've got a lot of sex in this week and plan do do some more ;) For some reason I have a good feeling about this month. It's only our second month of trying but the other times I have tried, it happened in the second month. I hope 3rd times a charm! My middle son was a surprise oops so I'm not counting him lol.

5 years ago

Here's my OPK tests from today. Getting closer?

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5 years ago

@bugttc doing good. so ready for this week to be over! AF is due Friday 5/3.. We have a full weekend planned. hope AF doesn't show!

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5 years ago

@bugttc how are you doing?

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5 years ago

Hi guys, I am still lurking. Trying to relax more this cycle so not getting on here as much. I am 7dpo and felt what might have been implantation earlier so we shall see in a week or so.

girl, boy, boy

5 years ago

@Jess hope you've got your positive opK now! Glad you're feeling good about the cycle!

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago • Post starter

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