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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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12dpo 13dpt please tell me you can see this!!! This is darker than the barely there line yesterday!! xx

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5 years ago

Omg scuba you did it, my lovely so happy for you Yey

5 years ago

Lalou I’m so sorry about your dad but I’m sure that now he know what’s going on he will get a good treatment and will start to feel better!

Agatch we’re almost cycle buddies again! Just waiting to O at this point! Let’s hope for the best this cycle

Anna Congratulations babe!!!! You both wanted a girl, you got a girl! Such a blessing. I’m sure you and your SO are so excited and happy! I’m very happy for you too! A little princess is on her way!!! Yayyyy!

Shanta I have my fingers crossed that this delayed AF is leading to your bfp! Good luck!

Scuba todays test is for sure darker that yesterday’s! I think this is it babe! Prayers that it will keep getting darker and you will prove wrong your doctor!!!!

AFM waiting for O and some dull o pains started. Unfortunately is on ,y wrong side so I guess I predicted correctly. Not much hope for this cycle but oh well.. Hubbys supplements would work better next month

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5 years ago

@scuba girl yes I see it !!

@Alex I'm so excited and happy I didnt feel attached to this baby until yesterday now I'm obsessed lol

5 years ago • Post starter

Thank you ladies! Still feeling very cautious. Will test again tomorrow and Friday. So fingers crossed! If it gets darker I'll do a digital on Saturday! xx

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5 years ago

@scuba you've got this I'm so excited for you!!

5 years ago • Post starter

@Scuba yes! That’s a BFP. Hope it gets darker every day!
@Alex sorry O will most likely be on the wrong side but better this month than next since the supplements should really start acting by next month.
I’m getting O pain this morning too but hoping I don’t get a positive OPK until tomorrow when DH comes back from his trip! My temp was lower this morning too.

5 years ago

Scuba I see the line!

Crazy POS Lady here. I took a clear blue + just now. I always get obvious BFN on these but I seriously feel like I see something. Especially when I invert it.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

@Scuba - I see it!!!

5 years ago

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