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TTC October 2020 Babies

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Hi all! I'm back in the TTC game as of today. I just got my first post postpartum period so now I feel like I can try and track ovulation. I ordered some OPKs and will start using them in a week or so. I can't track BBT this time around because of my DD.

I used this site heavily while trying to conceive our daughter and made a bunch of friends that I still talk to. I'm looking forward to meeting some new ladies and sharing in this TTC journey again.

Here's a little bit about me. I started TTC in 2017 and it took us 9 months of tracking to get our first BFP. Our daughter was born on Valentine's day 2019 and is almost one! We want our kids about 2 years apart but know that it's not really our choice. We are hoping it will take 9 months (cycles) or less to conceive baby number 2. I expect to have irregular cycles starting out because we are still breast feeding. I had very regular periods before getting pregnant.

So! Who is trying for October babies and how's it going?

145 Replies • 4 years ago



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I didn’t see the line at 2 mm but I checked again at 15 min and it looks like this! It’s pink in person. Does it look promising?

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4 years ago

@K+N'sMomma - You were already here but welcome to your next cycle!

@NaturallyEmily - I saw you post this! It looks promising to me. What dpo are you?

4 years ago • Post starter

Emily- that looks really promising to me! Hard to be sure since it is outside the window, but I still think it’s rather promising!

Kaybee & FisherBrit- 3 of 4 cycle that I used preseed ended in pregnancy (1loss)! I hope that it will be a huge success for you, too!

AFM- I’m so excited to finally be on CD1 (despite being crampy, gross, and moody)! My optimism has returned with my period! I am ready to tackle another cycle of TTC! At this point I am actually predicted to have an October due date if I conceive this cycle!

I hope we can all get out ‘s!!

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4 years ago

@flamingo I think I am 10dpo, I didn’t use OPK this month so I’m not for sure.

@kahlan - thank you! I took another test after holding my pee and I saw a line at 8 mins but was SOOOO light. It has darkened some but I’m so scared to trust it. I feel like since I saw it before the 10 minute mark even though it was light it should be positive right

4 years ago

Emily- you got your !! Those tests from today definitely look positive to me!

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4 years ago

Congrats Emily! Keep us posted if you test again.

K+N, you give me so much hope. When I look up success stories for preseed, I find so many... And to be honest CM is something I haven't seen a lot of for years and it never dawned on me that it might be the cause of my struggle. Oh the joys of mid-thirties.

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4 years ago

Kaybee- seriously- the joys of mid 30’s! shoot- I still feel like I’m young- how am I approaching the ‘advanced maternal age’ or ‘geriatric pregnancy’ stage of life?! Total nonsense!
I wasn’t very good about using my preseed this cycle. Only used to twice, and that was 3-4 days before O. Maybe that’s why this cycle was a failure. Trying to feel spontaneous and sexy while also doing all these things to TTC can be hard!!

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4 years ago

I agree. I wish I could stop "ttc", but truth is we time ovulation to favor a boy (we only bd when I get positive lh strips and from then on out as 2-3 day cutoffs highly favor girls). Of course it will be what it will be, but as a last baby with no sons, we are at least seeing how that theory works out. It worked for my sister in law the first try. Her son was born 3 days ago.

There is nothing sexy about trying to catch my lh peak

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4 years ago

I got my positive on an FRER girls!!! I’m pregnant :)

4 years ago

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