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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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Having some light brown discharge since yesterday, but no af yet. Hopefully she comes before today is over, this is torture.

11 years ago

Hugs hang in there

11 years ago

Dear Jean M, I am now 11 DPO and my breast started being sore. This would sound great if I wouldn't know how sore they should be in pregnancy. I am really sad, because last month I had very stabbing pain in my breast around 13 DPO, it made me cry when touching them - and no, I did not take any pills, no prog no HCG, and my AF came when expected. This time I feel the same, I am afraid this is because of an hormonal dysfunction. I am so scared, my breast never hurt so bad before AF as the two last cycles. They are very swollen. It is different from how they feel in pregnancy. :(
I have an increased appetite and I gained some weight :(
No other symptoms. What about you? How do you feel? Do you still have sleeplessness? Did you test?
I did not buy any tests. I will test only if AF is few days late. Keep me informed :)
P.S. When I took prog and HCG first time, AF came 3 days later.

11 years ago

Awe babe dont give up yet. i am going to try again in DEc. only i am not sure the date i have been very consistent with 30/15, then this month AF came 3 days early so now not sure if i should do 28/15 or 29/15 or stay with 30/15 ughhhhhh

11 years ago

Hello ladies! I can hardly believe this but I got a this morning (15dpiui)!!! I am hesitant to celebrate though because it is so early and I want to have it confirmed by the doctor. I have an appt for a blood test tomorrow morning! All of my symptoms have been very minor. Breast pain but not unbearable pain. Slight nausea at various points but it passes quickly. Cramps that felt like AF was coming but then they would go away. I was extra hungry this month and occasionally things tasted different. But it would all fade as fast as it came and left me wondering if I was imagining things.

Hang in there ladies! Sabrina, it doesn't sound like you should count yourself out yet! My breasts are not super sore either! This is such a process! I'm praying this will stick and you will all have your BFP ASAP!! Goldenegg, what's the latest? Did AF come? Texas girl, are you doing monitored IUI? The doctor watched my eggs grow so the timing would be right. Sounds like a lot of pressure if you are trying to time it yourself.

Please keep us informed and don't give up. It has taken me almost two years to get my first BFP and it doesn't seem real. Persevere girls, persevere!!

11 years ago • Post starter

no i am doing this on my own. this is only my second try so i am very new to this whole game.

11 years ago

Congrats Jean! Af showed up this morning, my husband still wanted me to take the beta test...i had to explain to him it really wasn't necessary since af was no doubt here. Good luck to everyone and i'll be here next month.

11 years ago

Woww...this is a great Monday morning surprise!!!!
Congratulations JeanM! I wish you twins!!:)) Keep me informed about this!
This is encouraging for me!
I have to wait until Saturday and if AF does not show I will test! I wanna be pregnant too! :))
JeanM was this your first IUI?
Texasgirl and Goldenegg be strong! There is always next month which could be our month!

11 years ago

keep the faith. We all need to stay strong and keep up the hope. :)

11 years ago

Well, the doctor confirmed it today! My beta number was 200. Not sure what that means exactly, but the nurse said it was normal for this stage. I go back again on Thursday for another blood test. It is starting to sink in. I still don't have any major symptoms. Sabrina, yes, this was my first IUI. I was also taking femara instead of clomid, follistim injections, a trigger shot and then progesterone. Quite the hormonal cocktail! Here's hoping it sticks!

Keep your hopes up girls! This process is so challenging and overwhelming. Continue to believe that your BFP is coming! I can't wait to hear of your successes! Sabrina, you are still the unknown for this month. We are cheering you on. Otherwise, on to next month!

11 years ago • Post starter

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