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April 2016 Babies

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I am going ahead and starting this board with hopes for a March baby.

y'all and lots and lots of &

Happy 4th of July !!!

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166 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hope everyone is doing well! I went ahead and picked up a pack of CB OPKs and started testing on Friday. I've had all negatives, so I'm still thinking I O'd earlier than CTP would have me believe. I'm going to test out this box, anyway, but I really feel like I O'd around the 12th-13th, if at all. I have the will power of a toddler, so I have also taken HPTs the last two days, unsurprisingly negative. The earliest I've ever gotten a BFP was 11 DPO. I have a long standing history of low beta levels, so I'm just sitting here going crazy, over analyzing everything! lol I'm in that weird place where my heart says that I'm pregnant, but my head keeps coming up with every possible reason why I shouldn't get my hopes up. I'm my own worst enemy during the TWW.

Symptom check-in. Who's waiting to ovulate? Anyone getting close to testing?

AFM, I am in symptom overload right now. Most everything can be written off as in my head or being caused by something else, but my nipples are very sore (to the point where I dread nursing my 1 year old!) and I am having tons of CM! I always get really dry in the week leading up to AF, but I am having the opposite problem right now. I'm super thirsty, nauseous off and on, nothing sounds good to eat, really bloated, gassy and just feel really heavy in my low abdomen. I feel like I'm hyper aware of my uterus the last couple of days. It's very strange, and kind of uncomfortable.

If I do get my BFP, I will be due April 3rd. Maybe an Easter baby?!? :)

Melissa, RN- labor and delivery Wife to David since 6.28.2008 Adoring Mommy to Emma Raen (3.10.09), Joey Michael (9.5.10), Noah Tyler (4.30.12), and Ellison Jane (6.29.14) Praying for blessing #5 User Image

9 years ago

dsinha: Happy to have someone in the same boat!! We're entering the possible implantation stage now... hope you're successful at not symptom spotting! lol

Welcome TTClate30's!! We're hoping for a lucky board too!

LaborNurseMommy: Sounds like you're pretty close in DPO as dsinha and I with some very promising symptoms! I think I've had that uterus feeling you're describing. It's been on and off on odd days though. I feel as though I got it too early to be anything significant. If I get my BFP I'd be due April 2!!

I'm really going to try to hold out and only test if AF is late. I feel pretty confident I can wait it out this cycle... or maybe I'm just too scared of a BFN! Either way, I have less than a week until AF is due and know what symptoms I usually get before she arrives so we'll see!

I'm really trying to only pick out the things as symptoms that are odd compared to my normal cycles. So far @ 7(or so) DPO, I've gotten that tight uterus feeling around day 3, day 5, and now day 7. Today felt more like AF cramps. I do typically get light AF cramps a couple days before she comes - so this is a little early. I also usually get sore boobs at least a week before AF that last until the day of.... nothing yet, which is atypical. I haven't really been nauseous but my stomach has felt a bit acidic to where nothing sounds all that good. Also, my lower back huuuurts! It usually hurts during O then dissipates the closer I get to AF.

I guess it doesn't sound like I'm ignoring symptoms very well does it Fingers crossed, as these all could be pre-AF, but we'll see! Good luck everyone!

9 years ago

Hi everyone, just checking in! Cycle day 13 today. I've been feeling what I associate with OV twinges since about day 10 (early for me, last month with OPK I O'd on day 17). Tested with OPK yesterday which was definitely negative. Tested tonight and the line seems as dark as control but not as thick? Any idea if that is negative vs pos? I thought last month they were more similar in thickness. (Sorry total newbie with these!) also since I seem to be testing positive earlier than I would usually, do I keep testing until it looks negative, or once I have a positive stop testing?

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

I am a long time lurker of these threads and a first time poster. My husband and I have been trying for our first since about January. I conceived back in March but unfortunately I miscarried at 8 weeks... this is my first month back in the game and I am currently on CD14. My last two cycles have been on the long side (30 days each) but I had my first positive OPK last night so it looks like it will be shorter this month.

Here's hoping we all catch an egg and it sticks!

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9 years ago

Hi ladies! I joined this site last month and think it is so helpful! DH and I have been trying for 7 months and it's so emotional and exhilarating and heartbreaking all at the same time. According to the extended predictor calendar on the site if I get my BFP this month my little peanut would be due on my birthday. :-)

Today is 2 DPO and I'm already anxious... I am definitely a POAS addict. Trying to wait patiently to avoid testing too early!

9 years ago

Just checking on everyone! Anyone have any promising symptoms? Implantation bleeding?

Still waiting to ovulate, which should be around Wednesday of next week. Need to start BD between now and then. I am hoping we can each night just to ensure things are covered.

Have a good weekend!

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9 years ago

Bjohnson - I think you and I might end up being almost cycle buddies. I'm still waiting to O, it usually happens between CD 14 and CD 16 some I should O sometime next week.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Piece of Crap!!!

I wrote a long reply and this "Shockwave app" crashed and cleared my whole message :(

I will try to re-write it later.............. Sorry I am super upset!

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9 years ago • Post starter

Bfp yesterday! Very excited!
I tested 3 days early with first response early result. Now I have to think of a creative way to tell dh.

Baby dust to all of you!

9 years ago

Cjsmommy -

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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