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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Congratulations Candie, that's amazing news! How do you feel about it? I hope your second scan goes well, but it all sounds like things are well if you have seen the babies moving. I always think twins would have been lovely. What fantastic news!

That's great news about your health too Shelob, I know you weren't too worried anyway but its always nice to have good news like that I think. Its good that you are feeling better but I can understand that makes you feel more anxious about the pregnancy. I've never minded feeling like crap cause I know it's a good sign. Have you thought about buying a heartbeat monitor? I know it worries some people if they cant find the heartbeat so it's not for everyone but I loved it with my previous pregnancies and found it really reassuring.

I don't believe in any of the old wives tales either but it's a bit of fun using them to guess what you might be having I think.

I've been getting period like cramps today and they're making me feel really negative about it all. I've also been tired beyond belief over the past few days but today I feel so much better and that's freaking me out as well. I can't wait for my scan on Tuesday and hoping things are fine.

Anyway glad to hear everyone's good news.xxxxx

10 years ago

OMG! That is so amazing Candie! TWINS! I'm so excited for you! I guess you were right about the morning sickness being a result of twins! Now, I want to know the sex of each baby!

I'm trying to catch up on all the updates. The last 10-14 days I've had a killer sinus infection teamed up with morning sickness that had me down for the count. I couldn't stand looking at my computer or phone the glare and the movement killed me. Thank God I'm over it. I'm happy to hear everyone is doing well. As for finding out the sex of the baby I am so finding out. In fact I'm finding out early, 14w4days (6days away) I have an appointment for an elective ultrasound. I kinda have a feeling it's a boy but almost everyone else thinks it's going to be a girl.
I love old wives tales, I don't by into them much but I love looking up all the "symptoms" and comparing them to my pregnancy.

Shelob- I took a Lamaze class with my first pregnancy. It was educational, I learned about the stages of labor but I didn't learn anything that I couldn't find online. It was fun to go out with dh and meet other couples. The part where you visualize colors and deal with labor pain was silly. DH and I were terrible. We couldn't stop laughing. Visualizing a warm red light covering my body as I was in the peak of a contraction did not work at all. I wish I would have picked something else. Prenatal yoga sounds nice to me.

Ruth- Fx that everything goes well at your scan. I've been having cramps as well, but had a doctors appointment a few days ago and all is well. It's probably your uterus stretching from the growing baby. Have you heard the heartbeat yet?

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10 years ago • Post starter

Sounds like you've been really suffering Babymine, poor you. Glad you are starting to feel better. There's nothing worse than not being able to be near bright lights because your ill. Good luck with finding out the sex of your baby soon, do you have any suspicions or would you prefer either boy or girl to complete your brood?

Candie how are the twinnies? I'm so excited for you? I know some theories are old wives tales but I reckon the sickness must play a part in it. You are growing 2 placentas right? So they say double the hcg which is what causes sickness so I've read in medical journals etc. I've read that's why if your having a girl you are more sick, something to do with the high oestrogen levels. Who knows, our bodies react differently too I guess so it won't be the same every pregnancy for every person either.

I've just managed to hear the heartbeat strongly on my monitor, am so relieved and happy about it! I thought I heard it a week ago but it was so quick and seemed to disappear after about 10 seconds so I was left thinking I was mistaken but this time it was a definite! I'm a bit more reassured for my scan now although I know there are other things that can go wrong.

Shelob, I was looking at doing a class of some sort too. Really need to get fit and I get bad SPD pains in second half of pregnancy which are crippling so thinking maybe yoga or something may help with that.

Hope everyone's feeling well and happy!


10 years ago

Wow, a lot has happened since I was last on here!!! Congrats about the twins Candie!!! Sounds like your morning sickness was due to multiples! So funny you had just mentioned it the day before! I hope everything goes alright. Having had a miscarriage and experienced early pregnancy bleeding I can understand how you must be feeling. From my experience when the bleeding continues and gets heavier, that's a bad sign. If it is just spotting now then that is good! There was no exlplanation for my bleeding this time and the sonographer said there is usually no obvious cause so hopefully yours stops and never comes back!

Ruth1981 that is great you hear the heartbeat!!! I don't think I will get a monitor because I spend enough time thinking about the pregnancy and I think that would just be another distraction for me. I am trying to keep working and I don't want to do a half-hearted job. Also, I hear they can be expensive. The midwife said if I ever was worried and just wanted to hear the hearbeat to let he know and I could come in and she would find it for me.

BabyMine I am glad you have recovered a bit from your sickness. How horrible to have the sinus infection too! I think I read somewhere they are way more common in pregnancy too. There are so many things you don't find out until they happen...

Yesterday I felt pretty much normal for the first time since I first came down with morning sickness. It was fantastic timing! A friend was getting married and so we had a whole day out with that. We were helping with playing music and serving food at the afternoon tea, then had the reception in the evening. It was a fantastic day! The meal was a bit disappointing though as there were so many things I couldn't eat. So many cold salads, and all the deserts with cream. Just not worth the risk. Still, there were some yummy yummy cooked veges, and roast potatoes which were possibly the best I have ever eaten! It was funny as when they said the bar was open, my friend and I were the first up there because there was only wine on the table and obviously I couldn't have that!

10 years ago

Thank you, ladies! My family is ecstatic and we're happy too but more scared than anything! Especially money wise as we now need to get double everything!! Plus move to a bigger house, get a bigger car... ugh!!! I'm still in shock though, lol.

I had the 2nd scan on Friday morning and they're great! 100% fraternal twins, 2 placentas though too early to tell the sexes yet but I still want a surprise! Friday I was 11w4days and baby A measured 11w6d and baby B measure 11w3d so still good though 3 days apart! The tech said it could be if baby B is somewhat curled more than the other it throws the dating off especially when they are so small! 3 days is nothing and heartbeats great, she let me hear, and 1 was around 166 and the other 169 so nice and strong! Had to wait FOREVER to get the results the same day on why they think I was bleeding and they think, weirdly enough, that it was a small implantation bleeding they saw on the ultrasound. Textbook IB only happens after conception but that doc at ER says they see it all the time after... as long as I don't have much heavier bleeding with bad cramps it should be ok. Due to twins I'm now considered a high risk pregnancy so I'll be seeing these babes, and the docs, much more than usual. :) I also found out that midwives are covered by our govt here but they rarely take a woman with twins due to the high risk! :(( Not fair when you think we need even more support but still holding hope I can find one...

Enough about me.... I'm soooo sorry to hear how sick you were babymine! I hope you're feeling better?! You must be sooo excited to find out the sex of your babe in a few day/s!!! Do you care what sex you have? How's your nausea and symptoms? Still ok? Can't wait till you can tell us what you're having!

So happy for you hearing a strong heartbeat, ruth!! You must be so relieved!! I hope your scan goes well tomorrow though I'm sure it will! How are you feeling lately? Still much nausea or any other symptoms? I'm praying we all find relief soon with most of us going in the 2nd trimester!!

You're so lucky, shelob, to feel so much better (even though you are further along)! I'm glad you were able to have a good time at your reception! Still having alot of aversions or are you avoiding things just to be safe? I hope you feeling better yesterday means things are getting better so you can sit back and enjoy being pregnant till the little one arrives!

I'm still doing ok otherwise all the doctor stuff! Still alot of aversions though it seems better at times but this gag/heaving and sensitivity to smells/thinking of icky stuff is still driving me crazy. Thought for sure 2 nights ago I was going to toss my cookies for the 1st time but I managed to avoid it with my gingersnaps! I think I just got heat exhaustion from being out most of the day though relaxing in the heat. I find the smallest things tired me out and I'm tired alot more than before! I have had no more bleeding after Thursday though have had a little brown cm on Saturday evening and when having a bm (TMI sry) but it's to be expected! Overall can't complain too much though as I think I've been lucky so far! :)))

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10 years ago

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Congratulations babymine!!

I hope you're happy it's a girl!! That's wonderful news!! So happy for you! Do you have names picked out?

How is everyone doing? Still lots of symptoms for everyone? I hope you're all feeling good or better than before and your tummies are growing! :D

I'm doing pretty good - nausea is very slowly starting to wane so hope it continues. I had red bleeding again a week after the ER incident, though the doctor said it could, so I just took it easy and made an appt to see my family doc tomorrow. Want to see a ob/gyn ASAP so I can feel better with a specialist. I'm looking forward to hearing the heartbeat(S)! :)

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10 years ago

Hi! We had a midwife appointment yesterday. Heard the heartbeat which was sooooo good! When she was feeling for my uterus it was way higher that expected for 16 weeks. Almost to my umbilicus when it should be halfway between my pelvic bone and umbilicus. She then scared me by checking we had had a scan and it was definitely not twins! I had to ask if there was any possibility of missing it in a scan! But no, it is apparently just my size and shape contributing to the large uterus. I got weighed again and it proved the inaccuracy of my cheap bathroom scales. I thought I had barely put on any weight, but I was 2.5kg heavier than 6 weeks ago! I think this is right on track so I am very pleased :)

I have now told most people about the pregnancy...except work colleagues. I have told my immediate boss and the big boss, but noone else. Wanted to wait at least until after this appointment.

10 years ago

Hi ladies!

How is everyone feeling?! I bet babymine and Shelob must be feeling kicks already! I swear I feel them but it feels like stretches and some kicks/bubbles since 13 weeks but think it's mainly gas! :( I'm 17 weeks today! Got my first ob/gyn appt this Friday! No more family doc!

Hope you're all doing well and feeling good!

Keep in touch!

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10 years ago

Hi all!

I've been so busy I've been forgetting to write. Hope everyone is well. Glad you are doing good Candie and you are starting to feel movements. I think this is the most exciting part. I've been getting lots of flutters and wriggles and they are definitely the baby moving, it's really obvious this week.

When I had my 12 week scan they dated me 3 days early than I should be which puts me back to the date I had when I went by the first day of my last period. I know it's not accurate and the 8 week scan was bang on the date to when I ovulated but hey ho I have to go with the 12 week scan date so I'm now 17 and a half weeks apparently. At least if I go overdue like I did with my other two I'll get induced a little earlier.

I have told work and pretty much everyone now, there's just a few people I don't see often who don't know.

Any news from anyone else?


10 years ago

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